A few slightly unconnected observations...

I have decided to share with you guys a few things I have been thinking about recently. I often think of things and then do nothing about them, so here I go doing something with my thoughts.
Thought No. 1)
Every DT(B) album has a song on it that is very 'immediate', even if the rest of the album takes a few more listens to enjoy. By immediate I guess I mean 'catchy' but I mean it in a completely positive way.
Ocean Machine - Life
Infinity - Christeen
Physicist - Material
Terria - Earth Day (I have always seen this as a 'rock' song, just on steroids)
Synchestra - Vampolka/Vampira
In this respect, AE is unique because there are definately more than one such songs. Perhaps 'Storm' is the most immediate but there are a few other valid candinates (Traveller, Slow Me Down, Sunday Afternoon).
The same is true to some extent with SYL, though in a different, and SYL-ish kind of way.
Thought No. 2)
On the subject of similarities between Alien and Synchestra, I feel that there are few. The one thing that does strike me as similar between these two albums is the production. Every time I hear a 'bass-bomb' in Synchestra, I think of Alien. The level of detail and ambience is also very similar. However, I do not feel that they totally oppose or mirror each other. Alien is cold, brutal and apocalyptic. Synchestra is warm, soothing and reflective, yet the tone of the songs is not so different.
Thought No. 3)
Strapping Young Lad places you on a road before accelerating a bulldozer straight towards you. It hits you smack in the face! And it hurts. The Devin Townsend Band puts on its sandals, hops in the Cadillac with the open top and takes the scenic route to get to you. But they both get to you, and the intensity can be the same.
Thought No. 4)
Where on earth does Devlab come in to all this? We can no longer rationalise these things as polar opposites. When Hummer comes along we will be even more confused. Are you confused? I am.
My brain feels better now...
Thought No. 1)
Every DT(B) album has a song on it that is very 'immediate', even if the rest of the album takes a few more listens to enjoy. By immediate I guess I mean 'catchy' but I mean it in a completely positive way.
Ocean Machine - Life
Infinity - Christeen
Physicist - Material
Terria - Earth Day (I have always seen this as a 'rock' song, just on steroids)
Synchestra - Vampolka/Vampira
In this respect, AE is unique because there are definately more than one such songs. Perhaps 'Storm' is the most immediate but there are a few other valid candinates (Traveller, Slow Me Down, Sunday Afternoon).
The same is true to some extent with SYL, though in a different, and SYL-ish kind of way.
Thought No. 2)
On the subject of similarities between Alien and Synchestra, I feel that there are few. The one thing that does strike me as similar between these two albums is the production. Every time I hear a 'bass-bomb' in Synchestra, I think of Alien. The level of detail and ambience is also very similar. However, I do not feel that they totally oppose or mirror each other. Alien is cold, brutal and apocalyptic. Synchestra is warm, soothing and reflective, yet the tone of the songs is not so different.
Thought No. 3)
Strapping Young Lad places you on a road before accelerating a bulldozer straight towards you. It hits you smack in the face! And it hurts. The Devin Townsend Band puts on its sandals, hops in the Cadillac with the open top and takes the scenic route to get to you. But they both get to you, and the intensity can be the same.
Thought No. 4)
Where on earth does Devlab come in to all this? We can no longer rationalise these things as polar opposites. When Hummer comes along we will be even more confused. Are you confused? I am.
My brain feels better now...