I'd say Physicist because I haven't had the chance to give the others a try, if that was the case I'm sure they'd all be my faves.
I'm surprised that infinity and terria are lower than OM

Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:The best Dev project album would be Ocean Machine, it's hard to choose from such a great selection of albums. I have had OM longer than the other albums and seem to listen to it more, because it has a sence of being at the beach, i know it sounds stupid but it reminds me of going to the beach in the afternoon before the sun going down. I dont know why i think this, it might be because im an Australian and i enjoy the beach or because i absolutely love DT and SYL.
There second best album would be infinty i love it all round and listening to Bad Devil non-stop.
\m/ \m/
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