The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#102561 by Pisshead
Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:30 pm

Beating people for taking pictures of Him!!!

Changing his name to The Legend (Akin to Mr. T)!!!

Stopping a a song midway because he wants a roadie to pour beer in his mouth!!!

I'd rather he stayed semi-popular, keeps the hunger up, we all know what obscene amounts of money does to you.


#102580 by EternalMetal
Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:09 pm
I honostly think that the record label is telling him to record another SYL album. Record labels have an unbelievable amount of pull, and when they tell you to do something, you gotta do it or they drop you. So he could not want to do it at all, or he could be all for it. Who knows? Either way, I cant wait for it, although I would have rathered DTB tour more with Synchestra. Alien is still satisfying me, so I dont think I need a new SYL album yet, but now that I know its happening, I WANT IT!!! :lol:

His music is a little esoteric to become very popular. I remember my first impressions of even AE, and it was strange at first. It takes some getting used to. But I do think he could release one of his songs as a single and make it. Possibly Life.

#102585 by rgx612a
Thu Dec 29, 2005 5:22 pm
So what are the sales figures for Alien? and how do they compare to Accellerated Evolution?

You'd think DTB would sell alot more than SYL, hey? But apperently not. I guess it has to do with this metal movement that's going on these days, it's not huge, but if your happens to fit the mold you'll probably sell a decent figure.

#102612 by gurp13
Thu Dec 29, 2005 6:54 pm
Chris wrote:Oh, and Human was the work-in-progress-name for what will be released as Synchestra in January (the "one long song" thing seems to refer to the flow of the album) :wink:

Oh, I know that Human was the previous title for Synchestra. But, Dev did say more than once that the album was going to be one long 70 minute song. Synchestra is clearly not that. Those are distinct songs. I think that his vision changed over time. I say this because how is Synchestra different from Terria or Ocean Machine in respect to flow? Those albums have a lot of flow to them, too.

I just think that Dev says something and then changes his mind. It's like my wife. Although, she never really changes her mind. She says she can't change her mind since it's never really made up. Makes sense.

#102615 by djskrimp
Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:03 pm
Pisshead wrote:
I'd rather he stayed semi-popular, keeps the hunger up, we all know what obscene amounts of money does to you.

It might screw up everything, but, I wonder what kind of stuff Dev would come up with if he had the resources available to him, and didn't have to watch the bottom line anymore. I'd LOVE to see him do Infinity/Terria/Synchestra with the a full orchestra, resplendant with a great vocal choir and whatnot. And, no, I am not talking about the friggin' Metallica flavor. I mean HIS vision and music represented, not Michael Kaman's idea of his music. I mean, Dev is SUCH a driven person, does anyone really think he'd get all lazy and whatnot from the money?

#102617 by gurp13
Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:10 pm
rgx612a wrote:So what are the sales figures for Alien? and how do they compare to Accellerated Evolution?

You'd think DTB would sell alot more than SYL, hey? But apperently not. I guess it has to do with this metal movement that's going on these days, it's not huge, but if your happens to fit the mold you'll probably sell a decent figure.

I think it's all about advertising and promotion. SYL gets way more promotion and advertising than DTB.

#102618 by Pisshead
Thu Dec 29, 2005 7:11 pm
djskrimp wrote:
It might screw up everything, but, I wonder what kind of stuff Dev would come up with if he had the resources available to him, and didn't have to watch the bottom line anymore. I'd LOVE to see him do Infinity/Terria/Synchestra with the a full orchestra, resplendant with a great vocal choir and whatnot. And, no, I am not talking about the friggin' Metallica flavor. I mean HIS vision and music represented, not Michael Kaman's idea of his music. I mean, Dev is SUCH a driven person, does anyone really think he'd get all lazy and whatnot from the money?

I was talking more major mainstream act money, as in too much money than the band members know what to do with!
I'd love to hear a whole orchestral attempt too and at that level it wouldn't be too expensive. That would be pre-breakthrough money, i'd imagine, I can't see Dimmu Borgir having money pouring out of their ears yet they could afford an orchestral backing. Of course, I don't know how Dimmu live, they could be rich as fuck!!

Last edited by Pisshead on Fri Dec 30, 2005 8:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#102725 by Chris
Fri Dec 30, 2005 5:12 am
gurp13 wrote:Oh, I know that Human was the previous title for Synchestra. But, Dev did say more than once that the album was going to be one long 70 minute song. Synchestra is clearly not that.

Let's sum it up by saying that in this case, he didn't announce something that never happened. He announced something that just... changed. Ahem.

He never said that the album would consist of only track, though. He spoke of it as divided into chapters (which means songs, basically) and... Yeah, again it's all about the flow. I know what you mean, you know what I mean (at least I hope so :wink: ) and that's fine.

gurp13 wrote:She says she can't change her mind since it's never really made up. Makes sense.


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