I think it's quite interesting to think of the different subject matters and approaches Devin has taken lyrically.
Some are very personal, others are more of a general viewpoint on humanity/the world.
I was just wondering, what sort of songs are your favourites lyircally and what is it about them that grabs you?
Are tehre any subjects you'd like to see Devin tackle in the future? For example, I firmly believe that he could produce the perfect love song...I don't think he's got there yet, but I hope it does happen. I'm more of a fan of Devin's personel, gut wrenchingly emotional lyrics, but I love how he manages to tackle the wider issues with that emotion intact if that makes sense
Some are very personal, others are more of a general viewpoint on humanity/the world.
I was just wondering, what sort of songs are your favourites lyircally and what is it about them that grabs you?
Are tehre any subjects you'd like to see Devin tackle in the future? For example, I firmly believe that he could produce the perfect love song...I don't think he's got there yet, but I hope it does happen. I'm more of a fan of Devin's personel, gut wrenchingly emotional lyrics, but I love how he manages to tackle the wider issues with that emotion intact if that makes sense
Technical Music Revolution
Technical Music Revolution