The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#113716 by DonkeySmiler
Sun Feb 26, 2006 8:45 pm
If it makes you feel any better Maddoggy the extent of my interaction with the band was:

Me: "Great job up there, I came just to see you guys"
Brian: "Right on man"

:D I too am shy around people I am excited to meet

#114029 by risemoonlapsevertigo
Tue Feb 28, 2006 11:50 pm
If it makes you feel any better Maddoggy the extent of my interaction with the band was:

Me: "Great job up there, I came just to see you guys"
Brian: "Right on man"

I too am shy around people I am excited to meet

You know, I really thought I would be shy too if I had met any of the guys that I actually did end up meeting. But all of our happenstance kind of caught up with us in just the right moments, I guess... I have faith in the ways of the universe! Atleast now I do...

#114059 by Biert
Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:19 am
DonkeySmiler wrote:If it makes you feel any better Maddoggy the extent of my interaction with the band was:

Me: "Great job up there, I came just to see you guys"
Brian: "Right on man"

:D I too am shy around people I am excited to meet

Solution: Beer.
I have the same problem, I'm not much of a talker in everyday life. Unless there's beer involved, than I start talking my ass off. It really seems to loosen me up.
And that's why I'm going to have a couple of beers when I'm seeing DTB (and not driving), in case they come out into the audience after the show.

#114060 by Maddoggy
Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:19 am
The local music critic wrote a review of the show, and it was less than favorable.

This guy is notorious for slamming different genres of music that he is not into. His name is John Petric.
He writes for the local campus newspaper "The Other Paper"

He starts his review "Does death metal have to be so lifeless?" and states "The genre is simply Styx with cavities"

He rambles throughout the review focusing on his perception of the "Death Metal" genre.

I don't know about you all, but what the fuck is "prog rock" and what the hell is "death metal"?

Fuck genres, music is broken down into what is well crafted and executed or not.

When "John Genre" finally gets around to talking about the show/music he said that DTB had bone-crunching gobs of metal which came in trance-like meditative doses -- no small feat for a genre that prides itself on assaultive fusillades of guitar and drums.

He went on to say, Devin was that prog-rock-meets-death-metal-rarity -- a singer/guitarist with a self-deprecating sense of humor.

When John Petric writes of the show, it was favorable.

When he rants about his notion of what "death metal" should be, etc. HE PISSES ME OFF.

OK, I am better now!

: )

Anyway ...

#114306 by earworm
Fri Mar 03, 2006 4:30 am
Yeah that's kind of a wierd review, "prog-rock-meets-death-metal-rarity -- a singer/guitarist with a self-deprecating sense of humor" he must not listen to much death metal, i don't think devin is very death metal at all not even syl. But at least it's not a bad review i guess.

#163461 by earworm
Mon Dec 24, 2007 9:41 pm
Not to beat an old thread to death but now that devin might not tour again. Im so glad I saw them, talkin to brian was awesome, I was really trying to not be so geeked when talking to him as not to seem to awestruck. But now thinkin about it for about 2 years or so now I regret that. I should have just been my crazy self, maybe next time if there is a next time, I'll then be able to scare them with my fanaticism.

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