The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#273808 by Leazti_
Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:04 pm
Like... holy shit. Thank you so much for this. Finding these references was/is one of my hobbies.

Glad to see I got quite a lot of them... impressed there are many I never even noticed. Thanks.
#273814 by static2
Tue Jul 05, 2011 2:50 pm
gitrplaya4u wrote:Someone (probably Dev) recently pointed out that there is a shared melody in Gato and Skeksis that is from the Dark Crystal theme. It can be heard in Gato at ~3:50 and in Skeksis at ~2:51 aaaaand finally here:

Finally, (maybe) what in the world is Idom?

wonderful, i'll go add that line between those two songs.

as mentioned, "Idom" is a pre-SYL (as in the "chickenfeather" album) demo that appeared on the soundtrack for a Japanese TV show called Mikazuki in Rock. it comes with an action figure! and is really expensive!

catharsis wrote:pretty cool, but i gotta say i disagree with a lot of it. i mean a monday referencing monday just cuz of the title? how does addicted reference centipede? the alien album referencing depth charge? canada and detox demo? sorry but a lot of this doesn't make much sense.

how isn't it a valid reference when Monday is very clearly the only day of any significance mentioned in Dev's catalog?

"Addicted" uses the harmonic-y riff from "Centipede" (happens in the intro of both songs).

the "Depth Charge" reference is in "Decimator," not the Alien album (i think you just didn't follow the line all the way to the source... i'll do the best i can to make it more prominent, i know it's rather lengthy).

"Canada" has a break after the second verse (as i recall) with a fucked up sample of Little Dev, Boy Wonder talking, which is used in unaltered form at the end of the "Detox" demo.


i kinda wanna post a text version of all the links with timecodes etc. but i feel like i'd be spoiling the hunt. maybe i'll include it on a separate page in the document.
#273881 by Ehvan
Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:36 am
Isn't Traetsorz the end of the Mighty Masturbator, instead of the beginning?
The Deconstruction booklet says Greg Puciato appears on the track "Traetzors", which happens near the end.

Just curious about this.
#273882 by swervedriver
Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:42 am
Ehvan wrote:Isn't Traetsorz the end of the Mighty Masturbator, instead of the beginning?
The Deconstruction booklet says Greg Puciato appears on the track "Traetzors", which happens near the end.

Just curious about this.

Most likely Traestorz is the electronic-dance section in the middle of The Mighty Masturbator, since that's where Greg's part is. The last part of TMM had 'The Punisher' as a working title.
#274031 by catharsis
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:17 am
static2 wrote:
catharsis wrote:pretty cool, but i gotta say i disagree with a lot of it. i mean a monday referencing monday just cuz of the title? how does addicted reference centipede? the alien album referencing depth charge? canada and detox demo? sorry but a lot of this doesn't make much sense.

how isn't it a valid reference when Monday is very clearly the only day of any significance mentioned in Dev's catalog?

"Addicted" uses the harmonic-y riff from "Centipede" (happens in the intro of both songs).

the "Depth Charge" reference is in "Decimator," not the Alien album (i think you just didn't follow the line all the way to the source... i'll do the best i can to make it more prominent, i know it's rather lengthy).

"Canada" has a break after the second verse (as i recall) with a fucked up sample of Little Dev, Boy Wonder talking, which is used in unaltered form at the end of the "Detox" demo.

OK i did not realize the line continued to decimator. i gotta relisten very closely to try and pick up on some of these references.
#274032 by catharsis
Fri Jul 08, 2011 5:20 am
also, you should consider adding the full assorted demos albums. i feel like there are a few more refernces you could make w/ those. morwar a stripped down version of war, sunmud/woman using part of velvet kervorkian (i think it's that song, haven't listened to em in awhile)
#274039 by fragility
Fri Jul 08, 2011 6:36 am
out of interest (as of you hadn't done enough work) have you also written out what each of the links is (ie the kind of thing people are discussing here)?

