The place to speak about Dev's current projects, and everything yet to come
#184611 by Roddy
Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:50 pm
Haven't really seen a topic on this, apologies if it HAS been done. Anyone know what the man himself listens to for inspiration? What his formative tastes were? I imagine early on he listened to fair amounts of Metal/progressive stuff, and maybe orchestral/soundtracks.
#184694 by AccEvolution
Thu Feb 26, 2009 7:20 am
I think I recall a few threads where he said he liked artists such as Ravi Shankar (Which is obvious, if you own Hummer), Paul Horn, Ulver, Meshuggah, Gojira, and Opeth. However, I'm sure that changes pretty often.

On a related note, I would give my left testicle to hear Dev and Kristoffer Rygg of Ulver collab. on something.
#184824 by Love of Socks
Fri Feb 27, 2009 10:39 am
Grotus are a biggie. He also spent alot of time praising Enya and gangsta rap last time I ran into him (which was admittedly three years ago).
#185072 by hog
Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:11 am
Devin and Kris Rygg are without a doubt my 2 favourite musicians. A collaboration? I would die and go to heaven
#185104 by Biert
Sun Mar 01, 2009 10:16 am
Roddy wrote:
scumgrief wrote:Zoviet France [ambient/dark ambient]

Dark ambient what?

Music ;)
#185158 by WizardJoe
Sun Mar 01, 2009 3:14 pm
Roddy wrote:
Biert wrote:
Roddy wrote:
scumgrief wrote:Zoviet France [ambient/dark ambient]

Dark ambient what?

Music ;)

Yeah, very amusing....


Dark ambient is a recognized genre of music.

I've read many times that Devin has been quoted saying that Meshuggah were the best band on the planet, and I'd not be one to disagree.
#185168 by Roddy
Sun Mar 01, 2009 4:30 pm
WizardJoe wrote:
Roddy wrote:
Biert wrote:
Roddy wrote:
scumgrief wrote:Zoviet France [ambient/dark ambient]

Dark ambient what?

Music ;)

Yeah, very amusing....


Dark ambient is a recognized genre of music.

I've read many times that Devin has been quoted saying that Meshuggah were the best band on the planet, and I'd not be one to disagree.

Yeah but it's not very specific. You can have dark ambient Metal. Dark ambient orchestral. Dark ambient electronic.......
#185192 by WizardJoe
Sun Mar 01, 2009 6:58 pm
"Dark Ambient" refers to a subgenre of the straight-up ambient genre; not really metal in the slightest. The "dark" subgenre comes from the fact that it is simply darker than normal ambient.

To describe further, take the band _Algol_ as ambient - next to no musical structure, just lots of location recordings and a few really light synths. Then take Lustmord's Heresy as dark ambient - a twisted, structureless journey through hell with no real instrumentation, just really fucked up cave recordings, monster noises and strange satanic sounding horns.

Hope that helps.

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