The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#165532 by Shub
Fri Jan 25, 2008 5:46 am
Not reading the rest... Must say... :O I LOVE Namaste.

#165582 by hog
Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:34 pm
Babysong is quality! The last part is epic as fuck!

#165628 by Falk
Sat Jan 26, 2008 1:20 pm
Sister, too long IMO, and kinda boring, it may have a meaning for Devin, but I fail to find one.
Regulator isn't bad, but it is not placed best between the eerie feel of Voices in the Fan/Greetings and the holy trinity.
I also consider Things Beyond Things as a bonus track, cuz' it has a melancholic feel that I don't like to feel at the end of an album, I don't mind melancholy along the listening (better in the middle of the album), but I prefer the end uplifting or neutral. That's why Bastard kicks so much asses, the first part is kinda melancholic, but the second is neutral, "humble", whatever that feels so good and huge like staring at the ocean or something. And DoM is more quite, but has the same vibe IMO.

That's also what bugs me on Terria. The most powerful songs are on the 1st half (Moutain, Earthday, Canada, Deep Peace also, kinda), so I feel the "album intensity curve" isn't balanced (I'm not talking about heaviness, but however I perceive the songs^^)

#165761 by Zorak
Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:48 am
Musically, 'Nobody's Here' is pretty solid, but I just can't get over the atrocious lyrics. :(

#165779 by RastaPappi
Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:25 am
i really cant think of anything cuz i really LOVE n like the songs.. almost all of them!
but i remember the first time *years ago* when i started listening to Dev, almost everything sucked.. but today.. everything rocks hard on my hairless balls *oki ill jush shhh*

#165796 by olol
Tue Jan 29, 2008 2:59 pm
Olives is sort of an opener to the album (well, duh, first track, but sort of an opener to the mood, as well). If I'm going to listen to it from 1-11, then I always play it, but I often don't when it's on shuffle. I actually don't have that much of Townsend's music. I'm getting more, but really, the only songs that I don't like as much now are the ones that I've listened to a lot. I mean, before, I didn't listen to, say, Nobody's Here and Tiny Tears; more so Earth Day, but from listening to that track more, and those two less, I'm more interested in listening to those two, now. Tastes change, I guess.

I sort of agree with the comment about Nobody's Here lyrics, but I like See how a breakdown breaks ground. I dunno. : \ Also, the I guess, I think, I know, fuck off part.

#165802 by Josiah Tobin
Tue Jan 29, 2008 5:16 pm
Zorak wrote:Musically, 'Nobody's Here' is pretty solid, but I just can't get over the atrocious lyrics. :(

Atrocious? How so? I really like them. They seem to be written from a really mellow, almost tired point of view. I think it really works.

#165806 by Grimview
Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:08 pm
djskrimp wrote:There isn't a song Dev's made I don't like. There are some I don't listen to as much as others, but completely dislike? Not a chance.


Don't have to say anything, as you said exactly what I would have. :)

#165888 by Eyesore
Wed Jan 30, 2008 2:59 pm
Biert wrote:And buy the Ziltoid album you pirate, the song is called Omnidimensional Creator (no S!) :P

Downloaders shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion.

#165909 by Zorak
Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:37 am
Josiah Tobin wrote:
Zorak wrote:Musically, 'Nobody's Here' is pretty solid, but I just can't get over the atrocious lyrics. :(

Atrocious? How so? I really like them. They seem to be written from a really mellow, almost tired point of view. I think it really works.

To feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...

This just feels oddly specific and tacked on. Also, it's hard to take the 'Can I offer you a beer?' bit very seriously.

#165910 by Biert
Thu Jan 31, 2008 4:48 am
Who cares about lyrics anyway?

#165939 by Josiah Tobin
Thu Jan 31, 2008 3:18 pm
Zorak wrote:
Josiah Tobin wrote:
Zorak wrote:Musically, 'Nobody's Here' is pretty solid, but I just can't get over the atrocious lyrics. :(

Atrocious? How so? I really like them. They seem to be written from a really mellow, almost tired point of view. I think it really works.

To feel, feel like there's nobody here
...Feel like there's no more fear
I wanna feel like this for a year...
...Feel like there's nobody here...

This just feels oddly specific and tacked on. Also, it's hard to take the 'Can I offer you a beer?' bit very seriously.

Yeah, that's what I was talking about. To me, at least, those sort of lines make it feel kind of lethargic/disconnected. I dunno, I think it works wonderfully, myself.

#165967 by olol
Fri Feb 01, 2008 4:34 am
"Also, it's hard to take the 'Can I offer you a beer?' bit very seriously."

I thought that was how it's supposed to be inferred. Sort of mocking the phrase, as he's saying it nonchalantly, almost.

#165972 by sarai-chan
Fri Feb 01, 2008 5:36 am
Grimview wrote:
djskrimp wrote:There isn't a song Dev's made I don't like. There are some I don't listen to as much as others, but completely dislike? Not a chance.


Don't have to say anything, as you said exactly what I would have. :)

I totally agree with you :)

Only song I might skip from non-SYL side is Olives, but that's only a slight might.

If I put a Dev record in the player, I just cannot stop it in between or skip songs.
They just need to be listened completely.

From SYL side there is one that I would like to skip;

There just is something in those songs that..
I don't want to make them feel bad :lol:

Those of you who don't enjoy Ass-sordids and Hummers, SELL THEM TO ME! :D
I haven't heard them, and if I enjoy all of these albums so I think I would enjoy them too :D

I have the LP, C:ENTER or what was it's name?
I really don't know what's in it, since I don't have a player for it..
Would someone like to enlighten me? :D

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