Yeah Phycisict rocks, just not as hard as everything else.
#120204 by ForceFed
Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:29 pm
Fri Apr 28, 2006 6:29 pm
Terria inches out Synchestra on the strength of The Fluke being my favorite DT song. Both albums are pure perfection though.
Does it strike anyone as weird that AE is now where it belongs LOL? It used to beat Infinity in the older poll cause it was the new album.
The correct ranking is this:
Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution
The correct ranking is this:
Ocean Machine
Accelerated Evolution
It's a tie for me between Terria and Synchestra. I voted "Terria", for the fact that "Earth Day" is the song I'm listening to the most at the moment. But both are absolutely amazing records worthy of my vote ^_^
There's Winston Churchill dressed in drag, he used to be a British flag, plastic bag, what a drag!
funny_little_guy wrote:Man I was acually logging on to make this thread. Haha anyway I've still gone for Terria, Syncestra is amazing, but Terria is still the greatest.

Les pattes du canard sont courtes , il est vrai , mais les allonger ne lui servirait à rien ( vieux proverbe chinois).
1.) Physicist
2.) Terria
3.) Ocean Machine - Biomech
4.) Synchestra
5.) Infinity
6.) Ass-Sordid Demos I
7.) Punky Bruster
8.) Ass-Sordid Demos II
9.) Accelerated Evolution
I can't quite figure out why no one else thinks Physicist is one of the best. Poopoo man! I think it is the greatest album ever created!
2.) Terria
3.) Ocean Machine - Biomech
4.) Synchestra
5.) Infinity
6.) Ass-Sordid Demos I
7.) Punky Bruster
8.) Ass-Sordid Demos II
9.) Accelerated Evolution
I can't quite figure out why no one else thinks Physicist is one of the best. Poopoo man! I think it is the greatest album ever created!
Terria, definitely! AE and Synchestra are simply "wrong".
accelerated evolution coz it was my first but i haven't listened to them all yet so i can't make a deffinitive decision yet! i've got synchestra and ocean machine aswell and love them for different reasons, it all depends what mood i'm in!
months have passed and I still say Synchestra so I guess that's THE one for me 

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