Not a huge fan of sequels for albums. Queensryche is trying to do a sequel to Operation: Mindcrime as their final album and I'm sure it'll suck. They just don't have the same energy left after all these years.
Sequels for individual songs vary for the most part. Over 27 years, King Crimson wrote 4 parts for their instrumental Larks and Tongues In Aspic. The first two were on the 1973 album of the same name.
While part 3 was released in the 80's on the Discipline album when they we're trying to be new wave like Talking Heads. Part 3 was an after thought of electronic jibberish and nothing like the previous two songs.
Part 4 was released in 2000 and was more in line with overall theme. It was a heavy, drawn out rocking monster of a track.
I agree with Morfiend. Crimson II kicked a million asses. IMO, it topped the first one even.
However, seeing an Infinity +1, or a Ocean Machines would be a little bit unoriginal, and doesn't sound like something Dev would do.
However, seeing an Infinity +1, or a Ocean Machines would be a little bit unoriginal, and doesn't sound like something Dev would do.
"Hello, welcome to A & W. My name's Devin! Can I take your stinkin' order?"- Strapping Young Lad, S.Y.L.
since the albums are outlets for Dev's emotions/experiences i think it would really quite hard... i mean, it's nigh impossible trying to bring back exact emotions since emotions are a product of what is going on in your life at the time... mhnm...
and i'm not sure Devin would want to go through Infinity again
and i'm not sure Devin would want to go through Infinity again

no way dude...
that is certainly a bad idea. i think it would be impossible to make another infinity album or even a terria or ocean machine.
i think the albums that devy creates are spawned from a moment in time that would be impossible to re-create.
plus, if you are into movies at all...then you would know that sequels always suck. am i right or wrong on that one?
that is certainly a bad idea. i think it would be impossible to make another infinity album or even a terria or ocean machine.
i think the albums that devy creates are spawned from a moment in time that would be impossible to re-create.
plus, if you are into movies at all...then you would know that sequels always suck. am i right or wrong on that one?
"...Take me now
For life has lost its luster
I want to only hear
My pathetic, final breath
Take me home, oh sweet death..."
Chuck S.
(i used to be metalmaniraq.....shhhh!)
For life has lost its luster
I want to only hear
My pathetic, final breath
Take me home, oh sweet death..."
Chuck S.
(i used to be metalmaniraq.....shhhh!)
MetalmanIraq wrote:no way dude...
that is certainly a bad idea. i think it would be impossible to make another infinity album or even a terria or ocean machine.
i think the albums that devy creates are spawned from a moment in time that would be impossible to re-create.
plus, if you are into movies at all...then you would know that sequels always suck. am i right or wrong on that one?
OK, I agree about the Dev, but not about the movies... Empire Strikes Back ruled, Attack of the Clones ruled.... There are more examples, but I shant go into them now. But no, I wouldn't like to see any sequels to Dev albums because he's got to feel it, you know? We had a premature sequal to City in SYL (remember he said he wouldn't do another one unless he reallllyyyy realllyyy thought he could top City?) and that one wasn't worth sniffing at, so I'd rather wait for his next stroke of genius/flame of inspiration to carry him and his music into a new direction. The more the merrier.
my band:
i totally agree with ya greg on the movie thing...sorry aboot that.
but the thing with the syl albums is that, yes, he did say that he wasn't gonna make one until he could top city but then he also said (not exact words, no quotes here) that when 9/11 happened that he got really pissed and had to do another syl record for an outlet for the pussies that hit the u.s. with planes...terrorism=stupidity. i know, ive been fighting it for like 12 months here in baghdad...
anyways...have a good one.
but the thing with the syl albums is that, yes, he did say that he wasn't gonna make one until he could top city but then he also said (not exact words, no quotes here) that when 9/11 happened that he got really pissed and had to do another syl record for an outlet for the pussies that hit the u.s. with planes...terrorism=stupidity. i know, ive been fighting it for like 12 months here in baghdad...
anyways...have a good one.
"...Take me now
For life has lost its luster
I want to only hear
My pathetic, final breath
Take me home, oh sweet death..."
Chuck S.
(i used to be metalmaniraq.....shhhh!)
For life has lost its luster
I want to only hear
My pathetic, final breath
Take me home, oh sweet death..."
Chuck S.
(i used to be metalmaniraq.....shhhh!)
It's good to know that among the troops over there is at least one Devin fan...... I myself find it very hard to differentiate the occupation from covert terrorism, but this is not the venue for such a conversation, so I will zip my mouth..... I just pray that this whole war crap finishes soon. It's an indulgence of the rich that the poor unfortunately are forced to deal with.
my band:
day old male wrote:The case could definitely be made that AE was secretly a sequel to OM.
I think it's fair to say that Ocean Machine, Terria and Accelerated Evolution are all distant relatives.
The voice inside the piano says:
I may live at number 666 Beelzebub grove, but I still get milk delivered!
I may live at number 666 Beelzebub grove, but I still get milk delivered!
BLOYD wrote:However, while the DTB thing is cool I really don't wanna see it as a long term endevour...Devin Townsend "solo" is the stuff I like best.
correct me if im wrong, but DTB IS Dev Solo right?! he is just using a band to record the album and play it live with a standard line up.
sooo i ask you to elaborate on your statement, cos it doesnt make alot of sense ?
Originally Posted By Magical Man
We are a ****ed generation
Its CardDinooooooooour!!
Yes, that is correct, DTB is Devin solo. He has just found a new back up band for that stuff because that way SYL and DTB can rehearse sperately and also, I don't think that the SYL guys are ont he same musical page as Dev is... The whole incident with Jed knocking Info Dump says a lot.
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