The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#70218 by organic spiral
Sun Feb 06, 2005 4:34 pm
Hey everyone! I'm new here and I must say I'm awfully glad to finally find a forum without alot of immaturity and what not. Seems that too many boards just seem to have so many stupid people in them, that kind of ruins it for everyone else. But anyway..

I just got turned on to Townsend's music and let me tell ya, its becoming more and more addicting the more I indulge. And the thing is the first time I heard devy was at a bros house, high on pot. Ocean machine was on since he was an avid fan himself and I couldn't believe how epic and sublime it was! I really had never heard music like that before, so powerful and so addictive, emotional. And the high really just made it all the more potent, really..

So I was wondering. How do you all feel about listening to devy high, you know pot, shrooms, opium or whatever you fancy. I particularly feel it makes his music breathe so much life, yet you really don't need the extra chemicals since his records are as much of a high in themselves. I was just wondering if anyone else felt the same...

#70231 by Greg Reason
Sun Feb 06, 2005 5:58 pm
Devin's music has a lot of detail in it (with the exception of the self titled SYL album) so it translates well to the use of mood enhancers :)

I am often stoned, and every album does well like that (in fact I daresay that is how Devin creates them, just read his updates on the forum here, hehe) and I have always appreciated his work whilst on mushrooms/LSD etc....

#70294 by Blazingmonga
Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:11 am
An interesting question, and one I can really relate to. As most of the people on this board are adults, I think we can discuss this here. Still, I would like to say that whatever I say (or anyone else) it is only ever going to be their opinion on the matter. As a very good rule of thumb, drugs are bad.

I have to say, I have heard all of Dev's music in all kind of induced mental states. Weed in particular does do something to the way your body interprets music, and you can really get quite 'sucked in' when you are stoned. At the same time, it does kind of detach you from are dissociated from the rest of the world. In that sense, to me, the music becomes more like 'pretty noise' than a poetic statement. You can almost listen to a whole album and forget what you are doing by the time it ends. So in that way, you are missing something.

I used to really enjoy listening to my favourite music in this state, in the dark with good headphones. Lying in bed with a lava lamp projecting patterns onto the roof was also part of this experience. I would end up in such a state that I could hear every single instrument completely isolated, all singing their own song. Beautiful.

The thing that makes me think twice about this kind of thing is how all the most memorable moments of my life, both involving music or otherwise, have taken place while completely and utterly sober. Its like, drugs can take you to a special place, but that place is a dead end...they can only take you so far. You can smoke all you want, but you will reach a point where it makes no difference. It IS nice, but it is very limited.

The time when music has really taken me further than ever before have been when I have been listening while extremely happy or sad. Sometimes it has also been when I have been standing before something of such great beauty that I get a high off that alone. Seeing the sun sweep across empty fields in Scotland or seeing the night sky in its full glory (without light pollution!!!) can do this. Its at times like these I have been brought to tears.

Drugs make me high, but they also make me numb. I think you miss a lot at times like these.

I guess it is just something you have to decide for yourself!

#70306 by pixeldream
Mon Feb 07, 2005 6:57 am
Lately I'm always listening to 'Suicide' whilst being high. That guitar solo really makes you fly hahaha

#70313 by Kristopher
Mon Feb 07, 2005 7:57 am
Devlab is good no matter what your on...

infact... i would say devns music is probably my drug of choice... and If perth is Dry... (meaning nobody i know can line me up) then screw TV or scraping the bong.... I usually put on terria... though devlab is actually now a contender for terria

#70322 by IBrokeAString
Mon Feb 07, 2005 8:29 am
I don't do drugs, I don't even drink alcohol.

#70340 by Bloody_Rust
Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:13 am
If listening to Dev on drugs is really really great and moving, then it must be REALLY great, since I've only ever listened to it whilst substance free :D

#70342 by simen_88
Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:22 am
I think I am able to enjoy music as good as everybody else although I'm straight-edge.

#70344 by Bloody_Rust
Mon Feb 07, 2005 10:25 am
simen_88 wrote:I think I am able to enjoy music as good as everybody else although I'm straight-edge.

Yeah! I'm not straight edge. But I've never smoked nor taken drugs of any kind (unless they were prescribed, obviously!). I've never been drunk and only drink about... hmm... when the moon turns blue :D.
And I'd say I've been blown away by a lot of bands in the past few years!

#70352 by EphelDuath666
Mon Feb 07, 2005 12:52 pm
I don´t do drugs either. And since I quit drinking I realised how neat it is to see and hear things with a clear mind all the time. If I need substances to appreciate an Album then I don´t understand the concept of music.

#70354 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:18 pm
never really listened to music in any state of inebriation, but we did make some kickass music while drunk. i enjoy devin's music now, i'd iumagine i'd enjoy it high too. i dont plan on finding out. bad stuff... lol

#70359 by Guest
Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:25 pm
Drugs suck, with music or not.

#70360 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Mon Feb 07, 2005 1:26 pm
i agree but that makes me a hipocrit based on the fact that in the past i've done some questionnable things.


#70361 by Bester Orbit
Mon Feb 07, 2005 2:57 pm
IBrokeAString wrote:I don't do drugs, I don't even drink alcohol.

Yeah ! :D

geoff wrote:Drugs suck, with music or not.

re Yeah ! :wink:

#70363 by organic spiral
Mon Feb 07, 2005 3:11 pm
you know, i don't even smoke pot that much anymore. its been bout a mounth which really doesn't seem like a long time, but it is to me. in fact the reason I quit was that it made me feel just so stupid and tired. to tell you the truth, music was the only reason i got high in the first place, its all I ever wanted to do high, and devin seemed to have a musical formula that fit it best. Complex, full, emotional, yet never too demanding of the listener.
However, drugs do start to take their toll after awhile on the mind. even pot per say has a long lasting effect though minimal. I guess my thing would be if drugs can alter your mind without making you so cold and numb to the world and over time kinda run you down, then I'd be all for them..

Just my opinion...

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