Review: Evenlight & DTB Vancouver, 2/11/06

Right, so I just got back from the DTB show here in Vancouver, and I thought I'd give you guys a review of the nights activities.
Got to the 'The Red Room' around 7 with my gf, and stood around outside and listened to the soundcheck (which seems to entail Dave playing the 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Kind' theme while Dev screams
) The doors were opened at 8 and we went in and found a great spot at a table just off of the floor about 10 feet from the stage. I talked to Mike for a bit as we sat down, and saw Dave, Ryan, Brian and Scott (Evenlight bass player who my gf deemed "seriously hot") walking around, shooting the shit with everyone.
At 8:30 Evenlight took to the stage. Scott was handling most of the vocals, and Dave was doing the backing vocals. Brian just stood at the side of the stage and never went near the mic until his parts in 'Los Bad Guy Os'. He left the stage during 'Dirty Whore'. Dave's guitar lost sound halfway through the song, so it ended up being drums and bass for most of it. Guitar troubles fixed, Dave came back on for 'Pay'. As a side note, Evenlight's drummer, Scotty McCargar is a total showman. He was throwing sticks in the air, yelling at the crowd, and generally tearing shit up. Evenlight played a really solid set, despite the technical glitches.
Here's Evenlight's setlist for the night:
Evenlight Setlist
Lil' Squanch
Dirty Whore
Los Bad Guys 'Os
Polluted & Dilluted
Tong Vu
After a brief stage changeover, the Devin Townsend band came on. They started off with 'Truth', complete with a flourish of extra guitar wankerey by Dev.
After 'Truth', Brian walked off stage. He came back for the last minute or so of 'Regulator', but then he disappeared again and didn't return for the rest of the night. I dunno what was up with him, but he didn't look very happy throughout the Evenlight set, or for the brief time he was on with the DTB.
Anyways, carrying on with the show, 'Gaia' was the first Synchestra song to be played, and holy fuck did it slay. 'Pixillate' was next, and Deborah Tyzio was brought on stage to sing her part in the song (incidentally, when she walked out I realized that I had actually been talking to her for a bit outside while waiting to be let in
). Some older songs were played next, with 'Life' and 'Earth Day' getting a really good reaction. 'Triumph' was played next, and it was easily the best of the new songs played tonight. The country interlude was played, but no attempt was made to play Vai's solo. The highlight of the show was 'Bad Devil'. The club absolutely exploded when the first notes were played, and a sizeable pit opened up on the floor.
After a brief break, the DTB came back on stage and started playing.....Vampolka! I didn't see that coming at all.
Then Vampira came along, with some more guitar wankerey from Dev injected into the middle of the song.
All in all, it was a really good show. Despite playing as a four-piece for almost all of the show, all the songs came through really well and really loud. The entire band seemed to be in a really good mood, with smiles all around and Dev cracking jokes between songs. It was nice to see them play a full set too (this was just under 1 1/2 hrs). I'd kinda like to know what was up with Brian though.
Here's the complete setlist.
Devin Townsend Band Setlist
Earth Day
Away/Deep Peace
Bad Devil
All the good vibes that I had from the evening were gone by the time I got back to my car in the parkade a couple of blocks up from the club. I walk up the ramp with my gf only to see the drivers side window completely smashed and the lock ripped out of the door. The only thing they took was my book of CD's, which while not worth much in dollars, still pisses me right off. Another group of guys on that were at the show and were parked on the same level as we were had there car broken into as well. So much for a patrolled parking lot. The Vancouver Police were all sorts of no help as well. Fucking meth addicts...
Do yourself a favour if you're ever in Vancouver and never under any circumstances park in an EasyPark lot. Those cocksucking bastards can just fuck right off.
Anyways, I'm going to sleep now and let my ears rest. Tomorrow I get to deal with all the fun of making an ICBC claim...
Got to the 'The Red Room' around 7 with my gf, and stood around outside and listened to the soundcheck (which seems to entail Dave playing the 'Close Encounters Of The Third Kind Kind' theme while Dev screams

At 8:30 Evenlight took to the stage. Scott was handling most of the vocals, and Dave was doing the backing vocals. Brian just stood at the side of the stage and never went near the mic until his parts in 'Los Bad Guy Os'. He left the stage during 'Dirty Whore'. Dave's guitar lost sound halfway through the song, so it ended up being drums and bass for most of it. Guitar troubles fixed, Dave came back on for 'Pay'. As a side note, Evenlight's drummer, Scotty McCargar is a total showman. He was throwing sticks in the air, yelling at the crowd, and generally tearing shit up. Evenlight played a really solid set, despite the technical glitches.
Here's Evenlight's setlist for the night:
Evenlight Setlist
Lil' Squanch
Dirty Whore
Los Bad Guys 'Os
Polluted & Dilluted
Tong Vu
After a brief stage changeover, the Devin Townsend band came on. They started off with 'Truth', complete with a flourish of extra guitar wankerey by Dev.

Anyways, carrying on with the show, 'Gaia' was the first Synchestra song to be played, and holy fuck did it slay. 'Pixillate' was next, and Deborah Tyzio was brought on stage to sing her part in the song (incidentally, when she walked out I realized that I had actually been talking to her for a bit outside while waiting to be let in

After a brief break, the DTB came back on stage and started playing.....Vampolka! I didn't see that coming at all.

All in all, it was a really good show. Despite playing as a four-piece for almost all of the show, all the songs came through really well and really loud. The entire band seemed to be in a really good mood, with smiles all around and Dev cracking jokes between songs. It was nice to see them play a full set too (this was just under 1 1/2 hrs). I'd kinda like to know what was up with Brian though.
Here's the complete setlist.
Devin Townsend Band Setlist
Earth Day
Away/Deep Peace
Bad Devil
All the good vibes that I had from the evening were gone by the time I got back to my car in the parkade a couple of blocks up from the club. I walk up the ramp with my gf only to see the drivers side window completely smashed and the lock ripped out of the door. The only thing they took was my book of CD's, which while not worth much in dollars, still pisses me right off. Another group of guys on that were at the show and were parked on the same level as we were had there car broken into as well. So much for a patrolled parking lot. The Vancouver Police were all sorts of no help as well. Fucking meth addicts...

Do yourself a favour if you're ever in Vancouver and never under any circumstances park in an EasyPark lot. Those cocksucking bastards can just fuck right off.
Anyways, I'm going to sleep now and let my ears rest. Tomorrow I get to deal with all the fun of making an ICBC claim...