The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#79711 by rgx612a
Sat Jun 11, 2005 2:15 pm
Great job man!

#79755 by IBrokeAString
Sun Jun 12, 2005 3:40 am
holy shit...
I agree with the people who want the voice louder, you nail it, man!


#79779 by Greg Reason
Sun Jun 12, 2005 9:13 am
If I ever find the proper mixes with the louder vocals etc I'll post them... I don't have the wav files for this anymore so I can't do a remix.... Sorry. But thanks for the compliments!

#79801 by HevyMinik
Sun Jun 12, 2005 11:51 am
Greg Reason wrote:
I remember someone else posted a good version of Deep Peace back in the day... Is that person still around?

I don't know, but his name is Peter Venne. He did an amazing cover! Unfortunately, I lost the song, but I think I'll go ask him if I can have it again! :)

#79806 by geoff
Sun Jun 12, 2005 12:35 pm
I remember this guy and his band music is really AWESOME !!! I know he is very busy with his band now ... Very good stuff !!!

#79868 by funny_little_guy
Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:39 am
Good work, if I remeber I there were more than just these tracks waiting for the tribute cd though. I wonder were they are now

#79910 by NotSoSilentPete
Mon Jun 13, 2005 10:06 am
Wow, amazing job on the cover, your voice is really cool!!! The rhythm guitar is chugging really nicely!! Fucking heavy!!

For those interested I will repost my cover on Keep in mind that I'm not a singer in any stretch of the imagination, I'm a guitar player. :P
The start has a country-ish flavor. Also, I added a part in the song that I wrote in Devy-Style, I replaced the ride cymbal part with it, it's pretty cool I think:):):) :twisted:

I'm relistening to it right now, and in one year I've come a loooooong way in mixing abilities!! My god I'd like to have the time to take another stab at it;) ... D334OFTF8Z

#79930 by IBrokeAString
Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:49 pm
NotSoSilentPete wrote:Wow, amazing job on the cover, your voice is really cool!!! The rhythm guitar is chugging really nicely!! Fucking heavy!!

For those interested I will repost my cover on Keep in mind that I'm not a singer in any stretch of the imagination, I'm a guitar player. :P
The start has a country-ish flavor. Also, I added a part in the song that I wrote in Devy-Style, I replaced the ride cymbal part with it, it's pretty cool I think:):):) :twisted:

I'm relistening to it right now, and in one year I've come a loooooong way in mixing abilities!! My god I'd like to have the time to take another stab at it;) ... D334OFTF8Z

works for me, and hell it's impressive......
:shock: how do you people do drums?? I never can get the drums right! yarrrrgh

#79939 by Greg Reason
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:35 pm
OK, I finally got that Deep Peace... I really like what you did with the solo. I decided against learning Devin's solo as well and just improvised one of my own, because I thought I would do a very close arrangement of the song but I wanted to put a bit of my own personality into the solo.

I also love how similar your guitar tone is to Devs (single coil guitar with nice gain). You really got a good Terria vibe going by adding in the samples off his version. Awesome!

#79940 by Greg Reason
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:36 pm
IBrokeAString wrote:how do you people do drums?? I never can get the drums right! yarrrrgh

I programmed them in Logic Audio. See the post in the Musicians Forum.

#79945 by NotSoSilentPete
Mon Jun 13, 2005 2:54 pm
Yeah I used my split humbucker on my parker, with a lot of gain, it did a good mockup of his Strat-Terria sound, which I love. As for the solo, the one in suicide seems much harder to learn than the one in deep peace, which was pretty easy. And the solo in Deep Peace is less a solo than a lead melodie, so I didn't feel comfortable improvising over that.

#79957 by Hellhammer
Mon Jun 13, 2005 5:18 pm
Just downloaded the song, NotSoSilentPete. And I am totally liking it, the vocals threw me off at first since the guitar seemed so accurate It seemed like I was almost waiting to hear Dev, but after about a minute, it didn't matter, you still did a fantastic job with the song. So great job dude.

#79973 by EternalMetal
Mon Jun 13, 2005 6:35 pm
Damn Greg, you did a good job. Even a pretty good job on the vocals, which im surprised someone could tackle. It even resembles Dev's voice, which is pretty incredible.

I just listened to the Deep Peace cover, and thats damn good also. Really Good. Great job man, thats impressive. You got all them effects and everything in their.

These should definitely be two of the songs on the tribute disc. We should make up a good cover in photoshop and give it a shot. I think it would be a great idea. Make it and send it to Dev to see what he thinks. Then mabe he could release it as a fan tribute. I think its a great idea. We just need more songs...

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