Ooh, what a touchy topic. As soon as someone mentions casual drug use, you have to watch what you say, haha. If we can all agree on something, it's that the act of taking anything for altered states is a choice that should be left completely to the user.
I don't want to turn my post into a stoner rant, because that's exactly the opposite of what I want to come across as.
I'm not a real big drinker. The most I'll have these days is maybe 4 beers, over the course of one weekend. To me, there's nothing pleasing about the taste, or feeling full, or having to pee every 15 minutes, etc.
But for weed, I've been smoking since highschool. But it's an activity that I absolutely do NOT surround my lifestyle around, unlike other people I've seen. I was definitely more chronic in HS (Usually a daily ritual) and over the course of time, I've slowed down. I believe that, besides the damage of smoking anything, the only negative effects would be slowing yourself down, despite the rest of the world continuing to move full speed ahead. Thankfully, I realize this, and have limited myself to once in a few blue moons, maybe a little more often in the summertime.
And it's an activity that is for me, and me alone. By now I could handle it, but I've never liked smoking in a group. Mostly, I'll smoke by myself, then go off and do other things.
At this point in my life, I have an easy enough time enjoying the natural world and music on my own, but sometimes, every once in a while, I'll feel like smoking, maybe because I think it does connect me better, if not in a different way entirely.
Am I pro-weed? Eh, not really. There's no need in joining the fight to legalize it, that would be too much a waste of my time, and I've just accepted that it might never happen. But that won't stop me, will it? Plus, I don't wanna go around declaring to everyone how much I love weed. If anything, I'm afraid it would cause certain people to look down on me; they'll just label me as a typical, deadbeat stoner. I have too much self respect to let that happen. I have goals, and I have morals, and I want to establish myself and lead a fulfilling life. But I still love weed.
Anyway, those are my thoughts. I congratulate and humbly thank anyone who has read my babble.