The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#13721 by Dunkelheit
Tue Apr 20, 2004 7:55 am
I'd say Physicist because I haven't had the chance to give the others a try, if that was the case I'm sure they'd all be my faves.

#14653 by StrappingYoungLad
Wed Apr 21, 2004 7:48 pm
I wish there was a poll option entitles 'all the above'...
I'm surprised that infinity and terria are lower than OM :?

#16688 by black_tooth_grin
Tue Apr 27, 2004 7:57 pm
The best Dev project album would be Ocean Machine, it's hard to choose from such a great selection of albums. I have had OM longer than the other albums and seem to listen to it more, because it has a sence of being at the beach, i know it sounds stupid but it reminds me of going to the beach in the afternoon before the sun going down. I dont know why i think this, it might be because im an Australian and i enjoy the beach or because i absolutely love DT and SYL.

There second best album would be infinty i love it all round and listening to Bad Devil non-stop.
\m/ \m/

#16690 by StrappingYoungLad
Tue Apr 27, 2004 8:00 pm
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:The best Dev project album would be Ocean Machine, it's hard to choose from such a great selection of albums. I have had OM longer than the other albums and seem to listen to it more, because it has a sence of being at the beach, i know it sounds stupid but it reminds me of going to the beach in the afternoon before the sun going down. I dont know why i think this, it might be because im an Australian and i enjoy the beach or because i absolutely love DT and SYL.

There second best album would be infinty i love it all round and listening to Bad Devil non-stop.
\m/ \m/

Speaking of being Australian and beaches...i listened to 7th wave whilst standing on the edge of a cliff. Full volume..waves crashing...wind amazing experience!


#16852 by Mr. Tea
Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:26 am
Infinity all the way. He's not betteres Infinity, OM or City in, ooh, six years now? Sorry to say it, but there you go...

#17017 by Anubis_Zyklon
Wed Apr 28, 2004 7:28 pm
it was a tough call between ' Ocean Machine ' and ' Physists ' but the latter prevailed.

#17634 by DeathMask
Fri Apr 30, 2004 8:44 am
I did not vote for any of them, they are too different, and my favourite album changes depending on my mood...
I can't chose :D

Physicist is really powerful, Terria is an epic one (Earth day and The fluke), Infinity is crazy, OM is the beginning of something new in the metal, and AE maybe the synergy of all that has been released before...

All of these albums are masterpieces.

#18814 by BrunoN
Wed May 05, 2004 12:11 am
Like DeathMask said, they all are different. Quality of them are quite constant, thought. I think each of albums is good starting point, each of them contains tons of Deviness.

[I picked Ocean Machine, coz it's my first Dev's record. And it's real brainfuck.]

#19476 by Chrysophylax
Thu May 06, 2004 2:06 pm
Yeah, you can't vote and be quite...tomorrow instead of infinity I would vote AE. It depends also by the tracks: also the christeen EP has very good songs and so ass sordid....

#19965 by NothingButPuke
Fri May 07, 2004 9:33 pm
now that i think about it, i think that infinity is my favorite album...i know this sounds fucked up but its because of this mysterious spirituality that it evokes within me

or mabye i just ate some bad cottage cheese when i listened to it...


#20056 by PopoL
Sat May 08, 2004 9:08 am
Hi everybody !!!!

Just a french opinion : definitely TERRIA !!!!

It is the most amazing mind travel I ever made...
Put your headphones and try.....

Now u see what i mean ??
Everything in this album has been done for catching u in this world....

Well Done Dev !!!!! Now i m in love with it..... :wink:

#20361 by Greg Reason
Sun May 09, 2004 6:48 pm
Yes, it is very hard to give an opinion when there are so many close calls... It is hard for me to seperate either Infinity, Ocean Machine or Terria form one another, but if I had to go on the record and say that oen was the greatest, I believe Infinity to be a supreme work of genius that this world will never see the likes of again....

#20375 by EvilPanda
Sun May 09, 2004 8:09 pm
I've voted Ocean Machine but it's a close call since Infinity and AE are not far behind.

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