The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#177937 by BrunoN
Tue Dec 02, 2008 1:16 am
mrllama wrote:If i was to record an x-mass song, it would sound very much like bricks and tiles in a blender and would smell like lemon. This is mainly because i've just recorded the sound of bricks and tiles in a blender and added some lemon zest for good luck. It's hard explain via the medium of typing, but i'll try and give you an idea of how it sounds............."NNNGGHHHHHKCKCkCKCKCKCKCKCCKCKWWAAAHHHH KCKCCCsNNNNCKCSPSPS.........aaaaahhhhhhh"

That's sounds pretty much like "White christmas".
#177947 by Biert
Tue Dec 02, 2008 4:43 am

That's what she said.

Seriously though mrllama, you crack me up :lol:
#178085 by Devymetalnut
Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:27 pm
You want a Devy xmas song? I recommend the end of Processional off the Christeen + 4 demos ep. Its rather spiffing. 9.20 minutes in till the end. Makes you want to sing along to Devy's xmas cheer. :twisted:
#178222 by nickdwaters
Fri Dec 05, 2008 3:57 pm
The Christmas tree...
It's on fire!
My McMansion and hum-vee...
Are on fire!

Something burns....
Somebody burns....
The on fire!
I am...on fire!

Toss in your god
Toss in a daemon
Toss in an angel
Toss in a heathen!

You string... up the lights
Just like Jesus Fucking Christ
Your sins... burn bright
Piled on high... unnatural heights

Madison ave...
Coke Saint Nick...
All religious nuts
Can suck my dick!

Everything burns...
Everyone burns
Burn baby burn...
Burn burn burn

Toss in your god
Toss in a daemon
Toss in an angel
Toss in a heathen!

Christians burn...
Each cheek you turn
Muslims burn...
Submit and burn
Buddhists burn
Your ways they burn!

Toss in your god
Toss in a daemon
Toss in an angel
Toss in a heathen!

Merry Christmas mother fuckers!

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