The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#100566 by psychotic
Tue Dec 20, 2005 2:15 pm
Ocean Machine - Blue
Infinity - White
Physicist - Metallic blue
Terria - Dark, almost brownish green
Accelerated Evolution - fuzzy grey

#100634 by into the voigtex
Tue Dec 20, 2005 5:56 pm
I always kind of envisaged the album colours as relating to both the cover art and an emotional theme, as follows:

HAARHT - Firetruck Red / Anger

Ocean Machine - Blue / Love

City - Black & Red / Hate, Devastation

Infinity - White / Self-Awareness, God

Physicist - Grey / Introspection, Ambivalence

Terria - Brown & earth tones / Nature

SYL - Blood Red / War, Intolerance

Accelerated Evolution - Silver / Reflection

Synchestra - Green & earth tones / ??? (not sure about theme yet, postponing judgement until I hear the album)
Last edited by into the voigtex on Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

#100650 by IronMaiden736
Tue Dec 20, 2005 7:36 pm
Ocean Machine - Blue
Infinity - Yellow
Physicist - Lime Green
Terria - Forest Green
Accelerated Evolution - I always thought purple...donno why

yeah mine are a bit different from others lol

#100661 by Deathcom7000
Tue Dec 20, 2005 8:35 pm
Me and my friend used to label songs as colors. I usually always picture most of the songs to be the color of the album.

I'm guessing Synchestra will be silver and gold, but it's only a guess

#100667 by flood_of_rain
Tue Dec 20, 2005 9:17 pm
into the voigtex wrote:I always kind of envisaged the album colours as relating to both the cover art and an emotional theme, as follows:

HAARHT - Firetruck Red / Anger

Ocean Machine - Blue / Love

City - Black & Red / Hate, Devastation

Infinity - White / Self-Awareness, God

Physicist - Grey / Introspection, Ambivalence

Terria - Brown & earth tones / Nature

SYL - Blood Red / War, Intolerance

Accelerated Evolution - Silver / Reflection

Synchestra - Green & earth tones / ??? (not sure about theme yet, postponing judgement until I hear the album)

Wow dude, same thoughts as me on the colour definitions.
each album seems to generate its own feeling, own colour and own ambience.
Devin is prolly one of the only artists that is able to do that for me 8)

#100684 by black_tooth_grin
Tue Dec 20, 2005 11:13 pm
into the voigtex wrote:I always kind of envisaged the album colours as relating to both the cover art and an emotional theme, as follows:

HAARHT - Firetruck Red / Anger

Ocean Machine - Blue / Love

City - Black & Red / Hate, Devastation

Infinity - White / Self-Awareness, God

Physicist - Grey / Introspection, Ambivalence

Terria - Brown & earth tones / Nature

SYL - Blood Red / War, Intolerance

Accelerated Evolution - Silver / Reflection

Synchestra - Green & earth tones / ??? (not sure about theme yet, postponing judgement until I hear the album)

Good intereptation dude, I can see the same in those albums aswell, I think all the albums have a certain feeling toward them when you pick it up and have a look at the cover.

It seems that SYL use more darker and molodic colours like reds, blacks and is very chaotic and random.

While Dev uses a montage of colours, greens, blues, silver, browns his not affaired to express his feeling on the cover and give abit of tranquility to the booklet...which is good, becasue then all of us know what to expect when we pick the booklet.

#100778 by Biert
Wed Dec 21, 2005 7:55 am
into the voigtex wrote:I always kind of envisaged the album colours as relating to both the cover art and an emotional theme, as follows:

HAARHT - Firetruck Red / Anger

Ocean Machine - Blue / Love

City - Black & Red / Hate, Devastation

Infinity - White / Self-Awareness, God

Physicist - Grey / Introspection, Ambivalence

Terria - Brown & earth tones / Nature

SYL - Blood Red / War, Intolerance

Accelerated Evolution - Silver / Reflection

Synchestra - Green & earth tones / ??? (not sure about theme yet, postponing judgement until I hear the album)

Does Alien have a cover?

#100945 by black_tooth_grin
Wed Dec 21, 2005 5:07 pm
Biert wrote:
into the voigtex wrote:I always kind of envisaged the album colours as relating to both the cover art and an emotional theme, as follows:

HAARHT - Firetruck Red / Anger

Ocean Machine - Blue / Love

City - Black & Red / Hate, Devastation

Infinity - White / Self-Awareness, God

Physicist - Grey / Introspection, Ambivalence

Terria - Brown & earth tones / Nature

SYL - Blood Red / War, Intolerance

Accelerated Evolution - Silver / Reflection

Synchestra - Green & earth tones / ??? (not sure about theme yet, postponing judgement until I hear the album)

Does Alien have a cover?

You could say it's much the same as "City", using black and red to express random choas to an extent in which "City' did when you first look at it.

#101043 by sj_2150
Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:05 am
i see city as a florescent pink

#101132 by Sypholin
Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:43 am
My friend says she sees everything Strapping Young Lad related as "purple" (even the name SYL makes her think of purple). :D

#101137 by armheadmcgee
Thu Dec 22, 2005 8:55 am
I think that without knowing it, most people will associate the music with the colors of the cover art. I know I do...I think to myself "AE sounds silver-bluish" or "infinity sounds white" but really it's just impossible to get that out of your head once you see the artwork. It seems like this is true with most people's interpretations even in this thread. Also, names of songs and albums affect my view of the colors too...I mean with a title like ocean machine and titles like Seventh Wave, how can you not think of blue? Just my thoughts...obviously this isn't the case for a few people as pink? Awesome!

#101165 by Biert
Thu Dec 22, 2005 10:37 am
I wouldn't really rate Infinity white. I know the outside, the cover, is white but the music itself is all but plain white. It's multi-colored and keeps changing all the time.

But I guess quite often the color of the cover does match the music, since the musical artist will at least tell the graphic artist in what direction to think, and the composer should know the color of the music as no other. Also, I think the graphic artist will get to hear the album a couple of times before making the cover, so he doesn't make something completely unfitting.

#101200 by Oscar
Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:12 pm
For me...

Ocean Machine - mid-blue, sometimes orange
Infinity - navy blue
Physicist - grey
Terria - brown, sometimes warm red/orange
Accelerated Evolution - light blue and grey
Synchestra - cyan and white at the moment

HAARHT - grey, red and brown
City - black and grey
SYL - red
Alien - black and magenta

#101203 by BaldMosher446
Thu Dec 22, 2005 12:18 pm
Ocean Machine-Blue
Accelerated Evolution-Light Blue

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