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The song "Ocean machines"

Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:15 am
by Lesnar
...I´m begging you Dev. The song on the ass-sordid demos "ocean machines". PLLEEEAAASSEEE...redo that one on some of your upcoming DTB albums. It´s gotta be one of the best tracks ever, the vocal lines on the 1st verse are some of the best in metal - that´s all i´m saying.
Everyone who hasn´t heard that one, get a hold of it now. That is TRULY amazing song that would fit to DTB album perfectly. The biomech album is propably one of my most played albums of all time.

Fri Dec 09, 2005 1:58 am
Tis an awesome song. The vocals remind me of Freddy Mercury....

Fri Dec 09, 2005 8:12 pm
by asparagusDuck
is this song ever played live?

Sat Dec 10, 2005 2:21 am
by Chris
asparagusDuck wrote:is this song ever played live?
I highly doubt it. Needless to say, it would be killer.
Same for the re-recording. Those riffs are just meant to be heard loud -and concerning the standards Devy's productions have reached, it might take the song to a new level. Which is saying a lot, since I think Ocean Machines is one of Dev's best songs.

Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:27 am
by Lesnar
Chris wrote:
Those riffs are just meant to be heard loud -and concerning the standards Devy's productions have reached, it might take the song to a new level. Which is saying a lot, since I think Ocean Machines is one of Dev's best songs.
Right on dude. This is a landslide of votes right here!
I really can´t figure it out why that song was not on the biomech album in the first place. The mood is just there! It´s got to be one of the top 3 songs from Dev ever.

Sat Dec 10, 2005 3:49 am
by Verdo
If I remember correctly, Dev liked the song very much but thought it was too long for the album (which nonetheless lasts for more than 70 minutes)

Sat Dec 10, 2005 6:40 am
by funny_little_guy
If you think you the album it doesn't really fit right anywhere. The album would feel pretty different with it on it, nevertheless it does rock pretty hard.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 1:51 am
by Lesnar
Oh? To me it would fit perfectly ANYWHERE on the album. I´m pretty sure that with a pro-production you´d agree with me. or not.
If I remember correctly, Dev liked the song very much but thought it was too long for the album.
Yep that would make sense, hopefully he´ll consider redoing it someday. I´d have a hard time dropping any of the songs out aswell.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 7:15 am
by doomsoldier
IMO, it would fit perfectly just before Death Of Music, in the place of Bastard. I never much cared for Bastard.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:59 am
by asparagusDuck
you bastard! you cant do that!
j/k, but i love bastard and would never replace it. i guess if u had to put OM in there somewhere, towards the end would be the place to do it.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:21 pm
by Tracy
Chris wrote:asparagusDuck wrote:is this song ever played live?
I highly doubt it. Needless to say, it would be killer.
Same for the re-recording. Those riffs are just meant to be heard loud -and concerning the standards Devy's productions have reached, it might take the song to a new level. Which is saying a lot, since I think Ocean Machines is one of Dev's best songs.
No, it's never been played live.
I don't really agree with re-doing it. I find that it never catches the same emotional intensity the first one has. Good example is 'Woman' (I really loved the first version [Ass-Sordid II] on the Noisecapes demo but could never get used to the re-recorded version [Ass-Sordid I]. But that's just me.)
really into them the first time but you know his temperament, once he's recorded something his mind is already on to the next thing.

Sun Dec 11, 2005 6:28 pm
by Tracy
I really can´t figure it out why that song was not on the biomech album in the first place. The mood is just there! It´s got to be one of the top 3 songs from Dev ever.
Devin did think it was too long but even if he decided to include it, there is not enough room on a CD. That record filled all available space. As said, something else would have to go and given the length, it would have to be a few songs. And no, Bastard is not an option

Sun Dec 11, 2005 8:44 pm
by doomsoldier
Seventh Wave
Hide Nowhere
3 A.M.
Voices In The Fan

Ocean Machines
The Death Of Music
Things Beyond Things

Sun Dec 11, 2005 10:27 pm
by Catatonik
I love that song, and all I'd want is to hear it live once.
That's all.
Is that too much to ask?

Mon Dec 12, 2005 12:58 am
by Kristopher
okay... igotit!!
re do Ocean machine biomech as a DVD... (heaps of space on one of them right??)
put the song ocean machines in there somewhere(wherever Dev deems fit)
Then we all plug our DVD audio feed into our stereo and WAHA!! ocean machines becomes a title track for biomech... hey... and in 5.1 surround sound.... fuck yeah....