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HDR to scale back merchandise department

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:04 am
by Tracy
Hi all. Devin and I have decided that it is time to reduce the stock we are carrying. This will result in a discontinuation of many of the shirt lines we have and much of what we have now will not be re-ordered. You may have already noticed that many items in the store are marked "SOLD OUT". After much discussion is is apparent that currently we are putting everything we earn into maintaining this massive stockpile that as time goes on keeps getting bigger and harder to manage. So, we need to simplify.

We have also decided to stop carrying hoodies entirely. Due to yet ANOTHER Canada Post price increase Jan 16, postage for a hoodie overseas is going up to $27.55!!! (Is it just me or is that insane?) While popular, they are too costly to produce and ship.

We have already added some items to the ebay store that can be had for cheaper Others will be added there over time. I will post more information as we go. Input is welcome. If you have been eyeing something, grab it now because it may not be there next time...

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:50 am
by Persuader
I'd say go for the current album thing.
Damn, those post prices are ridiculous! How about letting some european company print stuff for us overseas customers then? Or would you lose money that way?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:18 am
Yay! Cheap stuff. :D

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:34 am
by Atari
Looks like i need to hurry the hell up and get another merch order in....

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 4:01 am
by Biert
I was planning on buying a Synchestra hoodie, I better hurry up.

These postage fares are indeed ridiculous. As Persuader said, maybe it would be an option to get a European company to produce the stuff for European fans?

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 5:31 am
by JuZ
Wow... that's a great deal of money to be paying for postage, Tracy. It'll be a cold day in hell when the post, a bank or a phone company DROPS their prices or "fees", huh? As someone who has always said "I'll buy all that merch one day" it's a bit of a wake up call, so I'll have to get cracking.

I understand why you're cutting back, but an opportunity to buy a hoodie and a shirt or two before they're all gone will be appreciated. We can't all instantly splash out on merch so a chance to save up a few bucks would be great. Thanks for the heads-up!

Now, to start counting the pennies... :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 1:36 pm
by A-Daamage
I would say keep the red and white logo shirt since it's non-album specific and is a well-known logo by now.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 2:37 pm
by Atari
A-Daamage wrote:I would say keep the red and white logo shirt since it's non-album specific and is a well-known logo by now.

yeah, that design is badass.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:14 pm
by sicsmoo
Real shame about the hoodies, but that postage price is just outrageous. As for the SYL design, I'm leaning towards the Alien/current album design.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 12, 2006 7:24 pm
by Kristopher
yeh go the current album...
then we gotta buy a new shirt with every cd we buy;) otherwise the shirt will get discontinued next album right

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 12:36 am
by A-Daamage
Kristopher wrote:yeh go the current album...
then we gotta buy a new shirt with every cd we buy;) otherwise the shirt will get discontinued next album right

I think it would make more sense to keep the original "Japanese" logo as a permanent shirt design, and then sell a shirt for each new album for a year, then discontinue the new shirt design.

Don't let the original logo die!

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 10:37 am
by gozu
i agree the simple standard would be the best also i already have the "oh my fucking god" one...

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:22 pm
by Noodles
Holy poop 23$ shipping... That's only like 12$ less than i PAYED for an arsis hoodie

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 8:55 pm
by Tracy
Noodles wrote:Holy poop 23$ shipping... That's only like 12$ less than i PAYED for an arsis hoodie

Yes, hence why we're cancelling hoodies! Monday it goes up again. People complain about the prices but if a hoodie costs $26 to make and $27.55 to send, and the shopping cart takes 9%, the envelope it goes in is $2... How are we supposed to keep it going like that?

The USA, I presume because they have 10x the population, still has reasonable postage prices. We don't.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 11:22 pm
by asparagusDuck
i think going with the current album would be good. i bet a lot of fans already have the standard and everyone will have a chance to get different shirts as different things come out.