The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

They sound the same


#33257 by StrappingYoungLad
Sun Jun 27, 2004 4:01 am
geoff wrote:Chris, that's the perfect example of the pointless poll

They sound the same

I don't say that the subject of your thread is not interesting there was no need to create a poll to discuss about this.


Geoff...there have been many more pointless come you never say anything to other forum members? i thought this one was good :D

#39759 by StrappingYoungLad
Mon Jul 26, 2004 7:42 pm
The more and more i hear OM..the more i notice. The main intro riff in night is a key lower, and a bit faster than the melody in the Death of Music. ;)


#39840 by metalus
Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:10 am
I noticed this as well. But who songs anyway..

#39846 by Guest
Tue Jul 27, 2004 4:48 am
how come you never say anything to other forum members? i thought this one was good :D

yeah it was good like the one about hairs colors ...

#40235 by Mr. Tea
Thu Jul 29, 2004 4:01 am
Greg Reason wrote: did anyone notice that the chords in the bridge section of "Detox" are the same chords in the main riff of "Hide Nowhere"? They're just faster in HN while they're sat on for a while in "Detox"...

Yes! I've thought that for years! I also like the way he recycles lyrics/lyrical themes - not just the infamous "3 am", but other, subtler ones, too - like how "Mora" turns up in Critic, on HAARHT, and Canada (I think) , on Terria. Samples as well, like the one from Centipede and Night ("...through medical research and education, education...").

Perhaps we should start an online database of Devin's personal musical "memes"! Or would that be just TOO trainspotterish? :))

#40305 by Blazingmonga
Thu Jul 29, 2004 7:38 am
Nothing is too Trainspotterish for a Devy fanboy. Especially me!

#40319 by funny_little_guy
Thu Jul 29, 2004 8:18 am
Interesting, I must say I never really noticed any of this until today. It seems like the same ideas come up when hes writing a song and he uses it anyway even though something similer was already in a song, and theres nothing wrong with that :D . Just for note I like the poll here, its interesting to see how many people think what.

#40433 by StrappingYoungLad
Fri Jul 30, 2004 4:53 am
Mr. Tea wrote:
Greg Reason wrote: did anyone notice that the chords in the bridge section of "Detox" are the same chords in the main riff of "Hide Nowhere"? They're just faster in HN while they're sat on for a while in "Detox"...

Yes! I've thought that for years! I also like the way he recycles lyrics/lyrical themes - not just the infamous "3 am", but other, subtler ones, too - like how "Mora" turns up in Critic, on HAARHT, and Canada (I think) , on Terria. Samples as well, like the one from Centipede and Night ("...through medical research and education, education...").

Perhaps we should start an online database of Devin's personal musical "memes"! Or would that be just TOO trainspotterish? :))
I noticed that!

#40530 by Mr. Tea
Fri Jul 30, 2004 9:09 am
Blazingmonga wrote:Nothing is too Trainspotterish for a Devy fanboy. Especially me!

Glad to hear it! The Dev certainly doesn't seem to attract the 'casual' sort of fan - but then, 'fan' is just short for 'fanatic', so I suppose 'casual fan' is oxymoronic. Or mebbe just moronic. OK, I'm wibbling now...

#41162 by Vesper
Mon Aug 02, 2004 4:50 pm
hey, next thing you gonna be telling me, that he is playing only ONE song, but in different ways/tempos :)

afaik, there is a finite number of ways in which you can play a song. a SONG, not a chain of sounds ;)

and there is something called STYLE, as well...

AC/DC got a certain style, and it's really evident (compare that with TOOL - not hard to recognize a TOOL song, but try telling me that it's simple and repetitive, and I'll laugh my head off...)

#88955 by StrappingYoungLad
Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:39 am
flood_of_rain wrote:I never actually noticed it until you mentioned that, just then. damn, your perceptive ;)
Hehe...Adrian...i just noticed this post for the first time since it went up.....perceptive indeed :)But ur just the same man :D

#88957 by Metalmonkey
Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:58 am
I found another one recently, maybe it has been posted somewhere:

I Am - chorus (1st one is at 2:50)
Funeral - starts at around 4:57

#88962 by StrappingYoungLad
Tue Sep 20, 2005 9:08 am
Metalmonkey wrote:I found another one recently, maybe it has been posted somewhere:

I Am - chorus (1st one is at 2:50)
Funeral - starts at around 4:57


#89056 by Burzum
Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:58 pm
A little off topic but Van Halen's Jump features a riff in the background right at the end of the song. About eight years later, Eddie wrote another track called 'Top of the World' using this very same riff.

It's always fun to pick up that sort of stuff.

Incidentally - greatest rip-off of a riff? Hunters and Collectors 'Holy Grail' is a blatant rip-off of Boston 'More than a Feeling'.

#89070 by CardDinour
Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:38 pm
danceswithchickens wrote:You guys are missing the real similarity here:

"Nobody's Here" and "Things Beyond Things". They're practically the same song, which is probably why I don't like "Nobody's Here" as much as the rest of the album.

care to explain a bit further? i cant see any similarities between these 2 songs?

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