btw, I particularly like the fact that as long as the covers aren't on the page this looks like very business diagrammy stuff on my computer screen :)
#274058 by gitrplaya4u
Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:47 am
I just found a really cool one in response to catharsis: Cold on Demos II, when he says "So coooooooooooooooold!" it sounds just like Hyperdrive to me :D
That's definitely up for interpretation though!
#274108 by mrbean667
Fri Jul 08, 2011 10:24 pm
I reckon Feather references Tiny Tears, specifically the "it can only be one by one" part.
#274303 by static2
Sun Jul 10, 2011 8:13 pm
catharsis wrote:also, you should consider adding the full assorted demos albums. i feel like there are a few more refernces you could make w/ those. morwar a stripped down version of war, sunmud/woman using part of velvet kervorkian (i think it's that song, haven't listened to em in awhile)

i already had "Man," "Ocean Machines," "Soft" and "Sunmud/Woman" on the chart from the beginning. besides "Morwar" — which i added, since i agree it should be there, given that i had the "Detox" demo as well — i haven't really found any others that need to be included, although i have to investigate "Cold" closer.

i added the "Polyphony" > "Judgement" link as well.

fragility wrote:out of interest (as of you hadn't done enough work) have you also written out what each of the links is (ie the kind of thing people are discussing here)?

i have a text file with most of the basic ones, but i haven't really updated it with each suggestion that has come to light in the topic. it's what i started with, though:

"Critic" & "All Hail the New Flesh" - same chorus/pre-chorus
"SYL" (intro) & "Detox (Demo)" (end) - little Devy samples

"Night" (end) & "Centipede" (intro) - same sample
"Regulator" & "Om" - same riff
"The Death of Music" & "Japan" - lyrics
"OM" = Ocean Machine = om (also see "Colour Your World")

"Truth" (end) & "War" (middle) - snare pattern
"Infinite Waltz" quoted in "The Mighty Masturbator"

"Canada" & "Detox (demo)" & "SYL" - parts of the same little Devy sample

"Idom" & "Dire/Consequence," "Aftermath" - same riffs

"Love?" & "Notes From Africa" - lyrics - The Dev wrote:
"Notes From Africa" - Summarizes the whole damn thing. References and opposes 'Love?' from Alien, and really hammers the point of the record home, a real solid groove and a VERY STRANGE MELODY that has been in my head since Infinity. Salman Rushdie.
[from topic on forum called "Here's the 'story'... Next"]

"Colour Your World" & "Info Dump" - morse code pattern says "OM" ("you are all puppets" section of CYW)

"Decimator" - "hell has a way with the prose" -> "finally decide to listen to me" in "Depth Charge" & "every word and every…" -> verses of "Gaia"

"Disruptr" - "Stand" (maybe?)
"Soft" & "Ki" — one remade from the other
"Demon League" - about being Addicted

"Centipede" & "Addicted" - harmonic riff shared
"Hyperdrive," obviously
"Addicted" & "Awake" - "Hey! You're awake!" verse shared
"Supercrush" & "Awake" - "Awake! Awake!" in last Supercrush chorus
"The Way Home" & "Coast" - "The wayyyyyy" lyric & way it is sung
"Awake" & "Wrong Side" & "Ziltoidia Attax" - "Get up, get up, get up..."
"Awake" - "now deconstruct" = Deconstruction
"Resolve" & Ocean Machine - "The ocean returns to machine" lyric

"Stand" - references "Watch You" lyrically and riffly; "Disruptr" (?)
"Planet of the Apes" - quiet orchestral part in II references "A Monday" progression
"The Mighty Masturbator" - reuses "Infinite Waltz" part of "Processional"
"Pandemic" - reuses the lyrics from the end of "Ki" (toddle and piddle, etc.)
"Poltergeist" - a kind of ghost + "STAAAAND"

"Feather" - "Ih-Ah" - guitar riff (?)
"As You Were" - built from "A Monday" chord progression, but in Open C instead of Open B; echoes of "AM" at the end

"Watch You" - references "Stand" lyrically and riffly

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