The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#79105 by gurp13
Sun Jun 05, 2005 10:31 pm
Having bought most of Devin Townsend's catalogue, I'm eyeing Devlab and the Official Bootleg. I'm pretty well convinced that I want Devlab but I'm wavering on the Official Bootleg, partly because I've not heard much discussion of it on the board here since I've been a member (about a year or less). Tell me about the Bootleg album. What's the tracklisting? How does it sound? Do you listen to it alot? Why should I get it? What's the story behind it? And, finally, are the Hide Nowhere and Sister tracks from the Infinity disc bonus tracks from this album?

#79123 by Greg Reason
Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:30 am
It's good, you should buy it because it's the only official live Devin disk. The tracklist should be on the website ( and yes, it does include those Infinity bonus acoustic tracks.

The sound quality is pretty damn good, and the performance is good too... But I would be lying if I said I listened to it lots, because Dev on record is far better than Dev live, unless you're there in the flesh. Such huge productions don't quite come across, but the more money he gets the more he'll be able to do in that area, I presume, so you should buy it :D

#79125 by Noodles
Mon Jun 06, 2005 7:51 am
i got it a few days ago and i've listened to it more than most live albums(except possily the SYL one, just because NSTB is awesome)

the accoustic tracks are very good and the other stuff is pretty cool

#79142 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:13 pm
the bootleg rocks! i have some vids of the bootleg too, awesome stuff

since we're on the topic of ordering from hevydevy, im going to place an order soon, heres what i had in mind:

ocean machine
ass sordid II
devy shirt, not sure yet

im really excited... :D maybe i'll place my order this weekend

#79150 by Blazingmonga
Mon Jun 06, 2005 12:48 pm
I think it is excellent. A really well recorded bootleg.

Definately worth the money for the acoustic tracks at the end, even if you have the two from Infinity already.


#79171 by Hellhammer
Mon Jun 06, 2005 4:27 pm
I absolutely love Official Bootleg. Sure it doesn't have the greatest quality or anything. But I think it has a lot of power to it and stuff. And for whatever reason, I was blown away by the version of Detox on there. And hearing Fake Punk live was also a treat.

Tracklisting for those who havent seen it:

Seventh Wave
Bad Devil
Hide Nowhere
-Happy Birthday Jed
Fake Punk
Hide Nowhere(Acoustic)
Noisy Pink Bubbles(Acoustic)

My girlfriend is buying me the video version of this too, so I am pretty stoked about that.

Summary: This is probably one of my fav live albums and it is more than worth the money if you are a Dev fan, and I recommend anyone who is even intrigued by it to pick it up.

#79184 by ASHORIZZOR
Mon Jun 06, 2005 6:07 pm
I've watched the video several times and there is one quick moment before Devin is leaving the Stage: In this moment you're able to see Devin's arm rising, I don't know what he's doing. It seems (now read carefully and think about it before you answer) he is giving his middle finger or something similar. Is somebody able to confirm/ disconfirm what I think, I have seen?

#79386 by gurp13
Wed Jun 08, 2005 8:58 pm
Thanks for the replies. I had looked at already and there's very little info about the album on there, certainly not a track listing or I wouldn't have asked. :D I'll probably be getting it in the near future.

Are these the same live songs that were included as bonus material on, um, Physicist? Or was it Terria? You know, those unlisted video tracks? And, was it all recorded on the same night? I notice Detox is on there, is this basically SYL backing him?

I guess when I'm asking about the quality I'm interested to know what kind of recording it is. I'm assuming it's a sound board recording. I know live recordings are not always the clearest or whatever, but some can sound quite good and can be fantastic to listen to (Iron Maiden's "Live After Death" and Ozzy's "Tribute" come to mind).

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