The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#78373 by simen_88
Thu May 26, 2005 11:36 am
Greg Reason wrote:I can't, however, see any artist releasing rehearsal footage or audio... That is showing any band at their weakest point, and I don't think any artist would be cool with that.
I assume jazz bands are an exception?

#78482 by EternalMetal
Sat May 28, 2005 8:12 pm
simen_88 wrote:
Greg Reason wrote:I can't, however, see any artist releasing rehearsal footage or audio... That is showing any band at their weakest point, and I don't think any artist would be cool with that.
I assume jazz bands are an exception?

Improv is different. Thats not their rehersal period, they make music as they go. Well, some do, some dont. So no, Jazz isnt really an exception.

I agree with Greg, if Devlab was released as an official store release, it would be another one of those "OMG he sold out" kind of things. But release it for order only, and only the real fans who have the correct idea about that its just a miscellaneous release and the next cd he releases will be a "normal" devy record.

#78503 by simen_88
Sun May 29, 2005 10:38 am
Hmm, I would actually like to see footage of the rehearsal sessions where they made the songs. It would be interesting.

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