The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#183345 by wasabi_time
Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:37 pm
I think we all share the same and only fate of dying, that's a given, since everyone dies. So it is our fate to die eventually. Until that time comes, we have all the free will we want, and are responsible for our decisions and ours only. We can make the best of it, or waste it; no one can change your life but yourself.

That's my spiel.
#183347 by Persuader
Fri Feb 13, 2009 1:47 pm
dslassey wrote:
Persuader wrote:I have never given this much thought actually...I tend to just roll with the punches and not ponder life in general.

Haha, that's exactly how I am.

Also, this entire discussion is just about how we as beings try to add reason to our existance. It's something we can never know to an absolute certainty, but it gives us comfort to believe in them. The human mind is fun.

Fun indeed. One might wonder if all this thinking will ever get us to a somewhat higher level of understanding? Will it take 1000s of years of evolution? Well then we're truly screwed. I have no faith in the people with the red buttons, you know?
#183369 by DynamicSylence
Fri Feb 13, 2009 4:33 pm
Havent read through all of it and probably somebody already said something to this effect but:
I think our free will kinda determines our fate since every decision we make leads us to a certain path that we have to go to a certain point
since we cant change the past, our road foreward is determined by the decisions we have made so far. Hence our Free Will determines our Fate,
I do Believe in a Karmic World in a sense that all you do will get back to you either to the good or bad yet that´s just the causalty of all things you throw a stone in the pond and the riffles are swaying forth or whatever dunno if that makes sense but thats my crooked point of view.

Greetings Dynamic
#183396 by Falk
Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:04 am
I would say chaos (chaos as random of course, not destruction and whatever), no free will, nor fate nor karma, just chaos. A chain of events that led to what I am, and it will continue so. As some probably said already, the choices I'm gonna do now are determined by a big mix of previous (in)experience and events, including chemical reactions or something.
Someone said "perception is reality" in the beginning of the topic, so now, "knowing" this (I mean what I just said upon), is there a chance I can have just a tiny bit of impact on what's to come ?
All I know is that my situation is pretty boring now and I wouldn't mind adding a bit of chaos to it, hopefully to get some good experience feedback from it. Until now, the few times I tried to step into the unknown weren't that great and I wouldn't say it was "my" fault.

I also think what happens when you're a kid (even what would seem to be really meaningless events) has a pretty big impact on your whole life, or at least a big part of it and it's hard to change (I mean self confidence, shyness, etc).
#183409 by Octillus
Sat Feb 14, 2009 11:36 am
Nathan_lol wrote:I don't really believe in any sort of balance or omniscient force out there, the universe just seems too big. I think that if there is, it's impossible for us to understand or even think about so it makes no difference to us whether it exists or not. So I guess I choose freewill.

You can choose a ready guide
In some celestial voice
If you choose not to decide
You still have made a choice

You can choose from phantom fears
And kindness that can kill
I will choose a path that's clear
I will choose Freewill!

I was waiting for a post like this.

In all honesty, I believe in the free will of every individual. It's when a bulk of those wills working against my own cancels out my choices. Such as societal structure and its ilk.
#183420 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sat Feb 14, 2009 1:07 pm
Hmm... thought provoking.

Free Will all the way. You have to take responsibility for your own actions. Don't care much for the notion of pre-destination.

Plus, Free Will -the Rush song- sums it all up pretty nicely. 8)

Devin sure is a good conversation starter, eh?
#183425 by mrllama
Sat Feb 14, 2009 2:03 pm

I think that you do what you do......that's it.

If you buy someone a beer, they should buy you one back. If you kick someone in the balls, they'll kick you back.

No fate, no Karma, just what you make of it.

Fate is a way of making youself feel like you're not in control, which i guess could be a good or bad thing depending on your own personal view.

Karma is something that we use to help explain certain events that we wouldn't normally think let someone out a junction this morning, about 5 miles later, someone let me out of a junction......Some would say Karma, i'd say a polite driver.
#183443 by dslassey
Sat Feb 14, 2009 8:20 pm
mrllama wrote:If you buy someone a beer, they should buy you one back. If you kick someone in the balls, they'll kick you back.

No fate, no Karma, just what you make of it.

In a way, that is Karma with the whole "You recieve what you give" thing. It's the simplest of simple 'rules' of Karma, but the most important. So you kinda believe in Karma... just in a vague sense.
#183467 by kekle3
Sun Feb 15, 2009 6:45 am
...Hey we all know one thing!

It is our fate, nay, our Destiny to die sooner or later!

...End of discussion...
#183811 by Zion
Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:28 pm
A to Z mean we're destined to end at Z. Free will within A to Z. And we are responsible for actions we choose, not actions out of our control.

Or perhaps fate is what happens, and free will is what we do to deal with it.

Man...I just should have said free will.
#184925 by sans2012
Sat Feb 28, 2009 9:54 am
stratman687 wrote:I think we have free will, but do we have the free will to have free will?

Deep LOL!

I dont really believe in any of that sort of stuff; where does that leave me then...
#184963 by Haroski
Sat Feb 28, 2009 2:47 pm
If everything is chaos I feel quit fantastic that I'm here sitting and listening to Lady Ga.... Devin Townsend!
I believe there is a creator who loves to watch how the universe keeps going with his rules. I'm a christian but I study physics and believe that there has been many universal eras with many Big Bangs. I think that we have a complete freedom of mind and body and in the end we are responsible from our own acts. I arent a pupper, we arent puppets
#185022 by sans2012
Sat Feb 28, 2009 7:01 pm
Haroski wrote:If everything is chaos I feel quit fantastic that I'm here sitting and listening to Lady Ga.... Devin Townsend!
I believe there is a creator who loves to watch how the universe keeps going with his rules. I'm a christian but I study physics and believe that there has been many universal eras with many Big Bangs. I think that we have a complete freedom of mind and body and in the end we are responsible from our own acts. I arent a pupper, we arent puppets

So your a Christian

Last edited by sans2012 on Tue Mar 03, 2009 4:02 am, edited 1 time in total.

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