The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#157603 by :)
Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:22 am
neillyb wrote:Just got this done this afternoon. Super happy with the way it turned out :D


Opinions? I'm going to get the SYL logo on my other wrist when I gather up the cash.

Done at Terry's Tattoo Studio, Glasgow.

i seen you on for the attendance to dream theater @ carling academy, recognised the dtb tattoo.

as for tattoos i would possibly consider getting a tiny Terria logo at some point

#158201 by neillyb
Wed Sep 12, 2007 5:31 am
Awesome man, you going to see DT too yeah?

Thanks for the feedback folks. Obviously, tattoos aren't everyone's cup of tea and I can totally respect that, but people have said that even if I don't 'like' (strange word to use here I think) DTB in the years to come it'll always make me remember why I got it: life's short, so listen to some good music, get a tattoo, eat steaks rare and have a good fucking time because you can get pulverised by a bus tomorrow morning on your way to the off-license.

Or something.

Edit: I got a swanky new DSLR camera, a Nikon D40X, so here's a ludicrously large picture of it all fully healed:


Edit of the edit: ImageWank made it even smaller, cunts. Oh well, you can still see it

#158221 by damnuandurdog
Wed Sep 12, 2007 10:16 am
I was going to get a tattoo once but on the way there I heard that my mother had died from an acute reaction to antibiotics. She was always spiteful and I know she died just so she could ruin my day by not getting a tattoo. I still don't talk to her and I suggest you do not as well.

#158236 by neillyb
Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:45 pm
I doubt you'd be able to talk to her anyway... she's dead

#158237 by :)
Wed Sep 12, 2007 1:59 pm
neillyb wrote:Awesome man, you going to see DT too yeah?


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