The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#178313 by soundsofentropy
Sun Dec 07, 2008 11:58 am
Alex78 wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

because smoking pot and everything that comes with it makes up 90% of their lives maybe?

This is true for a lot of heavy pot smokers, but not all. I have a friend that's at the top of his class in the aerospace engineering program at our university, and he longboards, plays guitar, and is active politically, but he smokes pot multiple times each day. It's serious multitasking. :roll:

Kivenkantaja wrote:
soundsofentropy wrote: Pot is just a drug.


A couple of friends of mine smoke weed every now and than and i'm cool with that but always trying to keep them from expanding the use beyond weekends. I've seen what happens to people who smoke every day, give em a few years and they are vegetables.

That's a good plan, actually. Smoking only on weekends is so much better than smoking every day (for the smokers and their friends). :wink:

I have a few vegetable friends now. They get more boring every day. :(
#178320 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sun Dec 07, 2008 1:33 pm
Amber wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:^^ That's the response I had. :o

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it:

Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

I guess I'm kinda out of the loop because I've never had anything to do with weed before, it's just not that interesting to me - but it seems like it's absolutely fascinating to everyone else. Why is that?

Honest question. :|

Don't worry DsD, I don't get it either. But I've had nothing to do with drugs at any point. (I don't even drink!) I'm not forced too think that way - I decided that since I was like, 10. xD Never appealed to me at all.

And - You want to strike up a conversation with Devin, and the thing you want to bring up is drugs? :P Maybe I'm just weird, but it doesn't seem like the best of converastion starters? Maybe? I dunno. :D


Yeah that's kind of what I was trying to get at Amber - not to sound like an a$$hole, but why would anyone email their idol just to ask something trivial and pointless like 'do you smoke tha weed?" This post isn't meant to offend anyone, really. But I, personally don't understand it. Wouldn't one want to ask or say something more important and respectful? :|

In any case, do whatever you want. I'm sure Dev gets weirder fan letters than that.

p.s Entrpoy, you're right. Very insightful. For the record: I don't think stoners are bad people, but when you can't relate to, or converse with them unless you are one of them... that's a problem.

I thought this was interesting:
I know more about Devin Townsend than I probably ought to, not because I take interest in random people, but because I like his music a lot. And I'm sure I end up spewing musical and non-musical things about Dev to my friends who don't even like him that much. Anyway, just my thoughts.

I do that kind of thing too! If I'm going to like a musician, I go all out. Shiiiiit, I've slipped in musical information into college essays. I'm crafty 8)
#178495 by Amber
Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:13 am
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:
Amber wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:^^ That's the response I had. :o

Perhaps this is a stupid question, but I have to ask it:

Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

I guess I'm kinda out of the loop because I've never had anything to do with weed before, it's just not that interesting to me - but it seems like it's absolutely fascinating to everyone else. Why is that?

Honest question. :|

Don't worry DsD, I don't get it either. But I've had nothing to do with drugs at any point. (I don't even drink!) I'm not forced too think that way - I decided that since I was like, 10. xD Never appealed to me at all.

And - You want to strike up a conversation with Devin, and the thing you want to bring up is drugs? :P Maybe I'm just weird, but it doesn't seem like the best of converastion starters? Maybe? I dunno. :D


Yeah that's kind of what I was trying to get at Amber - not to sound like an a$$hole, but why would anyone email their idol just to ask something trivial and pointless like 'do you smoke tha weed?" This post isn't meant to offend anyone, really. But I, personally don't understand it. Wouldn't one want to ask or say something more important and respectful? :|

In any case, do whatever you want. I'm sure Dev gets weirder fan letters than that.

p.s Entrpoy, you're right. Very insightful. For the record: I don't think stoners are bad people, but when you can't relate to, or converse with them unless you are one of them... that's a problem.

I thought this was interesting:
I know more about Devin Townsend than I probably ought to, not because I take interest in random people, but because I like his music a lot. And I'm sure I end up spewing musical and non-musical things about Dev to my friends who don't even like him that much. Anyway, just my thoughts.

I do that kind of thing too! If I'm going to like a musician, I go all out. Shiiiiit, I've slipped in musical information into college essays. I'm crafty 8)

Phew - I'm glad I'm on the same brainwaves as you. I would want to ask something more important and respectful too. But then what may be respectful in one persons mind, isn't in anothers, so I'm not a person to judge. :)

Entropy: I also thought your post was very interesting. Good to see that you know where difference lies.

I probably know a bit more than an average listener (Whatever that may be?) Should know too.
However, I must say, I haven't managed to sneak him into an essay. :|
Although, I've got to write an essay on individuality soon, so maybe I'll get the chance ;) :P
#178608 by The Dev
Thu Dec 11, 2008 12:48 pm
I haven't smoked in years. Honestly I found it was really slowing me each his own though, some of my best friends are chronic.

A clear head makes it easier (for me) to learn new things.

