The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#78458 by batmura
Sat May 28, 2005 7:42 am
This is interesting indeed. Why? I happen to be a big fan of Henning Pauly's songwriting, be it with his own band Chain or Frameshift. As you may already know, the first Frameshift disc featured James Labrie on vocals and they just got a new one released this year with another Canadian singer, Sebastian Bach.

Anyway, when I was listening to the new Frameshift, I dug it quite a bit, even though I needed more time to get into it. It has a very amazing concept dealing with various forms of violence the human beings practice.

When I reviewed the album on the website I write for (see review here), in the last sentence I mentioned Henning Pauly should consider working with Devin for a future release.

Upon posting the link of my review on Henning's message board, his manager mentioned that actually talked to Devin about singing on An Absence of Empathy when things weren't really working out with Bach. According to the manager though, Devin "politely declined" their offer, which I assume was because he was 1) busy touring with SYL, 2) writing the new solo album, 3) not interested in singing other people's melodies.

At any rate, I believe Henning and Devin could do something really special together. Devin was given total creative freedom on the last Ayreon disc and it worked perfectly.

Anyway, anyone have any opinions? Also, has anyone heard the new Frameshift so far? If not, I highly suggest you do - it really is an amazing disc.

#78481 by EternalMetal
Sat May 28, 2005 7:34 pm
Never heard of them. what do they sound like?

#78500 by batmura
Sun May 29, 2005 6:58 am
Check out their website if you're interested, or you can read my review.

Here is the thread in question where Henning Pauly's record label mentions talking to Devin for a collaboration.

NP: Nightingale - Invisible

#78602 by asparagusDuck
Tue May 31, 2005 6:28 am
it sounds like dev has a ton of stuff on his plate already, im glad hes just focussing on his own stuff.

#78695 by WickedBuddhi
Wed Jun 01, 2005 5:45 am
I've heard things about Frameshift. Got to see videos on a website of Bach recording vocals. Of what I heard I liked it alot.

#78705 by geoff
Wed Jun 01, 2005 12:37 pm
I found BAZ very good on this one

#78774 by Greg Reason
Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:04 am
Goodness me, I hope Devin doesn't get plagued with "sing my concept album" calls for the rest of his life because of that horrid Aryeon thing...

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