The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#164505 by kikithehead
Fri Jan 11, 2008 1:46 pm
Last days to bid ;)

#164506 by Eyesore
Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:42 pm
JayjayAbnormal wrote:
Eyesore wrote:
Im A Strapping Young Lad wrote:Nice, but no thanks. I dont want to take away Dev's hard earned work by giving my money away for an item which isn't suppose to be sold to the general public...but awesome collector items none the less.

Oh, cut the crap! Haha. Devin is not affected at all if this thing sells for $2 or $2 million. People have been paying for these promo items since they were pressed on 8-track.

Yeah, I just ordered a Bowie promo CD similar to this last week, actually :P Selected tracks from a few of his albums (Except their all live or remixes). It even says "FOR PROMOTIONAL USE, DO NOT SELL" but the stores sell it anyway

Some of the coolest things in my collection are promos like this.

#164507 by Eyesore
Fri Jan 11, 2008 2:43 pm
kikithehead wrote:Last days to bid ;)

You didn't make this available to all eBay users. It's only listed on the French site; it doesn't show up if you search

#165643 by 21st Century Jesus
Sat Jan 26, 2008 6:53 pm
10 euros ending price? well if it was only possible for frenchies to bid then that explains it. even i wouldve bid 15+ if i had know that...

as for money issues, well, its a promo, so the record label gives it away for free, they pay for printing it, pay for sending it out, they technically lose money with it. so you can understand that they dont want anyone who got it as present to sell it when they made a loss with it in the first place...

#165652 by kikithehead
Sun Jan 27, 2008 1:51 am
The promo CD hasn't been sold...

it will be available on in the near future

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