The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#145027 by Chris
Mon Apr 09, 2007 8:39 am
Drumdude13 wrote:I've heard the entire Ziltoid album, he did'nt smoke a thing for that and that is a really fucked up (ideas are amazing and out there) but very cool album and it just goes to show that he's naturally a talented dude with or without the weed....

Well put and nice to read. Thanks, Ryan.

Maybe a little off-topic question: As a drummer, how do you think did Dev execute the sampled drums? Would it be an interesting challenge for you to play the Ziltoid stuff live one day?

C'mon guys... I can dream! :wink:
#155464 by Mr. Hell
Fri Jul 27, 2007 7:53 am
I was in Hawaii for Christmas two years ago on a cruise ship. We were going past these amazing ciffs on the north side of an island and I happened to be listening to Terria while we sailed past. One of the most amazing memories I have that is attached to music. Wasn't high.
That being said, I did smoke weed chronically for ten years and it definitely opened my ears to more in terms of listening to music and writing music. The lasting effects were small but noticable. My short term memory is not what it used to be.
As far as driving while high on the pot...everytime I did, I drove 5 kilometers per hour under the limit without fail, which can be dangerous and irritating to others, but is less damaging than the excessive speed alcohol can facilitate.
In general, drugs are a personal choice and anyone who tries to force their views on others whether pro or con is a fucking immature jackass.

#157860 by Soul Slave
Wed Sep 05, 2007 9:13 pm
Listen to N9 high, that song is trippy when your clean...

New here too, hey guys!

#157894 by Biert
Thu Sep 06, 2007 10:34 am
Soul Slave wrote:Listen to N9 high, that song is trippy when your clean...

New here too, hey guys!


#158598 by Deth Warmdover
Thu Sep 20, 2007 11:55 am
The whole point here, to me is choice. Devy is all about not being the statis quo and that includes drug culture. I tend to smoke pot in periods of a year or two smoking and then a year or two not as my personality and life style change. What I don't believe in any more is how one HAS to smoke or drop or what ever to tune into alternate states of creativity and consisnous. Or to be progressive or in with the in.I'm not just talking meditating or such I'm just talking about spontainiously changing our state of being as we please. Just watch children. The move from sober study to totall trip out with ease(if not much control) for children is natural .As we grow we have this capability drummed out of us, not only by adults but our own peers.And then artificially reintroduced as drug and drug culture. I never realised untill recently that I was using pot not to enhance my mind but to dull it. To SUPRESS my cupusion to create and free associate. I am more STONED streight that I ever could be high. Which is not to say I'll ever not smoke again or any other drug for that matter, and I'm totally for pot or any drug use for that matter to those adults willing to accept the responsabilty of their trips to those that choose to use.Just as GWAR points out in Nitro Burning Funny Bong though ,doing drugs to fit in or just to give yourself permision to think out of the box is pretty lame.

#159000 by Arkane Magik
Wed Sep 26, 2007 11:51 pm
I'm not a big fan of drugs, the only drug I like is alcohol and only red wine and gin, I can't stand beer or vodka. I don't really like drugs, but I am pretty libertarian so I say why should the government stop people from doing weed, shrooms, LSD or anything for that matter. Unless you drive while on drugs, then your an idiot and deserve harsh punishment. The legalization of all drugs I believe would stop or diminish gang violence.
Anyway the one time I was on weed I really didn't feel any spiritual connection to anything or more aware, I just felt kind of good, okay thats a lie I felt very good, but I also felt that it wasn't me and I hated it in a way as well. If someone want's to do drugs I respect that, people can make their own decisions.

#159085 by Bungdeetle
Thu Sep 27, 2007 10:21 pm
If every album that's going to be made is as awesome or even more awesome than Ziltoid, then I welcome Dev's abstinence with open arms. If drugs make his music more awesome, and it doesn't destroy him, I welcome that with open arms, too. I think everyone feels that way.

I think using drugs to be JUST to be creative is pretty lame, because if you can't be creative sober, your ideas are going to dry up whether you do drugs or not. I think the best way to get yourself out of a creative slump is to do some research on things you don't know much about but find interesting. That, or just take a hiatus. Then again, it can't really be avoided if the person never had an ounce of creativity in them in the first place.

Myself, I don't do drugs because... well.... frankly, I think my brain administers its own THC anyway. Seriously, random moments of feeling like everything is totally fine, that warm inner glow for no apparent reason, feelings of connectivity with all things, sometimes totally unreasonable paranoia, moments of zoning out... I'm often told I even look stoned.

The only drugs I would want to do is the psychedelics, because they take away the ego. I wouldn't do drugs for a euphoric feeling because... well... happiness is overrated. Especially temporary and unnatural happiness.

