The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#87582 by Gossamer Wings
Wed Sep 07, 2005 8:38 pm
Forgive me - but why the hell is Dev's stuff not available on the itunes music store????

CD's can piss off as far as I'm concerned - and wouldn't it be a perfect opportunity for the people that haven't heard of Devin but are looking for something in that genre?? I mean - let's face it - Dev's not exactly mainstream and I imagine there are a hole heap of potential fans that just haven't come across him yet. Getting on the iTMS would be a great marketing tool for Devin - and could give exposure to those people that wouldn't normally come across him.

I understand that record deals and such can affect an artists ability to be on the store - but given that Dev owns his own label - there's nothing stopping him.

The future is digital. Devin - Get on the iTunes Music Store! Some sort of Devin promo as a new realease artist would be awesome. Think of the exposure!

#87600 by Blazingmonga
Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:15 am
It's definately something to consider, I would say. I guess it either boils down to money, time or whether (for whatever reason) Devin wants to be on such a site.

Though it seems reasonable as when was still hosting songs, there was a very good official HevyDevy page, which promo'd material from AE before the release.

Also, it should be noted that some MP3s are available for free download from, so thats one way of checking Dev out.

#87603 by geoff
Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:20 am
On the new HDR site we will post more songs and rarities. All in streaming to spare some bandwidth ... More stuff to come

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