The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

What is your favourite Devin Townsend album?


#61196 by Forensick
Fri Dec 17, 2004 4:51 pm
Hi to you all! My first message in the hevydevy forums (Hooray!!). I must put Terria in the top position for this one. Actually, when I first listened to Terria, it sounded kinda weird, (dunno why?)... But when listened repeatedly, I kind of grew into it (Call me weird...). No other album never hooked me like this one. At first I wondered about all the sounds happening and couldn´t get the hang of it, and even today, after 100 (and more) listens, I still find new things in the music. Fuck me, Devy is the man. No words can describe what this music means to me. Sorry about the drunken talk. I quit now... :crazy:

#61601 by TinyTears007
Mon Dec 20, 2004 2:08 am
Terria for me, just beautiful soundscapes and melodies. Its rather cool to see AE is getting the respect it deserves too. :D

#64064 by dr_extreem
Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:21 pm
I can't say...

Its between Ocean Machine and Infinity

#64066 by mo
Mon Jan 03, 2005 6:41 pm
ahh the good doctor is here

#64080 by krista
Mon Jan 03, 2005 8:57 pm
Hello! This is my first post. I'm really happy this forum exists! I just found it... It's like finding a secret world...

I have a special place for AE.. The first DTB song I heard was Suicide off the BraveWords & BloodyKnuckles cd comp. (mid '03?) I was completely stunned. I had to go out immediately and get the disc. After playing it through a million times I wanted to see what else was out therer and fell into Terria and Ocean Machine. This lead to all the rest of the DTB and SYL, (and others he's influenced).

My favorite album is Terria. I love the flow. It's like floating. Everthing stops, priorities change, grass smells greener... Listening to Devin's music makes life just that much more worth it.

I love how some of the songs fill me with so much emotion I can't breathe... It makes my skin feel alive... I was 29 years old when I first heard Tiny Tears... it made me cry! still does... and Canada... well he was singing about my home.

#69005 by ErikSchierboom
Wed Jan 26, 2005 4:53 am
Ocean Machine for me, with Terria coming up close. Devin is such a brilliant man, can't wait for the new album.

#70203 by pixeldream
Sun Feb 06, 2005 11:42 am
I'm just actually getting into Devin Townsend. Suicide was my first song and definately still my favorite. That guitar solo is too good to be true!
#70910 by Mr.Largo
Sat Feb 12, 2005 10:19 pm
Physist got me into SYL

#71245 by Greg Reason
Wed Feb 16, 2005 8:30 pm
Ocean Machine 145...

Terria 168...

Infinity 55?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?!?!?

#71262 by WilliamTurner
Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:06 am
Hard decision...

There is no best of em.
The albums are all like moods. And so the best one is the one matching to the actual mood of the listener.

Depending on season, weather, being angry or not I would say an other album.

But from the fact that most moods are on Biomech, I think that Ocean Machine would be the one that matche the most time


Every album got it´s pro and contras
But all just depending on the mood

what do you think about?

#71301 by EternalMetal
Thu Feb 17, 2005 5:33 pm
Greg Reason wrote:Ocean Machine 145...

Terria 168...

Infinity 55?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

What the fuck is wrong with you people?!?!?!?

wtf is wrong with you? :)

I think that infinity's songs dont really match, they seem like just random songs on a cd (very good ones at that). But cds like Terria and OM, they have a common theme. Nobody is going to deny that. But Truth and Bad Devil sound nothing alike, they really shouldnt be on the cd together. I cant vote for a cd that has too much randomness in the songs. With dev i like themes.

For that i picked Terria, cause im a big fan of nature and shit.

#71313 by Greg Reason
Thu Feb 17, 2005 10:24 pm
EternalMetal wrote:wtf is wrong with you? :)

I think that infinity's songs dont really match, they seem like just random songs on a cd (very good ones at that). But cds like Terria and OM, they have a common theme. Nobody is going to deny that. But Truth and Bad Devil sound nothing alike, they really shouldnt be on the cd together. I cant vote for a cd that has too much randomness in the songs. With dev i like themes.

Erm, Methinks that was actually the point of that album, what with how insane Devy was at the time and all.... It was a reflection of his mind.

#71324 by Blazingmonga
Fri Feb 18, 2005 1:45 am
Dont worry Greg, its all ok. I feel your pain...Infinity is always going to be the 'black duckling' of the group. Hard to love but rewarding if you do.

And dont worry, I love Infinity. Like my own child. Or a jar of mango chutney.

#71591 by ASHORIZZOR
Sun Feb 20, 2005 11:45 pm
:roll: Terria takes the lead............Btw Blazingmonga your "moving" avatar makes me insane I get nightmares while wathing it........ :wink:

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