#162469 by StopCuttingMyArmsOff
Fri Dec 07, 2007 10:35 pm
Ooh, what a touchy topic. As soon as someone mentions casual drug use, you have to watch what you say, haha. If we can all agree on something, it's that the act of taking anything for altered states is a choice that should be left completely to the user.

I don't want to turn my post into a stoner rant, because that's exactly the opposite of what I want to come across as.

I'm not a real big drinker. The most I'll have these days is maybe 4 beers, over the course of one weekend. To me, there's nothing pleasing about the taste, or feeling full, or having to pee every 15 minutes, etc.

But for weed, I've been smoking since highschool. But it's an activity that I absolutely do NOT surround my lifestyle around, unlike other people I've seen. I was definitely more chronic in HS (Usually a daily ritual) and over the course of time, I've slowed down. I believe that, besides the damage of smoking anything, the only negative effects would be slowing yourself down, despite the rest of the world continuing to move full speed ahead. Thankfully, I realize this, and have limited myself to once in a few blue moons, maybe a little more often in the summertime.

And it's an activity that is for me, and me alone. By now I could handle it, but I've never liked smoking in a group. Mostly, I'll smoke by myself, then go off and do other things.

At this point in my life, I have an easy enough time enjoying the natural world and music on my own, but sometimes, every once in a while, I'll feel like smoking, maybe because I think it does connect me better, if not in a different way entirely.

Am I pro-weed? Eh, not really. There's no need in joining the fight to legalize it, that would be too much a waste of my time, and I've just accepted that it might never happen. But that won't stop me, will it? Plus, I don't wanna go around declaring to everyone how much I love weed. If anything, I'm afraid it would cause certain people to look down on me; they'll just label me as a typical, deadbeat stoner. I have too much self respect to let that happen. I have goals, and I have morals, and I want to establish myself and lead a fulfilling life. But I still love weed.

Anyway, those are my thoughts. I congratulate and humbly thank anyone who has read my babble. :)

#162477 by JayjayAbnormal
Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:57 am
One of the main things that draws me away from the use of marijuana is that it doesn't allow you to get or maintain an erection. (For a lot of guys anyway, and depending how much you smoke it) Dull sex life right there :P

#162490 by Biert
Sat Dec 08, 2007 11:07 am
Ever been drunk, JJ? Same problem there brough ;)

#162495 by JayjayAbnormal
Sat Dec 08, 2007 2:10 pm
Biert wrote:Ever been drunk, JJ? Same problem there brough ;)

I could've swore I got an erection while being completely shitfaced before :shock:

#162516 by Kivenkantaja
Sun Dec 09, 2007 3:04 am
Give me your thoughts on these:

What do you think is the relationship between music and drugs? Do you know anyone who became interested in drugs (soft or hard) via music?

I know people who wouldn't have ever tried any drugs if it wasn't for the music they listened.

#162575 by 6boredkids
Mon Dec 10, 2007 1:33 pm
JayjayAbnormal wrote:One of the main things that draws me away from the use of marijuana is that it doesn't allow you to get or maintain an erection. (For a lot of guys anyway, and depending how much you smoke it) Dull sex life right there :P

Think your smoking the wrong stuff mate! :lol:

New here but had to post on this topic! Listening to Dev and any other music while stoned has really changed my not a waster, i've got a full time job, a girlfriend, play rugby league at weekends and have a pretty normal life but I still like getting wrecked when I can!

Deadhead HAS to be listend to when your stoned, end of! :wink:

#162577 by shiram
Mon Dec 10, 2007 2:16 pm
JayjayAbnormal wrote:One of the main things that draws me away from the use of marijuana is that it doesn't allow you to get or maintain an erection. (For a lot of guys anyway, and depending how much you smoke it) Dull sex life right there :P

i have had experience contrary to that, it can actually enhance sexual life, but its got to be a very "once in a while thing"
to me alcohol is worse

as for Devy music and drugs, i probably already posted in here
but i always liked listening to a new devy album high, and then sober
you just notice different stuff, and it gives a more lasting appeal

#162670 by drukore
Tue Dec 11, 2007 8:20 pm
simen_88 wrote:I think I am able to enjoy music as good as everybody else although I'm straight-edge.

Here here sXe brutha. I'm edge also, and the biggest fan of Dev's music out of anyone I know. Flawless music is flawless and I don't believe listening to something high lets you feel it the same way. Back when I did drugs, yeah music sounded cool and all.....but sober....I dunno....I feel it way more. Devin's stuff is so full it kind of gets you high all by itself anyways.

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