The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#179896 by Amber
Fri Jan 02, 2009 10:21 am
FUBAR wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Amber wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
FUBAR wrote:Thats cool man. I hate it when people dismiss heavy stuff, they just don't get it I guess. Suppose AE does have a broad appeal compared to SYL. Congrats of the victory.

I hate that as well - and girls in particular seem to stay away from heavy stuff; I can't talk to any friends about music because what I like is 'too heavy, too angry." I don't get it!?

You have to think about it in their shoes for a moment. For someone who is never into that kinda music, it does sound very aggressive. Fast beats and a fair bit of swearing tends to come off that way. :P
I personally adore heavy music, the only thing I really dislike is screaming. I don't mind Devins as much, but I think thats because its more of a harsh tone to his voice, rather than a bat screeching.

But I am a girl - and I still don't understand girls. :lol: We're crazy!

I actually agree with you about the screaming. Devin Townsend aside, because he can scream on pitch and it sounds good, I don't like screaming. I wouldn't pay good money to listen to someone amelodically scream. There's a right way and a wrong way to scream in music. Most people don't get it :? Just my two cents.

Hmm I wonder how many girls in the world like screamy metal music, can't be many. I've never found any, as much as a I've looked or tried to convince them otherwise, by saying stuff like; "nah it's just more emotional if it's loud and screamy!"

I'm not a girl btw despite my pinky avatar!

As general rule, I don't like screamy music, just because quite frankly it pisses me off. xD I do however, adore really heavy riffs. Heavy riffs + clean singing = Perfection, in my personal opinion. Just, as far as I've found, not a lot of people do it. But them I am really fussy with vocals.
There are exceptions to the rule, of course.

And yeah DsD, girls are weird. :P
#179909 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Fri Jan 02, 2009 3:30 pm
Amber wrote:As general rule, I don't like screamy music, just because quite frankly it pisses me off. xD I do however, adore really heavy riffs. Heavy riffs + clean singing = Perfection, in my personal opinion. Just, as far as I've found, not a lot of people do it. But them I am really fussy with vocals.
There are exceptions to the rule, of course.

And yeah DsD, girls are weird. :P

I couldn't have said it better myself! I agree completely. My favorite Opeth songs are the one's with clean vocals - I understand I'm in the minority, but that's just my opinion :D I do give Mikael credit for having the best damn grolwing voice I've ever heard though - if I'm going to listen to growling, it would have to be him.

On the whole, I prefer clean vocals as well. But once again, Devin Townsend is an exception, because I like all his voices - he has many. I just listened to Sex and Religion, and I never knew he could sing as such... amazing. 8) I suppose I'll listen to most singing styles as long as there's talent and effort behind it. Mindless screaming doesn't cut it for me though.

So I think we've ventured far off topic... sorry about that!
#180106 by Amber
Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:17 pm
I think we did venture a little far off topic!

If you want it back on topic a little:
My little brother sometimes has his cute moments. He got up a minute ago, and noticed me posting on the forums, and he goes:

"Is that Devin's forum?"
"Yes, why?"
"Oh, cool. Just wondering... Is his band still together?"
"Well, he's making a new album."
"Oh... Is he going to come to England sometime?"
"He might, I dunno. Depends if he feels like it I guess."
"Yeah I guess so... If he does... Can I come?"

Aww! :D Hahaha.
#180112 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:36 pm
*gasp!* That is so sweet! Your little brother sounds so polite!! lol
How cute - however, depending on his age, he won't actually be going to any Devin concerts anytime soon will he? :lol:

Speaking of brothers, my brother has actually become a Dev fan as well on account of my high recommendations. He's 25 though, so it's not all that charming :lol: He actually knew more about him before I did, but I initally bought the first Townsend CD in the house. Now he walks around the house quoting Ziltoid and going on about how everything is "FETID!" or "FOUL!" He's a guitar nerd, and one night he tuned down one of his guitars (minus the 7th string) and whipped out Love? It was awesome.

I like to think that we bond over Devin Townsend CD's. 8)
#180138 by Amber
Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:38 am
He's 11, so possibly not. Depends if they let in younger ones with an adult. :D My first gig was at around 11 too I think, so it would be good to keep that tradition there 8)

And that's so cool haha. The word fetid doesn't get used enough :P
#180177 by Lawrence
Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:02 pm
I seriously doubt Dev will be coming over to play for us in the UK, that would mean a full tour and he only said he would play a couple of shows. If you wanna catch him play it looks like it will mean a plane flight to vancouver! :)
#180178 by Amber
Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:24 pm
Hey, you can have a couple of shows. One in Vancouver, and one in the UK. That's not a full blown world tour. :P But yeah I think I might be a little hopeful.

Off to Canada I guess :D (I wish.)
#180210 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:35 pm
Amber wrote:Hey, you can have a couple of shows. One in Vancouver, and one in the UK. That's not a full blown world tour. :P But yeah I think I might be a little hopeful.

And hopefully the US too!!! Maybe only a couple cities, but at least Northern California, say .... San Francisco. Yeah that'd be perfect 8) You wouldn't skip San Francisco, would you Devin!?

Nathan_lol wrote:My 10 year old brother always calls Devin Devin "Thompson." I'll correct him and he'll be like "That's what I said."

Awwww that's actually really cute. At least he's showing some sort of interest... many won't give me the time of day once I get going on Mr. Devin =/ I guess I talk about him a lot to people who don't like metal.
#180227 by psychotic
Mon Jan 05, 2009 11:04 pm
I have similar stories, as I have a lot of friends who really don't care for heavy stuff too much, and they used to make fun of the SYL stuff I would listen to, but when I'd play some of Devin's solo stuff around them, Infinity, Terria, and AE mainly, they would talk about how much they liked it. Surprisingly (you'd probably have to know them), they didn't seem to suddenly hate it when I told them that it was the same mastermind as with the SYL stuff. Devin's solo stuff does have a good mainsteam appeal to it, and it's done as Devin wants to do it, which is what's so cool about it to me. I just wish it could get more exposure.

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