The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#180355 by Dr.Mosh
Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:42 am
I really cannot wait to hear this. it's going to be so great, I will crap my pants
#180375 by FUBAR
Wed Jan 07, 2009 3:43 pm
Lawrence wrote:
Biert wrote:Here's a website for it: ... brain.html

Order button is not working for me :(

Holy Fucking God, i hope thats not the full nerd alert track but hell thats insane swweping and the soloing before it, fucking insane is only word for it

its jus a minute sample of each. Devs' sounds badass, quite a few sound really good actually i really like track 5.
#180384 by TallNerdGuy
Wed Jan 07, 2009 10:06 pm
Sweetness. 8)
#180388 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Wed Jan 07, 2009 11:16 pm
WOW! Sounds awesome, I can't believe that's a human playing that - crazy!

But what really blows my mind... this description:

This hemispherical guitar workout combines Townsend’s inhumanly pristine technique with a totally twisted sense of humor and emotional depth. It’s as if Townsend, while examining the terrain of his own inner space, subjects his listeners/victims to a kind of sonic mind probe as he drills his luscious, cosmic, and chasm-ic guitar figures into the depths of our very psyches. Upon fade out, Townsend’s final notes echo and repeat in a sonic abyss. What’s in there? Who’s in there? That’s hard to tell, but one thing is for certain: this is your brain on “Devin Townsend.”

#180395 by BrunoN
Thu Jan 08, 2009 1:51 am
soundsofentropy wrote:Sounds like it's got a lot of recycled licks and some new sweeps to boot. Also sounds like a mindfuck. :D

This. Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it?
#180396 by Biert
Thu Jan 08, 2009 3:43 am
BrunoN wrote:
soundsofentropy wrote:Sounds like it's got a lot of recycled licks and some new sweeps to boot. Also sounds like a mindfuck. :D

This. Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it?

Isn't it just the wacky solos of Ziltoid?
#180421 by soundsofentropy
Thu Jan 08, 2009 12:35 pm
Biert wrote:
BrunoN wrote:
soundsofentropy wrote:Sounds like it's got a lot of recycled licks and some new sweeps to boot. Also sounds like a mindfuck. :D

This. Sounds kinda familiar, doesn't it?

Isn't it just the wacky solos of Ziltoid?

Probably in part. It just has a lot of the licks that Dev uses frequently in improvisational stuff and such. Some of them are in the GAG video, if I remember correctly.
#181431 by TallNerdGuy
Tue Jan 20, 2009 7:17 pm
It is also available in the US AmazonMP3 store, as well! Yippee!!!
#181495 by FUBAR
Wed Jan 21, 2009 3:32 pm
Just bought the mp3 of the album off amazon, pretty killer stuff.

Altho Devs contains alot of his sweepy stuff we've heard before it's still pretty heavenly especially the latter half of the track...mmm floaty.
#181761 by Blazingmonga
Sun Jan 25, 2009 3:58 am
Sounds like Devin had a lot of fun with this track. I can hear similar widdly bits to parts of Ziltoid and also Terria.

Yay for widdly bits!

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