The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#102259 by The Oid
Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:09 pm
True, bubblegum pop fans wouldn't like Devin, but I don't see why the kind of person that would appreciate Radiohead's music, wouldn't also like Devin Townsend. Aside from the odd scream here and there, I think a lot of Devin's stuff would appeal to non-metallers.

My mother isn't into metal per-se, but she likes stuff like Queen and Meatloaf, and said she liked a lot of the Metallica songs I played when I lived at home. I bought her a copy of Ocean Machine for xmas. It'll be interesting to see if she likes it or not. If she does, I'm getting her a copy of Terria as well.

#102264 by psychotic
Tue Dec 27, 2005 2:54 pm
I'll be honest, I've played Devin for many people who have actually really enjoyed his stuff, and not people like us, but people who are more of those flavor of the month type of people. I even got one girl to say that Storm was one of her favorite love songs ever. While it isn't super poppy in the way of the bubblegum popsters, it still has a solid amount of pop to it and could be something that could go platinum and land a large recording contract, if he so wanted. I don't really think that's what Devin is totally going for, I mean, I'm sure he'd love to have the money, he even says on that Drizzlelive CD that was put on the internet a few years ago that he really likes money, but I think he's more than content with his loyal and loving fanbase he has here. Then again, it's all guessing from me, you'd have to ask the man himself to know for sure.

#102267 by gurp13
Tue Dec 27, 2005 3:35 pm
At the risk of invoking the wrath of the Gods of Metal, :storm: I am going to cite a reference to the Motley Crue biography of a few years ago, "The Dirt: Confessions of the World's Most Notorious Rock Band" (which, by the way, is a very fun read in general and has all kinds of salacious details :classic: of what it's like to be in a "popular" heavy metal band). In it, I forget which band member it was, but it was probably Nikki Sixx as he was the most cogent and intelligent :genius: of the four, likened the music industry to a meat grinder. That it needs something to grind so it takes the bands and just "processes" them into something they weren't before. The pressure to be successful and sell millions of albums becomes too great and you lose sight of what it was you were making music for in the first place.

So, that being said, I'm not sure I would wish popularity on Mr. Townsend et. al. For example, look what's happening with SYL. Alien :alien: was the most successful album so far. It looks to me, and I'm just some guy, that the pressure is beginning to build for SYL. When executives smell money they go looking for it. You know, a better term than "pressure" would be "heat." SYL are getting some heat now that Alien has been successful. So, what happens? Dev and the rest are being sent back to the studio to record another album this Spring. So, if DTB is going to tour to support Synchestra then it's going to have to be around SYL's schedule. Why? 'Cause that's where the money is right now.

Of course, if Synchestra were to sell a buttload of copies, that might change the timetable a little. But, popularity may not be the most wonderful thing for The Dev. Instead, I wish him profitability, enough money to be comfortable, to buy what he wants and needs and deserves, and to keep on rocking out with his cock out. :dev:

#102298 by gurp13
Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:07 am
Noodles wrote:I actually can't think of anyone I've played Devin to who hasn't said he has a good voice... (or similar adjective)

I can. I have a friend who has relatively eclectic taste in music. He likes stuff from the Pogues, to Mr. Bungle. But, he's not "metal" per se, though he does like some. So, I let him listen to Ocean Machine :biomech: . I made him swear he'd listen three times before he formed a judgement. He did. Said he dug the music and that it was interesting and that he'd like to hear more. He said he didn't really like the singing, though.

I could see where some would consider Dev's voice an acquired taste. :coucou:

#102304 by Kristopher
Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:11 am
pop is for the tv on a sunday morning when you gotta sweep the floors and mow the lawn. The music video shows blare hot chix and young dudes on the screen...

we dont care if we cant hear it... we crank up the old rover grass cutter and get to work... we get off the couch and bust out the bucket and mop... time to do the floors....

Imagine a devy popular world?? Sunday morning nobody can move... the soundscapes are keeping the world glued to the music television broadcasts.

lawns are becoming overgrown... dust is filling the voids we call home... Devy metal is hypnotizing the masses!!! WE ARE WEAK! WE ARE FUTILE! OUR BRAINS ARE GETTING OVERFLOODED WITH THE INFO DUMP!!!

only the select devy fans could handle devin as pop culture... the world would get fucked up.... i reckon

or to fuck off could be an option.

#102330 by Chris
Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:40 am
gurp13 wrote:So, what happens? Dev and the rest are being sent back to the studio to record another album this Spring. So, if DTB is going to tour to support Synchestra then it's going to have to be around SYL's schedule. Why? 'Cause that's where the money is right now.

Ok, now the question is if they are really "sent" back to the studio. Using these words, you give the impression that this is entirely the label's decision, and that Dev himself would definitely not to do it if he wasn't told to do it. I'm not sure if it can be put that way.

Of course, let's say that CM are at least not uhm... against another Strapping album in 2006 :wink: Alien did pretty well (compared to the previous albums), the heavy touring this year after its release in march a) helped spreading the word and b) simply proved that SYL are getting bigger and bigger. But because of that, the Strapping guys themselves might go like "Hey, everything's going really well right now, let's not waste time and take it to the next level"

That doesn't mean that I disagree with you, basically I'm with you concerning the financial aspects - that's just how the business works - but I just think that it's also Dev's decision. He might have gotten a bit tired of extreme metal again after all the touring, but now that Synchestra is finished, the lust for undescribable heaviness might have returned.

