The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#165311 by AlucardXIX
Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:34 pm
I was thinking about this earlier. Everyone has talked about Dev's throwbacks to older songs. But i was thinking what if those throw backs tie those songs together somehow? We all know he does these things purposely but is there a reason for it other than the lyrics fitting so well.

For example Notes from Africa has a throwback to Love. And we all know about the songs on Ziltoid that have the throwbacks.

I just really want to know now if there is a reason behind it all.

I sound so over analytic -_-

#165330 by TallNerdGuy
Tue Jan 22, 2008 10:54 pm
I was wondering the same thing, and it'd be cool to hear from the Devster himself (although he is a busy dude) about his views on this subject. Are they put in for some personal purpose, or was it just for shits-and-giggles?

#165333 by Deathcom7000
Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:14 pm
I always found the Notes from Africa and Love? connection to be a way for Dev to enhance the DTB/SYL dichotomy.

#165334 by Persuader
Tue Jan 22, 2008 11:47 pm
He obviously throws those things in to give us something to yap about. :)

#165351 by AlucardXIX
Wed Jan 23, 2008 4:10 am
Hahah, I think Deathcom might have something there.

I agree with TallNerdGuy though, i'd reeeeally like to hear from Dev's point of view on this...

#165366 by FUBAR
Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:21 am
I noticed a part from the Hummer on Synchestra the other day, never noticed it before.

#165378 by royvis
Wed Jan 23, 2008 11:07 am
Frank Zappa incorporated bits from his own mythology throughout the course of his entire career, be it repeated lyrics, muscial phrases, or additions to established storylines (Greggary Peccary, etc). Zappa called it his "conceptual continuity". (listen to Nanook Rubs It).

Many parallels can be made between FZ and DT, the first being genius?

The first time I heard Alien I was blown away when I heard the xylophones(?) come in during Skesis (about 3:00 minutes in). Could've been Ruth Underwood playin' em.

I think Dev has his own "conceptual continuity", just for fun, and to keep things ever interesting and chock full of multi-layered meanings.

#165386 by XIII
Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:08 pm
I just figured the same guy writing songs over the course of a decade or two, eventually he's going to write 2 songs about the same thing, or with the same feelings, etc... and the same words come out. And due to being an artist more concerned with creating, rather than making things different sheerly out of principle... you have parallel verses.

#165392 by AlucardXIX
Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:06 pm
royvis wrote:Frank Zappa incorporated bits from his own mythology throughout the course of his entire career, be it repeated lyrics, muscial phrases, or additions to established storylines (Greggary Peccary, etc). Zappa called it his "conceptual continuity". (listen to Nanook Rubs It).

Many parallels can be made between FZ and DT, the first being genius?

The first time I heard Alien I was blown away when I heard the xylophones(?) come in during Skesis (about 3:00 minutes in). Could've been Ruth Underwood playin' em.

I think Dev has his own "conceptual continuity", just for fun, and to keep things ever interesting and chock full of multi-layered meanings.

Maybe Dev is a big Zappa fan? Would make a lot of sense.

#165409 by StopCuttingMyArmsOff
Wed Jan 23, 2008 6:29 pm
For me, I think its fun to happen across something like this, after all, to me, Dev's music is kinda like a series, since he goes from year to year and takes different inspiration each time. As long as people don't take it as self plagiarism, because I feel it's more like a recurring motif. What if Dev has his own Mythology? NEW FORUM!!! It shall be called, "Mythos Devinos" :)

#165424 by psychotic
Wed Jan 23, 2008 9:57 pm
I noticed this too, but wasn't Notes From Africa actually written quite some time ago?

#165454 by Biert
Thu Jan 24, 2008 3:10 am
psychotic wrote:I noticed this too, but wasn't Notes From Africa actually written quite some time ago?

It was supposed to go on Terria, but written already before that IIRC.

#165495 by psychotic
Thu Jan 24, 2008 5:59 pm
Okay, that's what I thought. I remember before Synchestra was totally announced Devin posted on here saying that there would be something from the past that would be on Synchestra, and people were throwing around all sorts of crazy guesses. I gotta say that I'm glad it was Notes From Africa, I love that song.

#165525 by Biert
Fri Jan 25, 2008 3:54 am
It was also Sit In The Mountain. It was recorded, but they didn't put it on the album because it didn't fit.

#165562 by Persuader
Fri Jan 25, 2008 10:04 am
I reeeally wanna hear the new SITM... :(

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