The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#114395 by amstudios
Fri Mar 03, 2006 6:58 pm

well ive been waiting for SYL or DTB to come to australia for awhile now... well actually since Alien was released. Syl said they would be comming here to do a gig and im still waiting? wat going on? dont you like us aussies nemore devy?lol

well anyways i really wana see DTB but not fussed if SYL come i just wanna see something from dev!

I had a great idea of bringing both bands down. have DtB as headline and syl as a backup band or vice versa either way... that would be mad as and we got both in the same nite, iwould put a smile on my face and a happy lil devy fan! :lol:

#114419 by funny_little_guy
Fri Mar 03, 2006 10:36 pm
As far as I can tell it's not up to Devin where he gets to tour, but god damn do I agree with you. Haha I missed out on seeing SYL last time there were here as I was too young for the gig, ever since then I've been waiting and waiting.... We should petition Inside Out or something I guess if we want to see The DTB, would that work?

#114427 by Tim
Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:13 am
He's busy at the moment.

#114433 by andjustinforall
Sat Mar 04, 2006 5:32 am
I saw SYL in Perth, Australia when I was only 16 :) Thank god for fake ID's that look nothing like me heheh. There was no way I was missing Devin and Co.!!!! I also got into 18+ Machine Head, Dillinger Escape Plan, Karnivool and Cog gigs under age. I consider myself lucky the bounders were so dumb. I suggest other under agers try using other people's ID's. You'd be surprised how little attention bouncers pay to the picture on ID's.

#114462 by hog
Sat Mar 04, 2006 2:24 pm
Devin personally doesnt ignore certain countries, if its not financially viable why would the booking agent book a tour that would run the band into an awkward situation?

I can see where your coming from, its frustrating but Im sure Dev and co would love to play Oz.

#114489 by CardDinour
Sun Mar 05, 2006 12:00 am
from my understanding, they would most likely come after the release of the next SYL album. but i am confident SYL will tour sometime this year. theyve been here enough times now to expect them again.

#114523 by Cav
Sun Mar 05, 2006 9:31 am
hog wrote:Devin personally doesnt ignore certain countries, if its not financially viable why would the booking agent book a tour that would run the band into an awkward situation?

I can see where your coming from, its frustrating but Im sure Dev and co would love to play Oz.

That's true, but the DTB still have enough followers here to make it worthwhile. We occasionally get SYL here in Perth, but I'm hanging out for the DTB to come, along with many others...

Come on you Perthites! Who wants to see the DTB hit our town?

#114608 by Vaark
Sun Mar 05, 2006 6:45 pm
Yeap, i highly doubt it would be good business to come to New Zealand, so i just wait for em to go to aussie.

#114639 by Fler
Mon Mar 06, 2006 12:17 am
Vaark wrote:Yeap, i highly doubt it would be good business to come to New Zealand, so i just wait for em to go to aussie.

seconded. to new zealand they must all come!

#114655 by HiPoCrAcY
Mon Mar 06, 2006 3:38 am
I think we will have to wait for after the new SYL is recorded, hopefully straight after! :)

#114844 by bloodredcurls
Tue Mar 07, 2006 2:37 pm
I don't think people really believe it, but Devin and the guys in both SYL and DTB really have nothing to do with booking tours, or deciding where tours go. This means they have no say as to what countries, cities or venues are played.
Those decisions are made cheifly by the booking agent that works for the label (in the case of SYL - that would be Century Media, and in the case of DTB - that would in most cases be Inside Out) and collaboratively with the promoters.
It's a sad fact, but most tours lose money. This means that the booking agents must take many factors into consideration when booking a tour. This means they usually stick to regions that are guaranteed to earn enough to cover expenses, planning a tour route that is financially feasible when considering travel costs, and sending the band to cities where the product is readily available and I suppose where they have a good shot at a 'full house' in the audience.
I think one must also consider that both bands are still growing, at least in the eyes of their respective labels, it may be a few years before they have the status that will allow them the luxury and opportunity to get to a position where their labels are willing to take huge financial risks to send them on huge extensive tours. Right now, in general, both bands are choosing to take on supporting roles on tours that have already basically been pre-booked for fellow artists. The only decision that they have to make is 'is the timing right and do we have the budget'?
That being said, brand new opportunities are presenting themselves for both bands everyday, and both bands have a momentum and fanbase that I think are enviable. I don't think it's out of the question that both bands will have many more opportunities of all kinds falling at their feet in the near future.
Finally, i think it's also important to consider that - as anyone can see, Devin is an extemely busy person. He puts out so many releases that I personally find myself dumbfounded by his energy and perseverance - but on top of that, he also keeps himself busy with producing.
So I know that he has to take his own scheduling and the schedules of Byron, Jed, Gene, Will, Brian, Mike, Dave and Ryan (who are also very busy with their own respective projects) into consideration when deciding to take on a tour or not.
All in all, I would bet that each one of the guys like getting out and playing... and would consider getting the chance to play for and meet audiences and members of the fanbase all over the globe is a dream and a blessing.
But I think everything considered, it's a bit of a daunting task - and all in all, the bands get themselves out there to the best of their current abilities.

#114869 by funny_little_guy
Tue Mar 07, 2006 8:38 pm
Whoa, now thats a post. However by now I think a lot of us do realise it's not up to Devin, it just doesn't make us wish here was here any less.... (emo crying noises)

#114903 by Biert
Wed Mar 08, 2006 4:26 am
Thanks for that post, it clears up a lot!

#114953 by Cav
Wed Mar 08, 2006 10:00 am
Yeah, don't mind us when we complain, what you said is absolutely right. Still bloody frustrating though sometimes :)

#115411 by Tracy
Fri Mar 10, 2006 4:24 pm
funny_little_guy wrote:As far as I can tell it's not up to Devin where he gets to tour, but god damn do I agree with you. Haha I missed out on seeing SYL last time there were here as I was too young for the gig, ever since then I've been waiting and waiting.... We should petition Inside Out or something I guess if we want to see The DTB, would that work?

Inside Out isn't the label for Aus. It's Roadrunner and likely all the petiitioning in the world won't get them to do it. Aus is not a great market for DTB. You love SYL but DTB is underappreciated. Now France, they love the DTB.

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