The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#223447 by daneulephus
Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:55 am
The Dev wrote:
I really wanna see more Ziltoid, regardless of what median. On Deconstruction, another album, or a movie, I just miss that guy. He's like the new "Dev". By that, I mean the image Devin made of himself as the strapping young lad front man. Yeah, I know Ziltoid's a parody of it, but I love him. He drinks coffee, and knows everything!

Yup, he's the key for me making crazy music. I still want to do it, but I have a conscience. Ziltoid is so self absorbed, he's pretty much free to do anything.

I'm currently in talks for the NEW improved Ziltoid puppet...and as I kept the dreads, Ziltoid inherits them.

The new Ziltoid record is going to be called Z2.

(Andrew Wiles...x2 + y2 = z2)

...sorry no 'squared' key on this computer.

Does this have anything to do with your update last fall about the "new album" being called "2", in the upper right hand corner or whatever?

Glad to see Ziltoid is still alive and well in you, and...if you think about it, it is a great way to justify that side of you. Just blame him!! LOL.
#223448 by Octillus
Sat Nov 07, 2009 11:57 am
The Dev wrote:Yes, we're doing a graphic novel. Just deciding on an artist who's willing to take it one confirmed yet.

I am so in love with this idea.

My bookshelf, has a couple of rows that make me look like I'm 10 due to how many graphic novels I have.
#223449 by daneulephus
Sat Nov 07, 2009 12:00 pm
UnstableBass wrote:Im my experience Z = x + yi or Z = a + bi However you wish to put it.
So therefore Z^2 = (x+yi)^2

Yes im a math nerd.

Well thats if your talking complex numbers (imaginary)

But yeah, cant wait for another Ziltoid album.

We're working with complex numbers and radicals right now in my college math stuff. sometimes.
#223495 by Nevaeh
Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:42 pm
I'd absolutely love to take a shot at it. What kind of thing are you looking at?

I just realised how that sounded.

Okay, I'm doing a degree in Graphic Design and Illustration. I'm looking for live projects for my course, as the higher exposure they are - the better grading I will get on my external experience module. I work in standard 300 dpi format, using photography, graphic tablets, traditional media and the entire adobe suite. I'll have full technical support through my uni and be able to print off a small batch of full quality CYMK final products, that would look, feel and smell like the real thing you'd find in a bookstore.

If you want more information, details and references, I can supply some previous artwork, client details and my current tutors.

If it makes it any more interesting, I wouldn't be charging you any labour. The only things you'd pay for is reasonable overheads. I work to a brief and keep in constant contact with my clients via iChat, Msn, Phone or whatever format deemed necessary. Your work would also be displayed for Young Designers Expo in london once complete, for further exposure. I am also flexible in creating RGB web based media and the like.

PM me if youre interested and I can start drafting up ideas. I promise you won't be disappointed.
Last edited by Nevaeh on Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:55 pm, edited 2 times in total.
#223498 by arheru
Sat Nov 07, 2009 4:47 pm
The Dev wrote:
I'm currently in talks for the NEW improved Ziltoid puppet...and as I kept the dreads, Ziltoid inherits them.

That made my day. Ziltoid is the king, and I love him dearly.
The girlfriend of a close friend of mine is actually afraid of Ziltoid, which is Da Bomb*10^6
#223501 by RobD
Sat Nov 07, 2009 5:15 pm
arheru wrote:
The Dev wrote:
I'm currently in talks for the NEW improved Ziltoid puppet...and as I kept the dreads, Ziltoid inherits them.

That made my day. Ziltoid is the king, and I love him dearly.
The girlfriend of a close friend of mine is actually afraid of Ziltoid, which is Da Bomb*10^6

So she should be - Ziltoid could crush this planet on a whim! :o
#223505 by UnstableBass
Sat Nov 07, 2009 7:00 pm
daneulephus wrote:
UnstableBass wrote:Im my experience Z = x + yi or Z = a + bi However you wish to put it.
So therefore Z^2 = (x+yi)^2
Yes im a math nerd
Well thats if your talking complex numbers (imaginary)
But yeah, cant wait for another Ziltoid album.

We're working with complex numbers and radicals right now in my college math stuff. sometimes.

Yeah I just finished my course a week ago final exams and all ( I was just being an idiot about the z^2 stuff )

But I say We get a thread going and ask Dev questions as our own interview (not idiot or commonly asked ones), since this interview thread has gone a bit off topic.

Or else someone post an interview? Hahah

But then again im fine with Ziltoid taking over this thread.

Liampie wrote:Z²? That makes him two-dimensional. Is the new Ziltoid Puppet going to be sawn out of cardboard?

Ziltiod was already 4th dimensional. Does that mean he'll go 6th? (Z^4)^2 = Z^6 ????
Hahah im an idiot
#223507 by the_s_rabbit
Sat Nov 07, 2009 8:05 pm
UnstableBass wrote:Im my experience Z = x + yi or Z = a + bi However you wish to put it.
So therefore Z^2 = (x+yi)^2

Yes im a math nerd.

Well thats if your talking complex numbers (imaginary)

But yeah, cant wait for another Ziltoid album.

I had to look up what i is. It's an imaginary unit where i^2 = -1. But apparently it's not good enough to just make that assumption.
x^2 + y^2 = z^2 is basically the pythagorean theorem with different variable names. Typically a^2 + b^2 = c^2.

But I just found this:'_proof_of_Fermat's_Last_Theorem

a^n + b^n = c^n. That must be what he's talking about. Shit of course, this is related to elliptical curves. "Modular forms and elliptical curves!"

Let's get our math on up in this bitch!

BTW, I hated math and sucked ass at it until very recently. I didn't give a shit until I gained a strong interest in electrical engineering and firmware development. I'm over 30 and I just completed my first Calculus course (aced it :) ) I'm a software engineer who works with "enterprise" (read mostly boring for a nerd who wants to directly manipulate 1's and 0's) applications. Well, I still suck ass at math when doing it by hand (I always fuck up the algebra portions), but I understand it conceptually at least. And I now know that it is truly the key to attaining omniscience.

One day, I will be omni-dimensionally omniscient. That's right. Take your "I would be both" omnisciences and shove it up your smelly ass Ziltoid. You cork-soaker.
#223511 by UnstableBass
Sat Nov 07, 2009 9:33 pm
Yeah i was talking about the Complex plane Imaginary numbers, coz (Modular Forms) But i felt so special that i knew what Modular forms and elliptic curves were when i learnt it haha.
But yes with Pythagoras A^2 +B^2 = C^2
That Theorem link goes a bit over my math level as im only 18!

But I thought it was more just like a form of an elipse graph and the modular form of a complex number.
So looking at those theorems made me want to learn it!
I love math, it was fun for me. Ahh well im finished high school this year so i might do it at uni, although i dont need to but its fun.
#223558 by filthmammoth
Sun Nov 08, 2009 8:01 am
the_s_rabbit wrote:But I just found this:'_proof_of_Fermat's_Last_Theorem

I love that one of the heading on this wikipedia page is Aftermath

I didn't read the whole thing, it started to hurt my brain.... I am not great at maths, barely passed calculus in last year of high school and don't remember much.
#223576 by the_s_rabbit
Sun Nov 08, 2009 12:01 pm
Wander wrote:People... Are you sure you want to discuss mathematics on the "Interview Thread"? Kinda NOT what this is here for.

It's all Dev's fault. He started it. :D

Having said that, I haven't seen shit for new interviews anywhere. Please post if you find anything!

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