Too soon...
Coma Divine wrote:Too soon...
I agree. With albums this detailed you need to really let them sink in before judging them within the larger context, if that is what you want to do.
my band:
A close call between OM and Terria. I voted Terria as it was released early on in my Dev fandom, and I guess the emotional attachment pushes it ahead. All those months of waiting, and it turns out to be every bit as amazing as I'd imagined! Hope Syenchestra does the same, 'cause I'm chomping at the bit waiting for my copy! Damn you JB Hi-Fi Perth!
I don't know...I listened to Synchestra about 50 times so far I guess. If it hasn't sunk in yet then it probably never will 

King Fear wrote:There's something fundamentally wrong with the expression "new ultimate"...
plus one. Cunning Linguists unite!
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"
Greg Reason wrote:Coma Divine wrote:Too soon...
I agree. With albums this detailed you need to really let them sink in before judging them within the larger context, if that is what you want to do.
I agree with the agreement. I'm not voting. But, if I were, I'd probably pick Ocean Machine, or Terria, or Infinity. But, Synchestra is a damn good album. But, I've only really listened to it about 15 times so far.
Looping green and blue, and you will go letting yourself certainly the meal once again through the head. But after the departure, you feel free and happily like after your first orgasm - and you will beg for addition. - German review of SYL's "Alien"
Chapt 1.
okay... Ive had about ten good listens without trying to decide if its my fav or not... I went on a road trip and on a road trip you put on what you feel like.... nothing else.... and damn i felt like it alot (it being the synch)
Chapt 2.
toay I did what has been asked... I cranked up alien and listenned with all my ears and mind... and without a pause longer than a split between tracks, o0n came synchestra.... I listenned with all my ears and a my mind... for both albums I sunk into the music, lyrically and artwise (my couch is comfy)
Chapt 3.
new fave!! I remember my last vote was infinity simply becuase of it's UNDONENESS and purity, and terria followed closely because it made me think of my home land Australia (and I love the soundscapes of terria)
BUT NOW I VOTE SYNCHESTRA!!! Its just so beautiful... its all the parts I liked from the previous works!
Is has the pure randomness that i love about infinity!... It has the honesty of terria... It has the depths of ocean machine... and still the speed pop explosion of physicist and it;s wikid warm fuzziness!
okay... Ive had about ten good listens without trying to decide if its my fav or not... I went on a road trip and on a road trip you put on what you feel like.... nothing else.... and damn i felt like it alot (it being the synch)
Chapt 2.
toay I did what has been asked... I cranked up alien and listenned with all my ears and mind... and without a pause longer than a split between tracks, o0n came synchestra.... I listenned with all my ears and a my mind... for both albums I sunk into the music, lyrically and artwise (my couch is comfy)
Chapt 3.
new fave!! I remember my last vote was infinity simply becuase of it's UNDONENESS and purity, and terria followed closely because it made me think of my home land Australia (and I love the soundscapes of terria)
BUT NOW I VOTE SYNCHESTRA!!! Its just so beautiful... its all the parts I liked from the previous works!
Is has the pure randomness that i love about infinity!... It has the honesty of terria... It has the depths of ocean machine... and still the speed pop explosion of physicist and it;s wikid warm fuzziness!
I don't know. I chose Ocean Machine, but then I almost regretted it. I love them all! Though I have to say the Infinity and Physicist are my least favorites. I haven't picked up Synchestra yet, but that's going to be within the next couple of days. I might be back!
I am Jack's smirking revenge.
I'm surprised that Infinity isn't doing better than it is, although my vote went to Ocean Machine. OM just overall gives me the most pleasure
out of anything he's done.

Infinity is good, but it just doesn't hit me as hard. I really don't know why. I consider everything he's done to be landmark, but that one just doesn't get spun as much with me. 

I am Jack's smirking revenge.
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