The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#77816 by Achilles
Sat May 14, 2005 12:00 am

...I was wondering, if you ever took some singing lessions. Your style is extremly COOL!!! And I can't figure out your vocal range (not including screaming). I was more interrested in your clean-voice range...

Thanx! :wink:
Last edited by Achilles on Fri May 20, 2005 2:25 am, edited 2 times in total.

#77819 by simen_88
Sat May 14, 2005 5:17 am
Hehe, I was just going to ask this question.

#77855 by Janne
Sun May 15, 2005 2:19 pm
Yeah! Interesting question. He is a very good singer/vocalist, but this is seldom discussed (other than when we're talking screams and other cool stuff).

So, has he had any training? Does anyone know?

And, I seem to remember hearing something about him pushing his voice to the point of throwing up (this would be around the "City"-years) - is there any truth to that at all?

#77857 by Burzum
Sun May 15, 2005 3:42 pm
I'm certain I've read him saying he never took singing lessons. In-fact, he doesn't even enjoy singing.

#77858 by simen_88
Sun May 15, 2005 4:06 pm
Judging by the way his voice turns in Room 429, I'd be surprised if he goes lower than an E

#77861 by Noodles
Sun May 15, 2005 5:05 pm
for some reason i think the biography that comes with Phyisicist mentioned singing lessons, either not taking them or taking them, but i'm too lazy to go find my cd ^_^

#77862 by thefillersweetcityjesus
Sun May 15, 2005 5:33 pm
I can't picture him taking lessons really, i tihnk hes just naturally awesome and singing...

but im sure he had some sort of formal training or self training programs... which is pretty much like lessons i s'pose

#77900 by EternalMetal
Mon May 16, 2005 10:56 am
Burzum wrote:I'm certain I've read him saying he never took singing lessons. In-fact, he doesn't even enjoy singing.

He doesnt enjoy singing ?! I love his vocals, i cant imagine him not liking it, as he is so amazing at it.

#77922 by ALieN
Mon May 16, 2005 7:32 pm
He likes screaming.. but now he's saying he's getting too old for all the screaming lol.. so he's gonna have to resort to singing all the time!

#77963 by Hellhammer
Tue May 17, 2005 11:16 pm
Well, hopefully he still has some more screams left in him. But I don't know which I like better, his clean vocals or his screams. Probably his clean since they just sound so good.

#77966 by Janne
Tue May 17, 2005 11:48 pm
For me, the thing I like with Devin's voice is how he keeps jumping between the two - even on the SYL-albums. As I see it, there are a lot of great screamers out there, and there are a lot of great singers. But very few have the capacity to be good at both. Devin, however, has that capacity.

It also fits well with the whole "concept" of his music, which has an ever ongoing struggle between sheer chaos and beautiful melodies. This becomes very clear on the SYL-albums, but it also shows on his solo stuff.

#77975 by bpeter
Wed May 18, 2005 4:18 am
I heard that he sang with his family on Christmas, when he was a child. He likes singing, and we like him,and want him to sing! :D

#78019 by King Ghidorah
Thu May 19, 2005 4:42 am
Dev sang in his school choir so thats a form of lesson i suppose, didnt he also used to sing while he was in a buchers? screaming his head off in the freezer... like a vocal rocky lol

#78046 by Janne
Thu May 19, 2005 11:39 pm
Maybe he got som training while singing with/for Vai?

#78070 by Achilles
Sat May 21, 2005 12:24 am
The thing about screaming... For example, JAMES HETFIELD was a natural screamer, and he was forced to change his style durig recordings of the "METALLICA" (a.k.a. "BLACK") album back in 1991, 'cause he pushed his voice to far (hard).

Vocal chords are human instrument, and they need some attention...

I've heard Devin's screams, and I don't think he could continue with his "rage-hate" style, without having damages to his throat... (" can't fight WAR without loosing blood...")

So I asked Devin if he colud give us some info on his vocal range... And I'm VERRRRYYY interrested!! What kind of warm-up does he use?

That' all for now... ;)

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