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What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#78773 by Greg Reason
Thu Jun 02, 2005 10:02 am
rgx612a wrote:Haha, music is subjective man.

If it weren't for a few songs like Bad Devil, Colonial Boy and Noisy Pink Bubbles, and just some of the other less than appealing moments in a few songs (To be honest, I find some of it to be very self indulgent), I might agree that Infinity is his best album, but those songs I mentioned take away from the grand picture IMO. Truth and Dynamics are masterpeices though.

I honestly think Ocean Machine is his best album, cause it just flows from opening note to last, all while keeping my attention through the whole experience. The biggest guage of a good album is the way it makes you feel during and after the listening experience though, and Ocean Machine just had the biggest emotional impact on me of all of the Devy albums.

Fair enough, opinions are opinions. But Infinity is far more a work of the mind of Devin and Devin alone than any of the others. Infinity doesn't sound like a single other soul... I think it's exactly becauise of those wonderful self indulgent moments that this is the case. Those moments are what eveyr artist should gather more of, because it makes their work more individual and characteristic. I don't think artists should streamline their work for other people's benefit.

#78843 by Greg Reason
Thu Jun 02, 2005 9:29 pm
Noodles wrote:Terria was made when Devin was 29, so according to scientists it was made at his peak artistic age.

Let us not forget that devin is no mere mortal, so any such scientific hypothesies will not stand against him :lol:

#80055 by rgx612a
Tue Jun 14, 2005 2:04 pm
Noodles wrote:i love Bad Devil :(

It's one of the very few Devy songs I'm just not too fond of. I'd still rather listen to it than most of what's on the radio though.

#80319 by Lumiere
Sat Jun 18, 2005 5:28 pm

It also happens to be my favourite album of all time.

#81592 by weemies
Tue Jul 05, 2005 5:45 am
I'm pretty sure my vote went to Ocean Machine a few months ago when I first registered here. It was the first and only Devy album I had heard back then. I know, shameful to vote when you haven't heard the others! But I just felt so incredibly strongly about it. Definitely one of the all time great albums.

My vote today would probably be the same, or possibly Terria. Those two albums are about tied for my favorite Devy album. OR, with more time, maybe even Accelerated Evolution, which I adore. It's got that same hypnotic groove that made me fall in love with OM, and then Terria.

And then there's Infinity... It's great but doesn't connect with me as strongly as the three previously mentioned albums. This could obviously change with time, but I kind of doubt it, knowing myself and what generally tickles my fancy and what doesn't. I still have yet to hear Physicist.

#81601 by Greg Reason
Tue Jul 05, 2005 7:25 am
Well, even if Infinity is hiddeously under-represented it's good at least finally see Terria creeping up to its rightful place above Ocean Machine.

#81635 by weemies
Tue Jul 05, 2005 10:06 pm
Greg Reason wrote:Well, even if Infinity is hiddeously under-represented it's good at least finally see Terria creeping up to its rightful place above Ocean Machine.

You realize this is not everybody's ranking of all the albums, just a result of what everyones #1 favorite album is?

If everyone were to rate the albums from #1 to #5, infinity could be at a totally different place.

#81679 by rgx612a
Wed Jul 06, 2005 10:18 am
Greg Reason wrote:Well, even if Infinity is hiddeously under-represented it's good at least finally see Terria creeping up to its rightful place above Ocean Machine.

Nah, I don't agree. Ocean machine is the more complete, cohesive statement IMO. Terria wanders and has a few weak moments, it's still a brilliant album though.

#81685 by Greg Reason
Wed Jul 06, 2005 11:26 am
I see that opposite. terria is shorter and stronger, with a more interesting arrangement, better songs and far superior production. I still love OM too, but since I've become a producer myself it doesn't seem as cool as Terria from the sound sort of level, and I find that it's just my personal preference as to liking the Terria songs better. I mean, most OM songs are better than Earth Day but Tiny Tears and Nobody's Here are better than nearly all OM songs imo...

#81717 by funny_little_guy
Thu Jul 07, 2005 12:44 am
I like Ocean Machine but hoenestly I dont see whats so amazing about it. It's got some great songs and great moments but Infinity and Terria are just so much more complete. They feel more like a single piece of music with many parts while to me Ocean Machine just sounds like a bunch of songs with a similer vibe.

#81753 by weemies
Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:15 am
Wow, couldn't disagree with you guys more. OM is anything but a bunch of songs slapped together. To me it feels completely unified, hypnotic, brilliant.

#81754 by Chris
Thu Jul 07, 2005 5:37 am
weemies wrote:Wow, couldn't disagree with you guys more. OM is anything but a bunch of songs slapped together. To me it feels completely unified, hypnotic, brilliant.

I don't consider it to be completely unified, but "a bunch of songs slapped together" really doesn't do justice to this album, I totally agree with you on that one. I mean, this phrase makes me think of an inferior and unloving created album. And OM by far is too amazing to be characeterised as such.

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