FUBAR wrote:Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Amber wrote:Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:FUBAR wrote:Thats cool man. I hate it when people dismiss heavy stuff, they just don't get it I guess. Suppose AE does have a broad appeal compared to SYL. Congrats of the victory.
I hate that as well - and girls in particular seem to stay away from heavy stuff; I can't talk to any friends about music because what I like is 'too heavy, too angry." I don't get it!?
You have to think about it in their shoes for a moment. For someone who is never into that kinda music, it does sound very aggressive. Fast beats and a fair bit of swearing tends to come off that way.
I personally adore heavy music, the only thing I really dislike is screaming. I don't mind Devins as much, but I think thats because its more of a harsh tone to his voice, rather than a bat screeching.
But I am a girl - and I still don't understand girls.We're crazy!
I actually agree with you about the screaming. Devin Townsend aside, because he can scream on pitch and it sounds good, I don't like screaming. I wouldn't pay good money to listen to someone amelodically scream. There's a right way and a wrong way to scream in music. Most people don't get itJust my two cents.
Hmm I wonder how many girls in the world like screamy metal music, can't be many. I've never found any, as much as a I've looked or tried to convince them otherwise, by saying stuff like; "nah it's just more emotional if it's loud and screamy!"
I'm not a girl btw despite my pinky avatar!
As general rule, I don't like screamy music, just because quite frankly it pisses me off. xD I do however, adore really heavy riffs. Heavy riffs + clean singing = Perfection, in my personal opinion. Just, as far as I've found, not a lot of people do it. But them I am really fussy with vocals.
There are exceptions to the rule, of course.
And yeah DsD, girls are weird.