Just thought I'd look up some reviews of older Dev albums... just to see what kind of ratings they got.
The thing is, I noticed that whenever DTB or solo Dev is reviewed or mentioned, they always refer to DT stuff almost like it's a side project to the main band Strapping Young Lad. Now I know that commercially this may be the perception - it was my perception around the time of City/OM - but surely if the reviewers did their research, they'd realise that the number of DTB albums is in fact greater than the number of SYL albums.
Even though all the reviews are positive, I think it's doing a disservice to the quality of the DTB material to define it purely as some kind of off-the-wall prog-dabbling novelty that Dev does on the side. I maybe reading too much into it, but it explains why I know plenty of people who know SYL, but so few of them know the DTB (except for when I inform them of course!). It's as though beauty in music only makes sense to some metallers if it's in the form of a token female vocalist/bassist...
Sadly, I'm almost certain that this will happen with Synchestra too, and people reading the reviews will say "Ugh! Tuba?! That's not metal
" and ignore what would almost certainly be a revelation in their musical tastes.
I'm pretty sure I can see where Dev's coming from in his journal now - Hate pays the bills, love nourishes the soul. It may not be a cool thing to say, but it's refreshing and I like it, and I'm glad I'm part of this miniture rock revolution.
I may be way off on this one (I am pretty tired writing this) but I hope I'm making a reasonable point. If Dev's heart lies in the DTB, and there's actually more of that stuff out there than SYL, isn't it about time DTB took it's rightful, and (at least) equal position alongside Strapping Young Lad in the minds of the metal masses?
On a personal level (so don't flame me for this), but I think DTB/solo stuff has been of a far more consistent quality than SYL anyway. Maybe because it represents a more free-flowing aspect to Dev's personality. Whatever the reason, up against each other, and based on the time at which they were released, I'd have to say....
1) HAARHT is okay
2) OM Vs City... the perfect balance of light and dark
3) Infinity, Physicist, Terria......
.... and AE Vs SYL? Well it is four against one! Also SYL isn't the strongest Strapping release.
4)Alien Vs Synchestra... will it be the next perfect equilibrium between good and evil? I guess we'll have to wait and see!
My point is that across the board SO FAR... Dev's "main" band is almost certainly not SYL!!! This doesn't mean I want SYL dead and long live the DTB or anything, just that I think it's about time this other side of his music was recognised for what it is and not always reviewed in terms of it's associations with SYL.
And again just my opinion, but I think it proves how one-dimensional metal can be that DTB isn't huge!!
The thing is, I noticed that whenever DTB or solo Dev is reviewed or mentioned, they always refer to DT stuff almost like it's a side project to the main band Strapping Young Lad. Now I know that commercially this may be the perception - it was my perception around the time of City/OM - but surely if the reviewers did their research, they'd realise that the number of DTB albums is in fact greater than the number of SYL albums.
Even though all the reviews are positive, I think it's doing a disservice to the quality of the DTB material to define it purely as some kind of off-the-wall prog-dabbling novelty that Dev does on the side. I maybe reading too much into it, but it explains why I know plenty of people who know SYL, but so few of them know the DTB (except for when I inform them of course!). It's as though beauty in music only makes sense to some metallers if it's in the form of a token female vocalist/bassist...
Sadly, I'm almost certain that this will happen with Synchestra too, and people reading the reviews will say "Ugh! Tuba?! That's not metal

I'm pretty sure I can see where Dev's coming from in his journal now - Hate pays the bills, love nourishes the soul. It may not be a cool thing to say, but it's refreshing and I like it, and I'm glad I'm part of this miniture rock revolution.
I may be way off on this one (I am pretty tired writing this) but I hope I'm making a reasonable point. If Dev's heart lies in the DTB, and there's actually more of that stuff out there than SYL, isn't it about time DTB took it's rightful, and (at least) equal position alongside Strapping Young Lad in the minds of the metal masses?
On a personal level (so don't flame me for this), but I think DTB/solo stuff has been of a far more consistent quality than SYL anyway. Maybe because it represents a more free-flowing aspect to Dev's personality. Whatever the reason, up against each other, and based on the time at which they were released, I'd have to say....
1) HAARHT is okay
2) OM Vs City... the perfect balance of light and dark
3) Infinity, Physicist, Terria......
.... and AE Vs SYL? Well it is four against one! Also SYL isn't the strongest Strapping release.
4)Alien Vs Synchestra... will it be the next perfect equilibrium between good and evil? I guess we'll have to wait and see!
My point is that across the board SO FAR... Dev's "main" band is almost certainly not SYL!!! This doesn't mean I want SYL dead and long live the DTB or anything, just that I think it's about time this other side of his music was recognised for what it is and not always reviewed in terms of it's associations with SYL.
And again just my opinion, but I think it proves how one-dimensional metal can be that DTB isn't huge!!
Can I deprive my brain of oxygen?!