Oh well... That being said, I'm curious when "The Hummer" will get in our greedy hands, and if the acoustic album Dev mentioned will come true. But I don't wanna ask too much from a man whose days already consist of 48 hours full of music.

Btw, Gurp is really into emoticons, right? :addicted:

EDIT: But yeah, I'm SO looking forward to seeing the DTB live, I hope that Devin's other work doesn't take so much time that he can't tour Synchestra properly.

#102331 by Biert
Wed Dec 28, 2005 4:49 am
Noodles wrote:I actually can't think of anyone I've played Devin to who hasn't said he has a good voice... (or similar adjective)

Actually that is exactly what I was told when I made my friend listen to Nobody's here. "It's a bit boring. He has a great voice tho!"

Where "A Bit Boring" means as much as, "I don't want to insult you and your obsession about certain music, but this doesn't do shit for me."
And "He Has A Great Voice Tho" means, "If it makes you feel any better, it doesn't totally suck."

#102349 by sj_2150
Wed Dec 28, 2005 7:28 am
asparagusDuck wrote:That'd be sweet if Dev got really popular and everyone starting copying the skullet, even girls.

i think we can do without that...

#102397 by asparagusDuck
Wed Dec 28, 2005 12:13 pm
I was kidding :wink:

I would be terrified.

#102408 by gurp13
Wed Dec 28, 2005 1:33 pm
Chris wrote:
gurp13 wrote:So, what happens? Dev and the rest are being sent back to the studio to record another album this Spring. So, if DTB is going to tour to support Synchestra then it's going to have to be around SYL's schedule. Why? 'Cause that's where the money is right now.

Ok, now the question is if they are really "sent" back to the studio. Using these words, you give the impression that this is entirely the label's decision, and that Dev himself would definitely not to do it if he wasn't told to do it. I'm not sure if it can be put that way.

That doesn't mean that I disagree with you, basically I'm with you concerning the financial aspects - that's just how the business works - but I just think that it's also Dev's decision. He might have gotten a bit tired of extreme metal again after all the touring, but now that Synchestra is finished, the lust for undescribable heaviness might have returned.

Well, in the absence of any other information, I sorta assumed that Devin and the boys were going in more because they had to than wanted to. Mostly 'cause nobody said so. But, also because usually there's a couple years between SYL albums. And, because I find it hard to believe that Devin wants to put out Synchestra and then not tour behind it but would rather go right into the studio. It's possible that he's just dying to get back to it. But... I just don't know.

Chris wrote:Btw, Gurp is really into emoticons, right? :addicted:

EDIT: But yeah, I'm SO looking forward to seeing the DTB live, I hope that Devin's other work doesn't take so much time that he can't tour Synchestra properly.

Hey, I just found the "View more Emoticons" button. What a dork! I can't believe it took me almost a year and a half to see that. :flame:

When does the SYL tour end? I sorta assumed that the SYL tour would end in late winter and then they go back in the studio in the Spring. Doesn't leave much time for the Synchestra World Tour. Does it? But, then, I guess we're talking about The Dev here and not everything they say comes to fruition (acoustic album, tour with Opeth, 75 minute album called Human that's one long song, etc.)

#102477 by Chris
Thu Dec 29, 2005 4:33 am
gurp13 wrote:But, also because usually there's a couple years between SYL albums. And, because I find it hard to believe that Devin wants to put out Synchestra and then not tour behind it but would rather go right into the studio. It's possible that he's just dying to get back to it. But... I just don't know.

Yeah, I think we all were quite surprised when another Strapping record for (summer) 2006 was announced. My final take on it would be: If it was completely up to Devy's choice without having to regard business aspects, if he really just went where his creativity would take him, he wouldn't do it that quickly and, as you said, take more time for touring Synchestra. But I still think that there wouldn't be any plans for another SYL record '06, if Devin wasn't into it at all. So it may not be (this is gonna sound really gay now) a decision coming from his heart, but I'm sure he'll put it into this record nonetheless.

Ah well... I just don't know :wink:

gurp13 wrote:But, then, I guess we're talking about The Dev here and not everything they say comes to fruition (acoustic album, tour with Opeth, 75 minute album called Human that's one long song, etc.)

I'm still hoping for the acoustic album! Never lose the faith :lol:

Oh, and Human was the work-in-progress-name for what will be released as Synchestra in January (the "one long song" thing seems to refer to the flow of the album) :wink:

#102528 by Noodlesmasher
Thu Dec 29, 2005 11:02 am
I dunno if I could see Devin becoming all that big... His music is just too unique... I suppose DTB could get the same kind of breaks that SYL got, but I don't think this kind of stuff could ever rise above that level of success.

I remember playing Vampira and Christeen for my 14 year old sister on a train ride last week, and she said she really like the basic riffing structures and the flow that the songs had, but that it was just too "weird" for her and that she "couldn't listen to it very often" and I'd imagine she's pretty indicative of the mainstream.

#102536 by Mexicutioner
Thu Dec 29, 2005 1:46 pm
I'd rather not lots of people listening to his music. I used to be the only one at my school who listened to Devin's music, but now a fair number of people listen to him. It pisses me off, cause Devin's music was sort of my music. It was very personal for me, and it bothered me that other people were intruding on it. It's selfish of me, but I don't want Devin to become too popular and well-known. I just hope he makes enough money to live comfortably.

#102546 by asparagusDuck
Thu Dec 29, 2005 2:49 pm
Man if any of my friends liked Devin I'd be crazy happy. I'd finally have someone to talk about his music with. I always blab on and on to my brother about him and i always get the rolled eyes and whatnot.

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