The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#79224 by Blazingmonga
Tue Jun 07, 2005 6:32 am
Good comments!

I think what I am trying to dissolve is the 'elitist' standpoint that some people take. I am not accusing anybody here of anything, dont worry. Its just that I can guarantee that on every band's forum (for all kinds of music) there will be people having a very similar discussion to this.

That doesn't mean that this music is not unique, its just that our passion for it is not. It is unique in the way that we are all fans of this music, but that does not mean we are any different to any other fan of any other music.

So, in a way, this music is very special because it is very special to me.

Though there is not much sense in my argument here, as I do actually think that Devin's music is fantastic and better than pretty much anything else, heh. I guess I just don't want to exclude other people, I must just be too nice a guy.

I can imagine the outcome of me trying to explain to my fiancee that she is not as intelligent as me because she listens to pop music (so do I, mind). Can you?


#79229 by danceswithchickens
Tue Jun 07, 2005 8:52 am
I think if Devin received more public attention and greater commercial success, it would have a negative impact on his music. Thus, it really doesn't matter to me whether or not he is underappreciated by the masses. Just my opinion.

#79330 by Verdo
Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:28 am

I have to manifest myself there!!!

I hope Dev's music NEVER gets mainstream or know by everybody, because I envision it as a treasure! In fact I'm already bored to note all the people who start to know about him in Metal nowadays! Ahhh, I remember the time back in 1998 when I was one of the happy fews who could discover OM at its release!!

Let's pray that Devy never gets know by the masses!! Consider yourselves lucky to know his beautiful art and don't you spread the secret to unworthy ones!! It is our secret!!

Would you like the lambda radio-loving trend-following sheep to know about Dev??
It would be sacrilege!!

#79360 by Black Materia
Wed Jun 08, 2005 12:02 pm
i think: devin is god! the music-god!
and i stand to it!

all my friends listen to metal and a few of them (from wich i heard years ago about dev) think the same.

i can´t find any words for these feelings when we listen do dev´s songs.

esp. with devins solo-proj. and dtb there is a feeling like "he knows my thoughts, my feelings and he made a soundtrack/score out of it..a soundtrack of my life"...

#79397 by fragility
Thu Jun 09, 2005 12:13 am
After the success of Alien (don't know exact sales figures, but it was pushed big time in all the mainstream music shops) and having seen the reaction of the crowd to SYL on monday, I can definately see an increase in popularity happening. My predicition at the statr of 2005 was that Devin would get really popular...I don't think it's going to be as big a thing as I thought then (and part of me hopes it doesn't) - Don't want a bunch of people coming on here and ruining our nice community :)

#79604 by niklang
Fri Jun 10, 2005 8:11 am
I am glad that Dev gets to make enough money from his work and production duties to be allowed to continue to do what he loves and is a genius at doing. Especially in so many styles, he covers everything i want to hear.

I wouldn't like his music to become mainstream.
Its just right as it is, i love knowing something that the majority of the rest of the world don't. :-)

#79617 by Black Materia
Fri Jun 10, 2005 9:29 am
ur totally right niklang!

#79652 by a_random_person
Fri Jun 10, 2005 1:33 pm
Ha! Years of enjoying Dev's music, I can say right now that his music cannot ever go mainstream, period. Unless of course Dev just does it one day for reasons best known by himself, which would be death for all of us. I like mainstream music only because few mainstream artists have talent and blah blah blah. Could Dev go up there?

That's just the thing, who can tell, Dev DOES have pop in his music. Maybe.

But yeah, he doesn't need to sell out anywhere or worry about his "next single" for radioplay. This is why Dev is one of my fav. musician. He's just totally doing his own thing and who can deny that he's done some things quite unlike anyone has ever done in the metal genre (not even just that genre).

#79664 by danceswithchickens
Fri Jun 10, 2005 3:51 pm
If he really wanted, I'm sure he could do a separate project of radio-friendly pablum to make a bunch of money, without ruining his other projects. But all the attention would probably do him in...

#79859 by Janne
Mon Jun 13, 2005 12:37 am
Verdo wrote:Let's pray that Devy never gets know by the masses!! Consider yourselves lucky to know his beautiful art and don't you spread the secret to unworthy ones!! It is our secret!!

Would you like the lambda radio-loving trend-following sheep to know about Dev??
It would be sacrilege!!

This reminds me about the esoteric thread we had going a while back... I get the feeling that in some cases (or with some people), Devin's music gets turned into some sort of holy grail that has to be "protected" from the heathen masses by us who have been initiated, and - in a way - been dubbed "Devy Metal Warriors" by simply joining this and the SYL board.
Art/music was never meant to be secret. The simple fact that artists display their paintings and musicians not only play, but also record, their music, shows you this. In opposition to what Verdo writes above, I would like to say: "Play Devin's music to everyone you meet! Wear fuckin loudspeakers on your head and blast his songs every time you are around people! Call up every radio station you know about and request Devin's songs! Email TV-stations with requests for the Love? video! Contact festivals and venues and tell them to book Devin! Do that and more!"

Being popular isn't neccesarily the same as making crappy music. And who are we to claim the right to Devin's music? As long as it's good, I'll support it - even if it's placed on heavy rotation on MTV.... (Not bloody likely, though!)

#79935 by EternalMetal
Mon Jun 13, 2005 1:35 pm
I agree with both sides of the arguement. Its kinda strange. I find that his music is unappreciated, but it may just be because it doesnt reach them on the same level as it does us. But also the argument that a lot of people have at least one band that they worship is another. Maybe some people just arent into music as a form of art expression. Maybe they rather looking at art and being amazed that way. Looking into the mind of an artist and wonder what they think. Maybe someone is into higher level meditation and would rather search for themselves rather than try and think about what other people are thinking. Everyone assesses life differently. And different things matter to different people. I myself love to listen to music and relate to what the artist is thinking to what im thinking. I am more into music than any other expression of art. I like some music for the art it expresses (Dev), and some music just because it rocks, and some music cause i can just sing along and dance to it.

The same thing that makes this music special to us is what can make it un-special to other people. It doesnt mean they are stupid, just that they have their ears tuned for something else.

this is exactly how i view music. Something that is special to me, other people cant stand, and sometimes they LOVE something that i cant stand. Think about it, all music is like that. We may love Dev's vibes, but other people may hate them.

#80020 by Janne
Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:23 am
EternalMetal wrote:Maybe some people just arent into music as a form of art expression...

I've met people that own a total of maybe three or four albums - and almost never listen to them! So I absolutely think you're right. Not everyone uses music the way we do.

#80023 by Blazingmonga
Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:04 am
Janne wrote:
EternalMetal wrote:Maybe some people just arent into music as a form of art expression...

I've met people that own a total of maybe three or four albums - and almost never listen to them! So I absolutely think you're right. Not everyone uses music the way we do.

I know people like this. To me, music is like a hobby...but some people can be totally apathetic about it. Nothing wrong with either extreme I suppose. It is good at least that there are people out there getting so much out of this music.

Devin puts a lot into his music and we get the same back out of it. This music is like a tool to translate or transport these ideas from one place or time to another, from one mind to another. It is a shame if that translation is not complete, or if something is lost...but most of us here dont have that problem. If nobody ever heard or felt these things, then that would be a problem, but there are so many of us getting so 'high' off the music that I know Devin is appreciated fully.

And no, I havent been smoking crack today.

#80037 by EternalMetal
Tue Jun 14, 2005 10:08 am
Yea, i think Devin fans are some of the most appreciative fans of almost any band out their. their may not be too many of us, but their are a lot of local Devists out their that really respect Devin for what he does.

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