The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#68158 by Saramanda
Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:36 am
Oh my god!!!
Today is the first day i write in this foro and i cant believe ...
Devin is writting and he gaves us thanks.... O_O
Thank you in order to be like u are, and for your music ...


#68161 by pacman
Thu Jan 20, 2005 11:58 am
dev you rule.. I like the way you tread your fans

#71946 by uthor
Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:39 am
Dev!, blablablalabla!!

i think it's cool of you to take some time to talk to the fans but you could have used that time to create a new album now couldnt you?



Keep on raising them horns,


#71947 by uthor
Sat Feb 26, 2005 9:40 am
and where are the f*ckin' tabs? ;)

Sun Mar 13, 2005 1:38 am
[quote="flood_of_rain"]Thanks so much for your kind words, Dev.

Your tunes helped me during my hard times and i can't thank you enough for that. i know as long as you are rocking, i will be there to listen every step of the way ;)

\m/ Adrian[/quote]

Amen brother in metal...amen indeed. i too am in the same boat of hope and it almost sunk until i put on my headphones...

ive got a question though:
does it make me a pansy if a tear fell from my eye when i read the dev post?

please say no.


#75581 by YojimbO
Thu Apr 07, 2005 11:13 am
MetalmanIraq wrote:
flood_of_rain wrote:Thanks so much for your kind words, Dev.

Your tunes helped me during my hard times and i can't thank you enough for that. i know as long as you are rocking, i will be there to listen every step of the way ;)

\m/ Adrian

Amen brother in metal...amen indeed. i too am in the same boat of hope and it almost sunk until i put on my headphones...

ive got a question though:
does it make me a pansy if a tear fell from my eye when i read the dev post?

please say no.


Errrmmm... well I'd be a pansy too then... I found Dev's music is JUST the thing I needed to come alive again after some lesser times. Troubled an bored with loadsa things, and things took a SERIOUS turn for the better since June last year when I bought my first DTB CD Terria... Sorry for being late but MAN I'd never expect anyone to open my eyes (and ears... OUCH!) the way Sir Dev does.

So speaking of thanks, all of that twice, squared and then some back to you Dev. Wonder if you have any idea what you mean to the fans.

#75625 by burning witch
Thu Apr 07, 2005 9:08 pm
I don't want to do a big speech, but I just want to say thankyou Devin. A plain and simple, not fancy with lace and balloons and party music..thankyou.

Hopefully one day I can tell you face to face how much what you've done has changed me as a person. But eh.. no doubt that'll be after a few beers!

#75816 by YaLexx
Mon Apr 11, 2005 1:48 pm
I'm very grateful for you Devin, that you exist! realy... Your music is SOMETHING I can't even quiet describe... All of your projects..! When I bought my first DTB record (it was "Accelerated evolution"), I couldn't listen for something else for more than a month...

#76050 by cenotaphia
Thu Apr 14, 2005 9:52 am
Maybe we should be the ones thanking you? I know I will. I appreciate the fact that thoughts communicated by talented artists (like yourself) through music makes my life a better life to live!

................Okay, so maybe it also helps kill time mon-fri 8am-4pm but this is the internet and no one can check up on me and my motives!

#79767 by Goat
Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:11 am
Fuck Dev, I'll always listen to what you communicate. We rule, you rule, we're all masters.

#79776 by Coma Divine
Sun Jun 12, 2005 8:58 am
Goat wrote:Fuck Dev, I'll always listen to what you communicate. We rule, you rule, we're all masters.
Good to see you here Goat!

But, once again...shall we ease into it... :wink:

#79810 by Hellhammer
Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:43 pm

You are truly my hero. You inspire me to make music that I want to hear myself do, not simply metal. And for the way your music connects with me, I will never ever be able to thank you enough and I will support your music forever.

#79854 by IronMaiden736
Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:44 pm
Hellhammer wrote:Devin.

You are truly my hero. You inspire me to make music that I want to hear myself do, not simply metal. And for the way your music connects with me, I will never ever be able to thank you enough and I will support your music forever.

I completely agree.

#80119 by Goat
Wed Jun 15, 2005 11:24 am
Coma Divine wrote:
Goat wrote:Fuck Dev, I'll always listen to what you communicate. We rule, you rule, we're all masters.
Good to see you here Goat!

But, once again...shall we ease into it... :wink:

:shock: What? Should I do it without the "Fuck"?

Dear Dev, I'll always listen to what you communicate. We rule, you rule, we're all masters.

mmmmmmmmpffffff grrrrrrrrrr

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