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Devy/Mike Patton collaboration

Tue Apr 19, 2005 8:43 am
by 66tinytears99
Ive been thinking about this for a while, i dont know if anyone has posted this idea before but how cool would it be if Devin and Patton made a record together? Maybe an EP like the Patton/Dillinger EP "Irony is a dead scene". I think there are similarities between Fantomas`s "Delirium Cordia" and Devlab, both artists are 100% original, theyve both made some extremley heavy, weird and chilled out music and i remember listening to a interview with Devin in which he said Fantomas were "Killer" and Patton had an amazing voice, so maybe Devin would consider it? And since Patton is no stranger to collaborations maybe he would give it a try? Anyway what does everyone else think? And what do you think the end result would sound like?

Tue Apr 19, 2005 10:38 am
by EternalMetal
They would probably kill each other

Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:03 pm
by Drumdude13
This is probably another project I would HAVE to drum on !

Tue Apr 19, 2005 1:31 pm
by LouiLoomis
It has been suggested before, I remember someone asking Dev about it on the Q&A section at I'd really like it to happen one day but both guys are very busy though. I wonder what Patton thinks of Devin? It's cool to hear Dev likes Fantomas, it seems they're getting quite popular right now.
PS. Ryan, is there anything you won't drum on?!?!

Tue Apr 19, 2005 4:19 pm
by psychotic
I think that would be something really cool to hear. Could it turn out disappointing? Of course, but I heavily doubt that it would disappoint, because those are two of the greatest musical minds of this generation, put them together and you could really come up with some cool shit, and as long as Devin doesn't mind working through the mail I think it'd be something that could be done.

Tue Apr 19, 2005 9:17 pm
by Drumdude13
LouiLoomis wrote:
PS. Ryan, is there anything you won't drum on?!?! 
Yup....many thing's I would'nt drum on but the two biggies I would love to set up and drum on would be....
-Dev, Mike Patton and myself.
-Dev, Steve Wilson and myself.
Bring any of that shit on !!!! That would rule, otherwise, for example, you would never see me drumming on a George Michael album

Tue Apr 19, 2005 11:13 pm
by mo
Drumdude13 wrote:This is probably another project I would HAVE to drum on ! 
Sweet dude I'll play bass!
Fuck I'd love to see that collaboration.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 2:31 am
by jon
Drumdude13 wrote:That would rule, otherwise, for example, you would never see me drumming on a George Michael album

George has posted on his web site that he would
love to make sweet music with RVP!

Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:07 am
by Dicodisco
I remember reading a Patton interview 5 ou 6 years ago where this question was asked and he clearly ruled out any idea of collaboration with Dev. Don't know why.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 6:36 am
by King Fear
I have a feeling that Dev isn't good at collaborating with others on a peer-to-peer level anyway. He seems the kind of artist that focuses only on his own, original stuff and refuses to let others interfere, not because of ego or anything, but because he just doesn't feel the need to. Which is excellent IMO.
All the stuff he's been involved in so far (Vai (if you count that at all), IR8, Wildhearts, Ayreon...) have been somebody else's projects, not collaborations as equals.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 10:05 am
by LouiLoomis
Dicodisco wrote:I remember reading a Patton interview 5 ou 6 years ago where this question was asked and he clearly ruled out any idea of collaboration with Dev. Don't know why.
Patton doesn't tend to rule things out, expect Mr Bungle doing another album

So this seems very odd, maybe he isn't a Devin fan or just not very familar with Dev's work. If you look at the guests he has on Peeping Tom its looks like Patton is quite happy to work with anyone. This interview was 5/6 years ago though which was before Patton started doing many collabs, Mr Bungle and Faith No More were together at the time too.

Wed Apr 20, 2005 4:06 pm
by asparagusDuck
about dev and collaboration, when asked to do a part in Ayreon's The Human Equation, didnt he refuse to unless he got to write everything himself? Thats what I heard. And it definitely sounds like the parts he sings on were written by him.

Thu Apr 21, 2005 7:38 am
by fragility
King Fear wrote:I have a feeling that Dev isn't good at collaborating with others on a peer-to-peer level anyway. He seems the kind of artist that focuses only on his own, original stuff and refuses to let others interfere, not because of ego or anything, but because he just doesn't feel the need to. Which is excellent IMO.
All the stuff he's been involved in so far (Vai (if you count that at all), IR8, Wildhearts, Ayreon...) have been somebody else's projects, not collaborations as equals.
That may well be they both seem lik every big musical personalities and could well clash.....Devin and Daniel Gildennlow is a partnership I could see ending in tears

Thu Apr 21, 2005 8:41 pm
by Krazee-Eyez Killa
I feel like they are both to powerful.
I think a collaboration between the two wouldn't work to well, on account of them both having such a strong presence. But I could be wrong, and would be very happy to be wrong.