The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#160330 by AlucardXIX
Wed Oct 24, 2007 3:31 pm
Its absolutely priceless! He, of course, has his funny going full throttle, but the dvd also shows his studio...its quite minimalistic if i do say so myself.

Also...Dev does have a Hello Kitty lie...

#160338 by Luna_ad_Noctum
Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:46 pm
Ha, I see those things in the local music store all the time. The bass with the penguin is badass.

#160342 by AlucardXIX
Wed Oct 24, 2007 5:59 pm
Oh but the DVD is hilarious because Dev pulls out a Ziltoid-esque "Indeed"! I had to rewind that part at least twice because i was laughing so hard the first time.

#160357 by Persuader
Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:51 pm
Ordered it today, I shall watch it as soon as possible. I must say that Dev's vocal production is stunning, definitely took Speed to a new level.

#160359 by Eyesore
Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:59 pm
Persuader wrote:Ordered it today, I shall watch it as soon as possible. I must say that Dev's vocal production is stunning, definitely took Speed to a new level.

Sadly Devin didn't do the guitar tone. It's got a very high-end tone to it, I don't like it much, but I've gotten used to it, I guess. Wish Devin had done the whole album.

#160363 by funny_little_guy
Thu Oct 25, 2007 1:20 am
I'll have to get this one, even if just for the dev.

#160367 by sarai-chan
Thu Oct 25, 2007 5:20 am
The Dev looks very healthy in this, so I assume that he's
also in good shape all over, mind and body-stuff.

But that "indeeed" is so cool, first nanosecond I wondered
who does he sound like -> Ziltoid! -> Wait, he IS Ziltoid.. :lol:

And I agree with all who think that Dev should've done all
the sounds in this one.
Guitars are ok, but not as great as they could have been.

But Soilwork is one of those bands to me that I never
get bored of, so despite everything I love the album!

(and Dev too, but that doesn't need to be mentioned;
I think everyone here does in some way :lol: :D)

#160384 by Maggai
Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:18 am
How long is it? I don't like the album all that much(yet), but if the dvd is good, maybe it's worth a purchase.

#160392 by AlucardXIX
Thu Oct 25, 2007 4:36 pm
Maggai wrote:How long is it? I don't like the album all that much(yet), but if the dvd is good, maybe it's worth a purchase.

The DVD has a good set of Soilwork songs live (sound quality is sub par...) and has both video in their studio doing the instrument tracks and a 6 minute section with Devin and Bjorn doing vocals...the Devin parts are priceless!

#160401 by Persuader
Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:25 pm
Eyesore wrote:
Persuader wrote:Ordered it today, I shall watch it as soon as possible. I must say that Dev's vocal production is stunning, definitely took Speed to a new level.

Sadly Devin didn't do the guitar tone. It's got a very high-end tone to it, I don't like it much, but I've gotten used to it, I guess. Wish Devin had done the whole album.

Agreed, it's alot thinner over all than "Stabbing..". I listened to the new Arch enemy album right after, now there's a solid punishing guitar tone!
I really like the album none the less. I love how they used those subtle Devy-ish choirs in the background.

Btw, did they try to copy Devs bass boom in one song? ;)

#160402 by Eyesore
Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:35 pm
AlucardXIX wrote:
Maggai wrote:How long is it? I don't like the album all that much(yet), but if the dvd is good, maybe it's worth a purchase.

The DVD has a good set of Soilwork songs live (sound quality is sub par...) and has both video in their studio doing the instrument tracks and a 6 minute section with Devin and Bjorn doing vocals...the Devin parts are priceless!

The DVD doesn't make it worth the price, if you're not into the music. They only do one live song, the studio stuff is cool, and the stuff with Devin is pretty funny, but none of it makes buying a CD you don't like worth it. It's only a matter of time before some turd rips it and uploads it to YouTube. It's probably already there.

#160404 by Eyesore
Thu Oct 25, 2007 11:38 pm
Persuader wrote:Agreed, it's alot thinner over all than "Stabbing..". I listened to the new Arch enemy album right after, now there's a solid punishing guitar tone! I really like the album none the less. I love how they used those subtle Devy-ish choirs in the background.

Oh, the album is killer. It's just missing that brutal crunch, you know? And have you checked out the bonus tracks for the new Arch Enemy? You'll have to download them like I did, though, unless you want to buy two separate imports. They covered Queensryche's "Walk In The Shadows" and Kiss' "The Oath." I expected them both to kind of suck; I just couldn't hear them as melodeath songs. But they're absolutely killer! Definitely worth checking out.

#160488 by AlucardXIX
Sat Oct 27, 2007 6:49 pm
Eyesore wrote:
AlucardXIX wrote:
Maggai wrote:How long is it? I don't like the album all that much(yet), but if the dvd is good, maybe it's worth a purchase.

The DVD has a good set of Soilwork songs live (sound quality is sub par...) and has both video in their studio doing the instrument tracks and a 6 minute section with Devin and Bjorn doing vocals...the Devin parts are priceless!

The DVD doesn't make it worth the price, if you're not into the music. They only do one live song, the studio stuff is cool, and the stuff with Devin is pretty funny, but none of it makes buying a CD you don't like worth it. It's only a matter of time before some turd rips it and uploads it to YouTube. It's probably already there.

As true as that is, i was directing it at people who did like Soilwork

#160518 by Persuader
Mon Oct 29, 2007 12:04 am
Eyesore wrote:And have you checked out the bonus tracks for the new Arch Enemy? You'll have to download them like I did, though, unless you want to buy two separate imports. They covered Queensryche's "Walk In The Shadows" and Kiss' "The Oath." I expected them both to kind of suck; I just couldn't hear them as melodeath songs. But they're absolutely killer! Definitely worth checking out.

Sounds great, I'll have to check them out. I think they usually pull off nice covers, like Manowar's Kill with power. :twisted:

Got the Soilwork CD in the mail on friday, damn the delivery was fast for once...and the Dev parts on the DVD are just hilarious! :lol:

#160759 by Maggai
Fri Nov 02, 2007 7:02 pm
The album has grown on me, think I'm gonna purchase it!

The one part in the chorus to Sworn To A Great Divide (the song) sounds so Devy, the part where he goes falsetto kinda high and then descends. sucky explanation. It sounds like something Devin would come up with, just Devin does those things better imo.

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