Passy wrote:Amber Wrote
This one I like a lot. I can only partically agree with that statement though. Those bands sort of bands, never really were mainstream. I think it's the bands and record companies that try to recreate their sound which then creates the mainstream. If that makes sense.
There are bands that sell out completely obviously, but for the ones who keep thre artist integrity, they tend to not be in the spot light as much.. sorta... I dunno what I'm saying. xD
Just wondering who you think, and who other people think, are bands that sold out? And maybe everyones personal opinion of how selling out is defined?
Hmmm I suppose its a hard one to call really, but (I think simplest reason) for me it would be choosing money over fans. If you want to drastically change musical style and such, then that's fine, its good to keep your options open. I know a few people that are obsessed with just making money, that the don't realise that they are slowly pushing everyone away from them you know? And I think its a shame for bands that have a lot of potential, to reduce themselves to making a "radio song", purely for the money. I think it just seems wrong surrendering your artistic rights. I suppose in some circumstances though it could be necessary.
I won't name bands I think have sold out (although, no offence, Green Day is one that comes to mind)
Sorry, did I answer the question?