djskrimp wrote:I wish Dev had the fiscal latitude that "mainstream" popularity provides, so that he could just focus on the artistic side of his creations. IF there is any artist who I think would be able to maintain artistic integrity, it's Dev.
Maybe he should sell-out once. Make one album that sells hundreds of thousands, or millions of copies worldwide, for the instant wad of cash. Get his name out, get some exposure for his 'real' work for some long-term income. Then after that, do whatever he wants to do completely disregarding other people's expectations or any commercial issues, because he has plenty of money anyway!
That's what I'd do

Biert Is Extraordinarily Rad & Terrific | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy | D* | Proud member of the VVV

"It's the unicorns paparazzi. They have finally found you and are coming to take you home, prince Biert." -- Faffy