Saline wrote:The basic premise of asking about free will vs. determinism is flawed, because it comes with the inherent assumption that we possess some matterless ethereal "soul" that is capable of making decisions. In actuality, the more scientists study the brain, the more areas of consciousness are ascribed to certain parts, and it's becoming increasingly obvious that every aspect of thought is derived from the arrangement and firing patterns of our neurons.
The second fault I find in the question is the definition of what exactly a "decision" is. A decision is a choice between two or more outcomes, arrived at by the weighing of various factors associated with each. Soul-ists posing the question seem to think that people "decide" based on NOTHING at all. This is NEVER the case! Our decisions are always based on something--if you choose mint chocolate chip icecream over cookies 'n' cream, it's probably because you like it more, it has less calories, you know you'll get a bigger scoop, or you haven't had it in a while and you crave the novelty. Try telling people to choose with only their soul--they'll fail every random number test every created miserably.
So to summarize what I've just said: the free will question is moot because 1) we cannot make decisions independently of our brains (there is nothing to make a decision), and 2) a decision is inherently deterministic by definition. "True" spontaneous behavior has yet to be shown, and I seriously, seriously doubt it ever well.
So if you want the pessimistic viewpoint that we are deterministic, so be it. I see determinism and free will as identical. As for "fate", fate does not exist. People think it's "fate" when something works out well, similarly to how people thank God when something good happens, but never get angry at him when something bad does.
Great points, this is basically what I was trying to get at in my post, but I just didn't articulate myself so well. Tell me if I'm wrong, but can you sum up determinism as everything has cause and effect? Also I brought up string theory earlier, which I don't know much about, but to my understanding it says that there are other universes in which you make every possible decision. Basically every path that can be taken will be explored.
Imaginary guitar notes and imaginary vocals only exist in the imagination of the imaginer!