The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#98273 by asparagusDuck
Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:41 am
ok this is my screwed up dream with devin townsend.
my mom and I were walking around somewhere and we come across a baseball field. The Baltimore Orioles are playing some other team. I love baseball so we stopped to watch for a bit. Then we hear a voice on the PA thing "Now pinch hitting and playing second base for the Baltimore Orioles...DEVIN TOWNSEND!!!"
I was like woah Devin plays baseball? I never knew! Sweet!
So I excitedly waited to see Dev hit even tho my mom was begging me to go. He fouls off like 30 pitches in a row, switches around to bat left handed, and fouls one sky high, coming down in my mom's direction. I tried to protect her but her head was in the way so it wacked her shoulder.
She was in agonizing pain and screamed for me to get the yellow pages so I could look up shoulder repair. Unfortunately, all the shoulder repair guys were on vacation so I had to sit and listen to my dear ol mom scream in pain. She then said that she was doomed since poison chemicals were leaking from her broken scapula into her bloodstream. Then my dad burst in swearing those goofy doctors and told me that if I hurried, I could complete med school and help my mom before it was too late. I think that was the end.

So thank you devin townsend for breaking my mom's scapula. :lol:
weird eh?

#98358 by hog
Fri Dec 09, 2005 6:09 pm
Crazy biscuits lol!! :shock: :)

#98364 by Mordecai
Fri Dec 09, 2005 10:25 pm
I had a dream about Devin once, too.

I was at one of his concerts, it was DTB.. but for some reason they were playing Detox. I couldn't believe my eyes so I ran up and started rocking out pretty hard near the front of the stage (there was hardly anyone there) and I remember it was all blue and awesome looking.

Anyway, then later Mr. Townsend, Scott (funny_little_guy) and myself were hanging out sitting on one of the benches at the front of my school. I remember asking him about a million and 5 questions and we were having a wonderful conversation... Then out of nowhere Scott kissed Devin!

..And Devin liked it!

Haha, nah that last bit's a lie.. but he might've, I can't really know for sure. It was only a dream after all.

#98368 by asparagusDuck
Fri Dec 09, 2005 11:38 pm
haha strange. i bet dev would enjoy knowing that hes getting smooched in your dreams.

i remember once i had another dream with the DTB in it, this one was pretty cool. i found out that they were shooting a video for Synchestra in the lobby of one of the dorms at UCONN. So i ran over and got to see everyone playing. I remember the song sounded pretty sweet too. Then it turned really poppy and I noticed Devin had been replaced by a stunt double and a giant lobster starting playing guitar. thats when i woke up.

#98398 by the_scoon
Sat Dec 10, 2005 8:57 am
:lol: You guys have some tapped dreams. I'm yet to have a dream with Devin in it, but i think I've had dreams about the songs. Like, the song is put to a series of different pictures. That was cool.

#98415 by DevonH
Sat Dec 10, 2005 12:40 pm
Damn, I had a dream about the Dev las week too....i just never mentioned it because I thought I was alone.

I was with my cousin at her work for some reason. She's grown with kids and everything....anyway. In her office, I see Dev and he's walking around the halls with an envelope with what I believe is the Synchestra masters. He's getting ready to send them out. I chat with him for a minute and volunteer to send them myself and he let me.
That's all I was strange.

#98490 by Vesper
Sun Dec 11, 2005 2:44 am
1. share some of the stuff you inhale/eat/osmose :)
2. stop thinking about Devin so much :D
3. well, such dreams mean that you have a very active mentality, plus a subconsciousness that's roaming free on your databanks ;)

#98532 by DevonH
Sun Dec 11, 2005 11:40 am
Vesper wrote:1. share some of the stuff you inhale/eat/osmose :)
2. stop thinking about Devin so much :D
3. well, such dreams mean that you have a very active mentality, plus a subconsciousness that's roaming free on your databanks ;)

Not really thinking about Dev so much, as I'm really wanting Synchestra to come out already!!

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