The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#89228 by Annie
Fri Sep 23, 2005 4:00 pm
Hoorah! As a ProgPower USA III attendee who enjoyed the DTB set tremendously, it is great to be able to relive some of the wonderful moments through the inclusion of the Seventh Wave performance on the first Prog Power USA Behind the Scenes DVD!

Much appreciated, guys! 8)

#89345 by funny_little_guy
Sun Sep 25, 2005 4:48 am
DVD, how, where? Is this something someone in Australia can get their hands on or what?

#89359 by Ninja Butterfly
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:11 am
Ok Glenn at PP USA pointed me towards this on their forum:-

DVD Ordering Information


ProgPower USA DVD Ordering Information

ProgPower USA V: Behind the Scenes DVD
Running Time: 250 Minutes
Region 1
Stereo Sound Only

ProgPower USA V Documentary
Crew Stories
ProgPower USA I-V Setlists
Easter Eggs
Live performances from: Angra, Edguy, Threshold, Supeior, The Devin Townsend Band, Pain of Salvation, Mercenary, Wuthering Heights, Brainstorm, Tad Morose, Adagio, Pagan's Mind, Dreamscape, Silent Force, & Redemption (with Ray Alder)

Please note that there is a known incompatibility with digital audio recievers/wires. You must be set to stereo. (Sorry, but this isn't LucasFilms).

Cost is $25 per disc plus $5 s/h. Please add $1 for each additional disc ordered. Please add an additional $2 for international shipping.

No refunds/returns.

Payment is accepted via paypal only at the present. Visit to sign up for an account. Send payment to:

Please include the following in your paypal email:

Quanity Ordered
Mailing Address

Please allow 2 weeks for delivery as all discs are shipped once/week on Monday afternoons. Due to the expected intial ordering rush, the first shipment will not go out until October 3rd.

**** This was a one time pressing only and only a limited quanity remain. These are the remains of my stock from PP USA VI. There will be no new printings or any distribution via domestic/international channels. This is exclusive to this website. ******

#89360 by funny_little_guy
Sun Sep 25, 2005 6:17 am
Why thankyou

#89387 by Atari
Sun Sep 25, 2005 1:58 pm
Region 1. Ghey. Aussies can't get it either unless they have multiregion capabilities.

#89405 by Jolted Joel
Sun Sep 25, 2005 8:47 pm
Drumdude13 wrote:I have'nt even seen that !!!! How is it ? That was pretty much our first show ever....other than a small warm-up show we played in Vancouver. We were pretty green back then, except for Devin of course ! I need to get a copy 8)


Ryan...its killer bro! The opening to that set was awesome.....
Classic Dev quote after opening with summer of 69 "hey, we're from Canada so stick it up your c*nt!".....That was one of my favorite sets of all the PP's for sure.

Hit me up bro.


#89583 by Annie
Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:23 pm
Drumdude13 wrote:I have'nt even seen that !!!! How is it ? That was pretty much our first show ever....other than a small warm-up show we played in Vancouver. We were pretty green back then, except for Devin of course ! I need to get a copy 8)


You would have thought Glenn would have supplied the whole set to you...

Ryan... My friend and I actually got to talk to you a bit at III - she got one of your drumsticks and you signed it for her. Made her whole trip! So, thanks for that, as well!

And truly - there was no way one could tell that you hadn't played together longer.

I was a little surprised that some DVD's were left after the shows. There are only 900 of them and no re-releases.

A little word of warning for those that may consider buying it for the one DTB song - the picture and sound are not pristine. It is not a professional release. The sound is only stereo.

And... you can play it on your computer, if your DVD player does not have the proper encoding.

#89875 by BenMech
Thu Sep 29, 2005 10:11 pm
One of the Easter Eggs is Devin's Progressive Nipples moment.

I soooooo wish I had been at PP3

Btw, what's the chance for reappearing at PP7 in 2006?

#89930 by Annie
Fri Sep 30, 2005 8:37 am
Ooooh! That's sweet! The easter egg thing didn't want to work on my Mac and I haven't had a chance to run it through the DVD players in the house. I do have a photograph of the nipples.

PP3 ruled soooooooooo much.

As for 7... Glenn's a fan for sure. We can only hope. It'll be perfect timing what with the new album...

#89976 by Barking Pumpkin
Fri Sep 30, 2005 1:00 pm
I wasn't at Prog-Power III, and haven't seen the DTB live, so it was great for me. ^_^


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