The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come

#77595 by simen_88
Sun May 08, 2005 7:28 am
In case anyone misinterpreted that last post, I don't think drugs are cool. I'm just saying that cool is a silly term that is used in a universal way all too much.

#77643 by EternalMetal
Mon May 09, 2005 5:51 pm
Blazingmonga wrote:I am sure that whether or not Devin takes drugs is an entirely private issue and not one that is likely to affect the music whatsoever.

And it is definately not the case that he would be less cool for taking less drugs.

Definitely not. Drugs are cool in their own way. I love drugs, and i hate them. Sometimes i love them, and sometimes i just dont want to do them. I just got over a hiatus and am in for a little bit. But im not going overboard, im just gonna do a little bit. But i drank a little bit tonight and am feeling good. But it doesnt mean im a loser, i just like the difference it brings upon my life.

#77964 by Hellhammer
Tue May 17, 2005 11:19 pm
Yeah, Devin taking drugs doesn't matter to me, the point is that his music is great, and he can do whatever he wants if he will keep pumping out the stuff he does. Provided it doesn't kill him..

#144438 by Bender
Fri Mar 30, 2007 4:22 pm
Drug = any substance that produces a physiological response on the body. (defn from Mosby's medical dictionary).

Oxygen is a drug strictly speaking. Caffeine, nicotine....they're all bad boys too lol.

I've listened to OM whule stoned, and it was really something special. Then again, it's not a necessary part of enjoying music for me.

Think of it as just ocassionally 'putting your other ears on' you can hear different things, or hear the same things differently if that makes sense.

#144450 by Dissentient
Fri Mar 30, 2007 9:59 pm
Dont qoute me on this, but i think i remember reading somewhere that synchestra was the first record where devin quit drugs... So i can definately see a difference in the music... I love every syl, and devin album, however synchetra, and the new black were weaker than previous releases to me. I think it had something to do with the stopping of drugs... i could be wrong, and of course this is all subjective.

My personal opinion: I dont use drugs really... Im a pothead smoke pretty much everyday however i have never used other drugs, and i dont drink. The only reason why i smoke pot in the first place is cause i find it enhances my listening experience. One of my favorite things to do is get a new cd i havent heard yet, smoke a joint and listen to it with headphones. then play guitar.

Being a musician i find my writing has more contrast because of this...cause i dont finish songs in one sitting obviously, so some riffs were written with no pot, some were. I think it gives a cool balance this way...

#144458 by ASHORIZZOR
Sat Mar 31, 2007 1:39 am
Dissentient wrote:Dont qoute me on this, but i think i remember reading somewhere that synchestra was the first record where devin quit drugs... So i can definately see a difference in the music... I love every syl, and devin album, however synchetra, and the new black were weaker than previous releases to me. I think it had something to do with the stopping of drugs... i could be wrong, and of course this is all subjective.

Is it just me or didn't Tracy said that these times were especially bongfueled? Correct me if I'm wrong. :shock:

#144464 by Leechmaster
Sat Mar 31, 2007 4:18 am
Dissentient wrote:Dont qoute me on this, but i think i remember reading somewhere that synchestra was the first record where devin quit drugs... So i can definately see a difference in the music... I love every syl, and devin album, however synchetra, and the new black were weaker than previous releases to me. I think it had something to do with the stopping of drugs... i could be wrong, and of course this is all subjective.

Paragraph 8 in Dev's post:

The Dev wrote:I want people to love this like I do. I'm on tour while I'm writing this (in the back of the bus), and Synchestra has made this tour really nice when I need some sunshine. It's like a friend that holds your hand. I've quit smoking pot (!)'s been almost a month now, and it's FUCKING HARD. I feel those murderous syl thoughts and beautiful dtb thoughts stronger than I have in 10 years, and it would be alot harder to deal with withoutout the Synchestra on contant rotation in my iPod.

#144468 by ASHORIZZOR
Sat Mar 31, 2007 5:10 am
Ahh yes, thanks for the correction.

#144536 by Sir Wankus Magpie
Sun Apr 01, 2007 6:27 pm
I believe writing music on drugs makes little difference from when you ARE on drugs

reason i say this is because peoples taste in music doesn't change when they use drugs all of a sudden

so why would the sound in thier mind change. All that should happen is that sound become louder lol

#144537 by Josiah Tobin
Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:03 pm
Sir Wankus Magpie wrote:so why would the sound in thier mind change. All that should happen is that sound become louder lol

...And maybe thus make previously inaudible details and influences more prominent, both in the mind and the music? (...I'm just talkin out my ass :lol: )

#144538 by Warhead
Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:36 pm
Me and my friends listened to Infinity while stoned last night. I can't even describe it, it was incredible.

I only recently started smoking pot. I used to think it was stupid, but now I realize that there's nothing wrong with getting high from time to time with some friends. I prefer it to drinking alcohol. I have yet to mix the two though, should be quite the experience.

#144539 by Noodles
Sun Apr 01, 2007 9:41 pm
*actually remembers when this thread started*

*feels old*

Personally I don't much like getting stoned with friends anymore. Mostly because all I feel like doing is listening to music when I'm high. Generally I do it alone (or with my gf, since she likes pretty good music) now.

#144540 by Bender
Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:16 am
Warhead wrote:Me and my friends listened to Infinity while stoned last night. I can't even describe it, it was incredible.

I only recently started smoking pot. I used to think it was stupid, but now I realize that there's nothing wrong with getting high from time to time with some friends. I prefer it to drinking alcohol. I have yet to mix the two though, should be quite the experience.

remember the golden rule if you do:

grass before beer, you're in the clear, but
beer before grass, you're on your ass.

They don't have a particularly synergistic effect's not like some awesome rush, but having a few beers does ward off the dreaded 'desert mouth' syndome.

#144541 by Persuader
Mon Apr 02, 2007 12:33 am
Bender wrote:grass before beer, you're in the clear, but
beer before grass, you're on your ass.

Hah, I knew I was doing something wrong! :lol:

#144545 by Goat
Mon Apr 02, 2007 4:40 am
I never had problems with mixing.

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