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Devin's music esoteric?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 3:27 pm
by Noodles ... b2_is_2005

Terria got 6th... Do you think Devin's music is esoteric?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 7:32 pm
by djskrimp
As far as I know, "esoteric" means that whatever you are talking about having esoteric properties is known by a select or limited number of people, usually because of the nature of whatever you are talking about. Like, only a few people know of it because they have a quality that would draw them to that thing. Is Devin Townsend's music esoteric? I think so, but not because it is inaccessible. In fact, I dare say that if you were to remove the harsher elements (sacrilege!!!!) that the masses could buy it by the millions. What makes it esoteric is probably the same thing that makes Devin so unique: Fierce intelligence and an uncompromising eye for the aesthetic and the purity of the moment, instead of the monetary reward of a product. I don't think I am "special" because I listen to Devin's music, I just think that I am more intune with musical integrity and have an ear for music that is made for and by artists.

Did I just confuse the matter more?

PostPosted: Sun May 08, 2005 8:13 pm
by Noodles
kinda! but good points!

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 1:40 am
by psychotic
Really, any type of music in some senses can be seen as somewhat esoteric. I noticed Black Sabbath, Jill Scott, Pearl Jam, Alice Cooper, SYL, and as a whole just a huge wide range of stuff in there, but the ones in there that stand out are ones like Jill Scott and Pearl Jam which are both bands/musicians who have had some solid mainstream success. Jill Scott especially I don't see as esoteric at all, but then again, it's a very hard thing to define, because where is that line really.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:25 am
by Janne
After reading the Wikipedia explanation of what esoteric means, the phrase "It's a satanic drug thing, you wouldn't understand" pops into mind. This infamous quote, found on the back of Monster Magnet's "Spine of God"-album (I think it was that album) kinda explains the essence of esoteric as something that only a small group of initiated "members" can fully understand.

In other words, it's all in your mind. There's no way to define something as universally esoteric.

Have you seen the hidden truth of "Infinity"? If so, you clearly are one of the chosen ones - or you're simply very emotionally attached to that album, because of events taking place in your life at a time when you listened a lot to the album. There are people here that have told stories about how "Infinity" (or some other album) has literally saved their lives. They might very well have found something in that album that others cannot find. That would make that album esoteric in a way, I guess. But to whom? The person having that experience, or the majority of people "not getting it"?

And of course - it doesn't matter. Because this might happen with any album for anyone. I'm sure it happens with N'sync-albums as well as with Devlab. I'm sure it happens to 14-year old kids as well as to 55 year old adults.

Esoteric? If that is how you want to see it, ok. But don't forget: "It's just entertainment, folks!"

GOD, I'm ranting. Someone please tell me to stop...

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 7:53 am
by ALieN
Yes.. Dev's music is pretty esoteric.. but I think that most black metal, if you look at it in the way that it's meant to be looked at with all the meaning they say is behind it, is some of the most esoteric music.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 12:27 pm
by simen_88
ALieN wrote:Yes.. Dev's music is pretty esoteric.. but I think that most black metal, if you look at it in the way that it's meant to be looked at with all the meaning they say is behind it, is some of the most esoteric music.
I agree, but I think noisecore is more esoteric.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 3:33 pm
by Noodles
i think most people would either be like "omfg cool" or "ow my ears hurt" when they heard SYL, so i sort of thought that esoteric would fit it.

just a bit more of a view.

PostPosted: Mon May 09, 2005 5:48 pm
by EternalMetal
I agree, i definitely it is esoteric (understood only by a chosen few). I showed people Devs music and they though gay, lame, wierd, and just simply not their liking. Then i showed music people and they all thoght it was pretty damn skilled and good. But i had to kinda train myself to like his music, and now thats all i listnen to. Not becuase i was told to, but because i love it.

So yes, i think it is VERY esoteric and it pisses me off when people just dont get it.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 9:29 am
by djskrimp
EternalMetal wrote:
So yes, i think it is VERY esoteric and it pisses me off when people just dont get it.

No reason to get mad, just be glad that the masses haven't gotten into it. Far too many bands have gone off the deep end when fame has come into their lives on a large scale. Besides, I like the fact that DevinMetal is esoteric....kinda feels like a little secret I share with a few other people.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 10:37 am
by EternalMetal
djskrimp wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:
So yes, i think it is VERY esoteric and it pisses me off when people just dont get it.

No reason to get mad, just be glad that the masses haven't gotten into it. Far too many bands have gone off the deep end when fame has come into their lives on a large scale. Besides, I like the fact that DevinMetal is esoteric....kinda feels like a little secret I share with a few other people.

I get mad that some people make fun of it and think its lame.

PostPosted: Tue May 10, 2005 1:55 pm
by djskrimp
EternalMetal wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:
So yes, i think it is VERY esoteric and it pisses me off when people just dont get it.

No reason to get mad, just be glad that the masses haven't gotten into it. Far too many bands have gone off the deep end when fame has come into their lives on a large scale. Besides, I like the fact that DevinMetal is esoteric....kinda feels like a little secret I share with a few other people.

I get mad that some people make fun of it and think its lame.

You getting mad is probably the reason they make fun of it, so that they can get to you and get a rise out of you. I've learned long ago that the idiots that down my music haven't got a lot to say, intelligently, about music or art in the first place.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 12:41 am
by King Fear
I friggin' detest the connotations that come with the word "esoteric", so Devin's music is not "esoteric" to me at all, no.

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 1:13 pm
by simen_88
And what connotations are that?

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2005 6:37 pm
by EternalMetal
djskrimp wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:
djskrimp wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:
So yes, i think it is VERY esoteric and it pisses me off when people just dont get it.

No reason to get mad, just be glad that the masses haven't gotten into it. Far too many bands have gone off the deep end when fame has come into their lives on a large scale. Besides, I like the fact that DevinMetal is esoteric....kinda feels like a little secret I share with a few other people.

I get mad that some people make fun of it and think its lame.

You getting mad is probably the reason they make fun of it, so that they can get to you and get a rise out of you. I've learned long ago that the idiots that down my music haven't got a lot to say, intelligently, about music or art in the first place.

Its more of a think it to myself type anger. Like it just pisses me off that people just make fun of it. But most music people have good things to say about it, but the casual person who is in love with radio bands that made their big hits 15 years ago (zeppelin, floyd, acdc, you know, the bands the radio plays like every damn day) just make fun of it and think its lame. Whatever, more Dev for me. I just like when i show somebody something and they are blown away by it.