The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#99543 by Turge
Sat Dec 17, 2005 9:41 am
A similar thread can be found on the SYL message board. A quick search told there was not a thread like this here, so forgive me if I fucked up. And... I didn't start the thread on the SYL board, that honor goes to Greg. :)

Well, shall we?

-you repeatedly wake up sweating from the scream in Things Beyond Things, but still listens to Ocean Machine EVERY night
-you start doing jazz hands and singing "Baaaaad devoool, baaaaad devoool" everytime you hear someone playing the piano
-you decide to live at the beach until you actually see the seventh wave

(okay, that last one was kinda crap :P )

#99583 by Burbster
Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:04 pm
-Whenever you meet your friend's girlfriend, you demand that she should "Get down there and suck my Buddy's cock".
-You actually have considered having a skullet... actually did get a skullet.
-When you're pissed off at someone, you scream SYL lyrics.
-Every time you see a moth you yell "Sing Maute Dingaaass!".
-You have considered naming your son Devin... actually have named your son Devin.
-You can't watch Phantom of the Opera without thinking about "Christeen".

#99586 by Turge
Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:35 pm
Burbster wrote:-You can't watch Phantom of the Opera without thinking about "Christeen".

I am so guilty of this!

#99589 by Naffis-kun
Sat Dec 17, 2005 1:09 pm
"Get down there and suck my Buddy's cock".

Hey that was on the SYL dvd :). I thought it was "body's", though. Me and my English.
Btw, I always wonder what happened there in the middle of OMFG. They stopped playing and some stuff happened.

#99605 by Shamnera
Sat Dec 17, 2005 3:23 pm
Naffis-kun wrote:"Get down there and suck my Buddy's cock".

Hey that was on the SYL dvd :). I thought it was "body's", though. Me and my English.
Btw, I always wonder what happened there in the middle of OMFG. They stopped playing and some stuff happened.

I acually did this too. :)

#99706 by asparagusDuck
Sat Dec 17, 2005 10:05 pm
I'm guilty of all these...

-when you lose a cd and mourn its loss as if it were a person. (i found it again its ok dont worry)

-just as someone is about to play an instrument you yell "play that stupid piece of shit!!!"

-if someone says to eat your beets you automatically answer "recycle, recycle"

-whenever you see an olive you start speaking in slow motion.

-you start having dreams about what synchrestra will sound like

-Whenever you or anybody else mentions the name Christeen you hafta add 'that's all I ask of you.'

-you see some ants, put on the song 'Ants' and hold the headphones up to them so they can listen.

-when you eat a box of Life cereal you yell "LIFE IS ALL DYNAMICS!!!"

-When you're leaving and someone asks if youre ready to go, you immediately think of 'Victim' and yell "I'M READY TO GO! SO READY TO GO! SO READY TO GO!"

#99723 by DevonH
Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:05 am
Hated your own name until you discovered DTB. :P

#99727 by Spinalcold
Sun Dec 18, 2005 12:55 am
Naffis-kun wrote:"Get down there and suck my Buddy's cock".

Hey that was on the SYL dvd :). I thought it was "body's", though. Me and my English.

You mean it isn't Body's? Me and a few buddies were debating this for some time and I always thought it was Body's. It made more sence, because to me the lyric seperated physical from emotional to an extremity, and I thought that was the point. Pure vulgar lust.

Regardless of the intent or what he's actually saying, I will be stuborn and still scream, "get down and suck my body's cock". It's much more vulgar that way.

#99737 by gurp13
Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:01 am
- You use the Smart Playlist function for a playlist of your 25 most played tracks on your iTunes and they are all by Devin Townsend.

- The most beautiful sound you ever heard is still that bell ringing in "Unity."

- You are constantly saying, "It's this Canadian musician who owns his own label. He's a genius," to anyone who asks what that is that you're listening to.

- You bought a fuckin' t-shirt.

#99759 by Atari
Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:47 am
3 out of 4 isn't bad.

#99786 by Chris
Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:26 am
Atari wrote:3 out of 4 isn't bad.

So you didn't buy a fuckin' t-shirt? :lol:

#99791 by Atari
Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:36 am
I did! I bought the "We Rule Britannia" shirt.

It's the bell ringing. Thw whole of Truth beats it.

#99792 by Chris
Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:41 am
Atari wrote:It's the bell ringing. Thw whole of Truth beats it.

Ha, okay. Well, I guess this itself would be worth a statement, right?

You know you're into Devin Townsend, when...

-the most beautiful sound you ever heard is Infinity's opener "Truth"

So... I'll give a 4 out of 4.

#99793 by Metalmonkey
Sun Dec 18, 2005 7:42 am
Naffis-kun wrote:"Get down there and suck my Buddy's cock".

Hey that was on the SYL dvd :). I thought it was "body's", though. Me and my English.
Btw, I always wonder what happened there in the middle of OMFG. They stopped playing and some stuff happened.

I guess you haven't heard much of SYL live :) Well they allways have a break at this point in the song, and Dev does some babbling with the crowd, allways good stuff going on. The "Get down" part is now famous :D

Back to the topic :

- You're into it when you hear yourself singing loudly "La la la la la" with a tiny voice during Namaste (and in OMFG too!!)

#99885 by Deathcom7000
Sun Dec 18, 2005 5:24 pm
-You adress people as "ladies and gentlemen"

-Consider buying an extra t-shirt for your ugly girlfriend

-You DID buy a t-shirt for your ugly girlfriend

-When you tell your rabbi that the closest way to god is through the album Infinity (I'm guilty of that one)

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