Do what thou wanna.
#178665 by Biert
Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:01 am
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Whoa! A post from The Dev :D :D :D

Mr. Townsend is right - to each their own. I like that advice, because then everyone is happy :)

Not at all, I prefer to force my preferences onto others :twisted:
#178669 by Kivenkantaja
Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:24 am
Biert wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Whoa! A post from The Dev :D :D :D

Mr. Townsend is right - to each their own. I like that advice, because then everyone is happy :)

Not at all, I prefer to force my preferences onto others :twisted:

That's something I have to get rid of before my friends kill me :D
#178696 by The Oid
Sat Dec 13, 2008 1:56 pm
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

1) Weed is illegal, so idiots think that the fact they had to break the law to do it is somehow impressive, and that it makes them rebellious and cool.

2) The whole "oh man I was sooo drunk last night. I did loaads of crazy things because I am so wacky and crazy, and I get drunk a lot. Did I mention that I was drunk last night?? Man I am so crazy you never know what I will get up to next (BUT YOU CAN BET IT WILL BE DRINKING, AM I RIGHT GUYS????)" factor.

Personally I have nothing against people taking (most) drugs, but everything in moderation, and don't go on and on about it in an attempt to impress people. The more interesting people that take drugs, tend to be the ones that have something to say other than "I got wasted last night"
#178705 by Devymetalnut
Sat Dec 13, 2008 6:10 pm
The Oid wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Why do potheads feel the need to bring up weed as often possible, unrelentingly? It's almost like: any excuse to talk about weed, think about weed, smoke weed, look at weed, smell like weed, draw pictures of weed, take pictures of weed, eat weed, contemplate weed, people will.

1) Weed is illegal, so idiots think that the fact they had to break the law to do it is somehow impressive, and that it makes them rebellious and cool.

2) The whole "oh man I was sooo drunk last night. I did loaads of crazy things because I am so wacky and crazy, and I get drunk a lot. Did I mention that I was drunk last night?? Man I am so crazy you never know what I will get up to next (BUT YOU CAN BET IT WILL BE DRINKING, AM I RIGHT GUYS????)" factor.

Personally I have nothing against people taking (most) drugs, but everything in moderation, and don't go on and on about it in an attempt to impress people. The more interesting people that take drugs, tend to be the ones that have something to say other than "I got wasted last night"

Very true dude, i second that opinion.
#178736 by Amber
Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:11 am
Biert wrote:
Devy, spelled Devy! wrote:Whoa! A post from The Dev :D :D :D

Mr. Townsend is right - to each their own. I like that advice, because then everyone is happy :)

Not at all, I prefer to force my preferences onto others :twisted:

As long as you don't knock on my door at 6 in the morning, preeching about how I'm going to die, then fine ;)
Although, now all I have in my head is "The Holy gospel of Devin Townsend" ... Anyway... :P

I totally believe in the whole "Whatever floats your boat" thing. If everyone had a little more tolerence of each other, things would probably be a lot easier.

Oh and congratz mealz. :D
#178767 by Mealz
Sun Dec 14, 2008 9:19 pm
yes thankyou amber ;) it was actually really easy and the best thing to do....

I would have to say, its so post-modern to say that 'whatever floats your boat' or 'each to their own' but i think its obvious that in the long run, drugs really do bad things to ones mental state, wether you respect the drug or not, it does toy with your psyche, can give you bad or good experience, but wouldnt you want something more real to experience? i know this is another can of worms in terms of the philosophy of whats reality. but cmon, you gotta draw a line at some point. By no means am i discrediting anyone who takes any drugs, or saying its bad. Just also speaking from experience though, its not the beez nees in experiencing what life can offer, and in many cases myself and others that i know, its another hinderence in terms of facing some real issues, relational and internal. Ehh i hope that doesnt piss anyone off, just thought i'd give my two cents for no apparent reason :p
#178773 by Devy, spelled Devy!
Sun Dec 14, 2008 10:04 pm
Mealz wrote:yes thankyou amber ;) it was actually really easy and the best thing to do....

I would have to say, its so post-modern to say that 'whatever floats your boat' or 'each to their own' but i think its obvious that in the long run, drugs really do bad things to ones mental state, wether you respect the drug or not, it does toy with your psyche, can give you bad or good experience, but wouldnt you want something more real to experience? i know this is another can of worms in terms of the philosophy of whats reality. but cmon, you gotta draw a line at some point. By no means am i discrediting anyone who takes any drugs, or saying its bad. Just also speaking from experience though, its not the beez nees in experiencing what life can offer, and in many cases myself and others that i know, its another hinderence in terms of facing some real issues, relational and internal. Ehh i hope that doesnt piss anyone off, just thought i'd give my two cents for no apparent reason :p

Doesn't piss me off - I think you have a good point. Taking on life as it comes at you completely sober is incredibly hard. I know no other way, so the downs are really down, the ups are really up. There's no safety net of checking out when things get hard. At least, that's how I see it.

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